Wednesday 6 March 2019

A Downside

One of the (very few) drawbacks to living in the Yorkshire Dales is that there are quite a few rivers and we are not short of steep hills either.   The upshot of this is that when it rains the water pours off the hills down into the rivers.   The River Ure
(our river) is said to rise twenty feet in an hour and of course then the roads in and out of the dale become impassable. 

Tomorrow I am thinking of possibly going across the dale but I know that if I go and it then rains heavily and the river is high, there is always the possibility that I shall be unable to get back home.  Decisions, decisions.  I shall wait until morning and review the situation then.


  1. Not unlike Northern California.

  2. Do you have family or friends who could put you up if you did get stuck Pat?

  3. Unless it is essential, I wouldn't go.

  4. It looks like I may be passing through the Yorkshire Dales with my two sisters this coming August. We will be waving to you as we go!

  5. I think I'd stay home safe & warm too. You can always go on a day when it isn't raining.

  6. Don't take unnecessary risks. I am sure you will assess the situation before setting out. Stay safe.

  7. It was very blowy here last night, and if I was going out early I would definitely take my chainsaw. As I'm only going out at mid-day (for lunch), I expect everything will already have been cleared.

  8. Good advice stay at home and don't travel when the weather is bad. Our river is high at the moment it comes off Rosedale Moor, and they flood up pretty quickly.

  9. I have decided to stay at home. I would not be happy sitting eating my lunch the other side of the Pennines knowing I just might not get back. And no, Sue, I have no relatives I could stay with - it would have to be the hotel where we intended to have our lunch. I am sad
    but there will be another day.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Better safe than sorry, but then I am not of the intrepid kind. Hope the rain eases off for all your sakes.

  12. I quite like the idea of being cut off by flooded roads, but I am sure the reality is not good. Did you know that your verification system now requires me to tick on boxes containing pictures of traffic lights before it will let me in? This takes quite a while because you are given more than one set of pictures to click! In any case it doesn't work. I see you have the Mumbai escort agency advertising here! Please scrap it Weave!

  13. Stay home out of the rain and tackle a nice project you have wanted to do but haven’t had the time. xx

  14. So relieved you didn't chance it!!!!
