Sunday 20 January 2019

Sunday morning.

It is almost eleven in the morning and Tess and I have just come back from our morning walk.   Contrary to what I expected, there is no sign of frost, the sky is a mottled blue with white puffy clouds and it is quite mild.   There is not a breath of wind.  I am going shortly to collect W to take her up to my other friend W's and then in her car we shall all three go out to our usual lunch venue.   Unfortunately friend C, who usually joins us, has been ill in hospital and although she is now out and on the mend, she is not up to joining us today.
If you read this C - get your strength back up, we shall miss you today.

After I get back home and take Tess for her walk again I will finish off this blog. 

Super lunch - we all had salmon with potatoes three ways and plenty of veg.   Delicious stuff.
After arriving home and before taking Tess out I had a quick wander round the garden.   It has been such a lovely sunny day and the temperature has been five - and with the  sun out it really felt like a Spring day -  I took a few photos of what is stirring in the garden.   It does the old heart good because, of course, it is nowhere near Spring yet.
So here you are - signs of Spring in a North Yorkshire garden:

Feels like a frost tonight.


  1. The weather certainly keeps us guessing these days. I often set off well wrapped up and arrive back home far too warm. Hope you had a lovely lunch - I'm sure you did.

  2. The weather here today has been really nice (see my blog), blue skies, sunshine but cold. Snowdrops and Aconites are in flower, daffodils and tulips are on their way.

  3. Your garden is lovely, apart from the steps I couldnt do! But it is coming along and do keep showing the progress. It is bitter cold here and hail, snow promised/threatened, all good for keeping bugs at bay.

  4. Wow! your crocus are early and such an unusual colour. I have snowdrops, hellebores and primula in flower but no crocus yet.

  5. Your garden is looking good, definite signs of spring which is my favourite season. Out walking today I spotted snowdrops in flower and the daffs are budding up nicely.

  6. Wow! Crocus and primrose in January. Unbelievable! -Jenn

  7. I hope your friend is feeling better soon.
    The weather here has been unpredictable this week. Not as cold as was originally forecast but I think it's supposed to freeze tonight. X

  8. Your garden is looking so lovely, especially for this time of year. Here in Cornwall all spring flowers and shrubs are well into flower and looking beautiful, evenings are getting much lighter, roll on evening gardening. Love your blog, keep up the good work & Thank you.

  9. Your garden is so pretty and this is early in the year! It does my heart good as well. Thank you for sharing pictures.

  10. Carol, you will see a really thriving Helleborus Niger in one of my photographs but sadly not a single flower on it yet.

    Thanks for your comments everyone. As Rachel says - February to come yet. But time marches on.

  11. Your garden is already looking so lovely this early in the year.

  12. Our hellebores are in a 'woodland' part of our garden and they are just beautiful today, we've a few crocus out, lots of daffs shooting up, and 2nd year tulips coming through in some pots. In West Wales, we are probably a week or so ahead of you - I read the other day that spring creeps north at walking pace!
    I know there's still months of winter left, but a bit of colour at least gives hope!!

  13. Your garden is so nice and neat - and it's wonderful to see flowers already. We got almost 15 inches of snow overnight o spring is a long way off here. Hope your friend feels better soon and is able to join you again!

  14. Nothing flowering here yet, other than my Abutilon (which is in flower permanently).

  15. Very hard frost here on Sheppey this morning (Monday).
    Been up since 04.30 watching the progress of the full moon as it was eclipsed and then turned orangey-red. Quite spectacular.

  16. I've yet to see any snowdrops or aconites. There was snow yesterday, and this morning I woke up to a very cold -6 Celsius. But it is sunny, and we've had a beautiful sunny day on Saturday, ideal for a long walk.
    Hope your friend makes a full recovery soon!

  17. Already I can see a huge difference in your garden from last year. It must be really exciting watching the results of all your planning and planting resulting in those healthy little clumps.
    Promises of a spring and summer filled with colour.
    Your snowdrops are lovely. I'm still struggling to grow any despite numerous transplants from next door!
    At last, after 16 years, I have a small clump going. Sue

  18. I went back to your photos again and see your hellebore in full leaf but no flower. I think that they don't produce flowers in the first year. Mine were in the garden already when we moved in 13 years ago and have since self seeded all around the garden. I have white ones and pink ones. The spots on the underside of the flowers are beautiful. I am sure that yours will perform next year and in a few years time you will have many more.
