Friday 21 December 2018

Christmas cards.

I get such pleasure from receiving cards at Christmas.   Something to do, I think, with living in seven different places and making friends in each one.  My first husband and I were heavily involved in Early Music and played in a Group - harpsichord (virginals, which I played), recorders, crumhorns and the like.   It took up most of our spare time either practising or playing in concerts and I still have a lot of friends from those days who are only in contact at Christmas.   Sadly the list gets smaller as each year one or two die but I still look forward to hearing from those still going strong even though all the early instruments have been sold for well over twenty years as we moved North and my first husband returned to his first love - painting. 

 Painting meant that he met and got friendly with yet another group with another interest - and so another lot of cards is exchanged. 

Add to that all the old school friends, all the friends from  our teaching days, all my dear farmer's farming and Auction Mart friends, all the friends I have made living here in what is a very friendly village, my family - you will see that I am running out of space to put the cards.   But how good it is to receive them and to read maybe a couple of lines about how things are with them.   Keep up to date, revive old memories (some of them almost eighty years old!) and bring to bear the real spirit of Christmas.

Happy Christmas to you all.


  1. I love Christmas Cards.
    This year my cards are so very late late late but I am sending then. It has been a very trying last 4 months.
    Just got my tree which is the other things I love about Christmas.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  2. There were three more in today's mail, and two yesterday, and several the days before - I think I wrote about 18, which is probably a lot less than what you write, but the sideboard in my living room is completely covered in cards now! Good job I only had to move the one vase that usually sits there, and not a lot of clutter.
    My Mum usually sticks her cards to long red ribbons which run down the wall, so that the cards are well displayed but do not take up much space.
    Yes, it is always wonderful hearing from so many people we do not get to see often - if at all.

  3. I agree. I write over 70, having lived in four different places, each for a long enough period to have made lasting friends. I love hearing about people’s lives and it’s always sad when a name slips inevitably from the list.

  4. Most of the cards I receive are from friends in the two book discussion lists I've been involved in for over twenty years now...And I've met lots of these people in person, too. I love getting the Christmas cards and putting them up.

  5. Better the cards than the annual pensioners newsletter with its obituaries. I always check to see if I'm on the list.

  6. Enjoy these last days before Christmas Pat. Merry Christmas to you!

  7. Wow, you've certainly had a musical history and brilliant that even now you are still maintaining it - well done.
    As for Christmas cards, they're not something that I get excited about.

  8. I love to send and receive cards, but sadly I seem to get fewer each year as people bother less and less with them, preferring,instead, to send their good wishes via social media. X

  9. The cards we receive are much less nowadays. As people have said more and more on social media. I too have done that as I have made friends far and wide on facebook and do not know their home address. But also have sent off my home made cards with a photo of one of my paintings. This year a nearby lighthouse with FC and Reindeer in the beam from the lighthouse. Its fun.

  10. I have only gotten two cards this year. Hmmm....

  11. I envy you your Christmas cards. Good for you for keeping up with it!

  12. As you say, the list gets shorter as the years pass by, but I still get cards from people I knew 40 or 50 years ago though we are likely never to meet up again, but so nice to keep in touch at Christmas.

  13. I enjoy your reflections on life. Season's greetings.

  14. Most of my 'cards' now come in the form of Emails, with instructions to print, and fold, so that they can then sit somewhere. However, I do seem to have plenty of Snail Mail cards this year too.

  15. One wonders what the virginals would have thought about the ukulele!

  16. I send and receive far fewer cards than I used to, but still enjoy propping them up around the place. Today will be the day for bringing in greenery from the garden, holly and eucalyptus to make the house smell wonderful, and it's dry and sunny, so that always helps! Still some wrapping to go, but I'm starting to look forward to it now.

  17. I love to get Christmas cards - especially when they have a note or letter in them! Merry Christmas to you to .

  18. I too send and love receiving a lot of cards. Family and friends that live far away gives a yearly chance to catch up. I use gold ribbon hanging down (tacked to the wooden picture rail) to hold my cards. I attach them with sewing pins. They make up part of the Christmas decorations for me. After Christmas I always turn my cards into gift tags for the following years.

    Wishing you and your commenters a Happy Christmas and New Year.

  19. Just too many things I could comment on here to answer them all! John made me smile with his comment on virginals versus ukulele.

    Thanks to you all. x

  20. I did not receive as many cards this year -- and many arrive with just a photo card and no words. Not even signed. I sent out over 60 cards this year -- with a letter and personal note. I send them because I love to receive them.

    Happy Christmas to you. Enjoy those cards.

  21. Pat received your Christmas card today! Love it! Its so pretty! I have every Christmas card i have ever received for the last 30 years... I love them and will occassionally go thru them reminiscence. So many people don't want to exchange cards anymore ... the old ways are dying ... makes me sad.Merry Christmas Pat!!!!Hugs! deb

  22. I still send some cards or Christmas letters though try to respond in kind, so make it emails or texts if people have transferred to those. I do like cards made from people’s own photography, and cards with some points of news or connection. And I do think CARE cards etc are great to give and receive to share the bounty some of us have.

  23. Merry Christmas Pat,hope you have a lovely day with your friends,

  24. I like getting cards; I think everyone likes to feel remembered. One of my favourite TV comedy sketches is a Christmas episode of Rising Damp when Mr Rigsby is sitting in his kitchen opening a Christmas card that the postman has just delivered. He screws up his eyes as he tries to make out what it says on the card, before giving up, and saying, 'I can't even read my own writing any more!' Happy Christmas!
