Friday 8 March 2019


I usually watch 'Antiques Road Trip' over my tea and today was no exception to that.   Suddenly there, on the screen, was an item which brought memories flooding back (this probably only applies to anyone over the age of seventy as the world turned full circle on its axis the day that the pill became available).

There on the screen were a pair of cinema seats covered in green velvet.   They had seen better days and the velvet was faded and worn in places.   But the thing that brought back the memories was the fact that they were what we used to think of as 'back row' seats.   Courting couples used to try to get to the cinema early enough to get one of these on the back row because the 'arm' between the seats would push up so that what began as two seats could be converted into one 'settee'  (much easier to do one's courting).   I can't count how many films I have not seen because we were sitting in one of these.  Sadly (or otherwise, depending upon one's point of view) that sort of 'courting' went out of fashion long ago, never  to

By the time the farmer came along, a couple of years  after my first husband passed away, I did get a taste of both ways of wooing -  but there was
a frisson in that first way  that sticks in the mind don't you think?


  1. I assume you mean a kiss and a cuddle in the back row?

  2. I am sure the same thing happens, just in different surroundings. I do remember the back row though!

  3. I have a vague memory of similar seats in one of our local cinemas, but I was young and naive and didn't know what they were "for"!! I seem to remember that the usherettes used to go and shine their torches on those back seats!!!

  4. P.S. If you watched Bargain Hunt on Thursday lunchtime it was the one from the Botanic Gardens that I was on, selling a child's potty chair!

  5. I remember the back row too - those were the days!

  6. Ah, fumbling in the back row with the smell of stale tobacco in the stagnant air. Can't beat it.

  7. Yes, we had them at the local Regal and I do recall sitting there a few times with my first real boyfriend - whom I'm still in touch with. We eventually were engaged and then I came to the States for supposedly one year to work and met my now husband! That boyfriend lives not too far from John Grey in Wales - I need to go visit them both, haha!

    Looks like all of us over 70 who grew up in the UK have the same lovely memories - they were such great times!

  8. I have similar memories of "back row seats" in the cinemas here in the states as well. I also remember this usher we called "Flashlight Freddy" that would walk around during the movie and shine his light on anyone making use of such seats!

  9. I don't remember the seats in the back, but they could have been there and I wouldn't have noticed. I do remember the ushers with flashlights. The movie theater near me now is so plush in comparison. The seats even recline a little. That probably causes a whole new set of issues for the poor ushers!

  10. Most of my 'courting' was done whilst attempting to dance. Both were usually pretty disastrous.

  11. I had a few of those "back row" nights - one arm behind the girl's head and the other, if you was lucky, inside her sweater. Just think what we could of achieved with today's cinema seating of black leather reclining seats!

  12. I had my first boyfriend really late and by that time didn't go to the cinema, we had other things to do *ahem*

  13. "both ways of wooing"? What's the other? I'm intrigued!

  14. Interesting and evident who lived in the days of those seats - Cro is probably nearest in telling what happened - considered really risque in thos days. Must say I don;t remember the usherettes with flashlights - probably too involved with other things!

  15. My sister in law has a row of 3 of these seats in her conservatory. She bought them at auction and has made a beautiful job of recovering them in a lovely dark red velvet.

  16. The earliest film I recall going to see, with my father, was Bill Haley in "Rock around the Clock". It was stopped halfway through when two rival gangs of Teddy Boys began a mass punch up.

  17. Frisson is the perfect descriptor.

  18. And here I thought kids still did that.

  19. Quite right Racel - torches indeed.
