Monday 21 January 2019


Yes, there is no need to remind me that there is still a long way to go before Spring, but so far today Tess and I have had two walks and on both there has been Spring in the air.   I believe that snow is forecast for later in the week but today is still and there is hazy sun.   Because there is no wind it doesn't feel particularly cold and many of the gardens on the estate are beginning to show crocus, violas, snowdrops and a suggestion that daffodils are on their way.   I feel distinctly upbeat.

If the colour of print has changed I apologise.  I have just put in a new yellow and I am pretty sure I have forgotten to pull off a tag somewhere along the way - I shall now wait for my son to call and he will put me right (it won't be the first time). (There is a point, around my age, when the emphasis changes between mother and son and who knows best (not that either takes any notice) but I am pretty sure I have reached that watershed.)

This morning the lady who cleans for me rang to say she wasn't well so I have given a cursory (very) clean through the bungalow (thank heaven for my cordless vacuum cleaner), the chiropodist has been,  worked magic on my feet and gone again, Tess has been walked, a birthday card has been written and posted (luckily there is a post box immediately opposite my front door) all e mails have been answered,  posts have been read, my post has been written and now just one admin job to do and that is it for today.

My policy this week is not to listen to the News.  It was advice from Rachel = and Rachel you will be pleased to hear that I am taking it.   Hopefully it will do wonders for my blood pressure.




  1. Presumably you won't be reading a paper either then. The news should always be taken with a pinch of salt, it's no bother then. I'm always amused when people say they don't watch, listen or read the news and yet they always seem to know about it and write about it.
    At 9.00 this morning it looked like it had snowed, the frost was that intense but it has been a beautiful, sunny day.

  2. Fog and frost here all day. Reading the newspaper is an altogether different experience to tv news and I am sure Weave will read her newspaper as usual.

  3. I wish I had a mail box that close.
    Please keep a hold on spring; don't lose it, don't let it get away. I think you are the only one holding the string. I am under four feet of snow.

  4. I like to think Spring is not far away - there were signs of daffodils on our walk at the weekend. Today, however, it is cold, dark and damp. X

  5. Today is a day definitely not to listen to the news. I sometimes wonder if what I am hearing is happening in some other universe.

  6. It sounds as if the weather in the north is better than down here. Your garden is further forward than the one here and it has been very cold again today.
    I have to call for help from my children at times but managed to sort out a power failure myself at the weekend. Feeling rather smug!
    I too have stopped listening to the news. It just makes me want to bang a lot of heads together, though I do sometimes wonder if we are told what is really going on.

  7. Seeing flowers in bloom at this time of year always lifts the spirits and I am one for always looking for the "first" wild flowers as they present themselves along the verges and hedgerows. There has been snow on the mountains and several villages locally above the snowline had a dusting but we are back to rain again now (still colder than I like though).

    My husband is a real newshound so I have taken to leaving the room or concentrating on my book - I am fed up to the back teeth with Brexit.

  8. The snowdrops in the wood near my home are also convinced that it's spring and are all now flowering, joining the small clump which are always early down by the river. I'm sure your house was a lot cleaner than mine even before your cursory clean. I hope your cleaning lady soon recovers.

  9. It was raining in Morecambe on Saturday afternoon but I didn't notice it. I thought the sun was shining. I saw my dear aunt who is my godmother. She's not too good on her pins. It was a surprise visit. She was expecting a plumber to fix the toilet. When she came to the door I said 'Can I come in out of the rain?' she flew to my arms. It was her birthday. Its good to make people happy.

  10. I'm glad you're having a run of good weather. A touch of Springtime always lifts the spirits!
    Joining you in a news fast. Just when I think things can't get worse or more disheartening, they do. Maybe actual Springtime will bring some uplifting news.

  11. Gwil - wish your aunt lived over this side of the country. Would love you to do that to me.

  12. I always love spring when it peeks through - can't wait, but until then I'll drink my nice hot tea and maybe have a slice of banana bread which I do my hand stitching. Our son and 7 year old grandson from West Virginia are coming Thursday for week - our DIL will be in Seattle at a librarian's conference so we won't see her as much - but we'll take what we can get. We haven't seen them in over a year. Hope your days continue springlike and sunny.

  13. I think we should all follow Rachel's advice; it's becoming ridiculous!

  14. The fact that it gets lighter each day is something to rejoice, all my primulas are flowering happily and snowdrops, wild and otherwise, are breaking the surface and flowering. You can't keep a good flower down!

  15. Hi again Pat, the last time we were in your neck of the woods they were getting ready for the Tour de France. What a headache! And then in Lancashire before I found calmness and a B&B with a view and a pub nearby.
