Thursday 20 December 2018

Grey day

A very grey, very wet day here today.  Mood swings are inevitable I am afraid.

The Jeremy Corbyn 'stupid woman' / 'stupid people' row which has broken out today in the House of Commons is just another nail in the coffin of common sense whatever the truth.   I, in common with a large majority of the population of this country I suspect, am heartily sick and tired of the whole thing.    The millions of words that have been wasted - not to speak of the money that has been spent - while crises in areas like the NHS, education, universal credit, wait for answers.

 Future generations will look back on this time in the governing of our country as either a farce or a disaster, depending on one's point of view.   Now, today, Brexit has been driven from being the News
Headlines by a drone disrupting flights at Gatwick and other airports - a problem, according to a chap I heard speaking on the news this evening - which has been gathering probability for some months and was forseen.   All we need now is leaves on the railway lines and it will truly be Christmas.


  1. Things must be the same the world over. I have a friend who never watches the news, only scans a local newspaper a bit. She's probably a much happier and calmer person than I am! I'm foolish enough to watch the evening news nearly every day and afterward wish I hadn't. How do adults with fine educations get so weird in their thinking, in their warped perceptions of things. Common sense doesn't seem to exist anymore.

    It's a cold gray day where I am, too. That always seems to make things worse. Maybe we should all take a vacation from watching or reading the news. Thanks for the opportunity to help you vent - now, let's everyone be happy and enjoy a nice weekend before Christmas.

  2. I agree with you. It is happening all over the world. It is like everyone has gone crazy. Many are leaving their country and going to countries that cannot afford them and then the countries leaders are fighting for tidbits and not really looking at the things that need attention. I do believe that the people leading our countries think we are stupid and do not really see what is going on. However it is quite a show, temper tantrums and all.

  3. I wouldn't worry too much about the politicians; they've all gone off on their holidays whatever the problems might be. Not such stupid men or women after all.

  4. It is rather astonishing - and not in a good way. I am so tired of the whole Brexit drama which takes away time and funds from pressing matters such as the NHS or the continuing cuts to other services. At least I have now got settled status and don't need to feel stressed about being sent away from what has been my home for 19 years. Fingers crossed that there won't be any leaves on the rails, or anything else. Have a good Friday when it comes.

  5. I do not watch the evening news. I watch the early morning local news that gives a quick look at what is happening. I only watch some of the morning national news on CBS, no CNN for me. Then is is no more news for me. Most of it is rehashed anyways.
    Bright sunny day here and too warm. We might get some rain Christmas night. I hope so.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  6. A German reporter who has been 'making up' news for a top selling news magazine 'Spiegel' was awarded a 'Journalist of the Year' prize by CNN in 2014. The man has at long last now been exposed as a pedlar of fake news. This kind of nonsense is I'm afraid is rapidly becoming the new normal. These news magazines and news reporting awards affect public opinion. Personally I don't believe anything I read anymore until I've checked the facts. I always remember the BBC reporter telling the world and myself that Building 7 had collapsed on 9/11 when in fact it was still standing and in fact in clear view behind her. It didn't fall down until nearly half an hour later. That incident was a warning flag and signal not to believe what they tell you without checking other sources. If ever there was a lesson in the illusion of news reality that was surely it. More recently there was the case of a so-called gas attack by Assad in Syria which was promulgated by all the big name news channels. Unfortunately an honest reporter Robert Fisk of the Independent was swiftly on the spot and debunked the whole story as a charade. And so it goes on. Believe the news if you will. All are free to disagree. But remember this: Who controls the news controls the people.

  7. I can't remember a time when I was so exasperated by the way our government wastes money. No wonder so many vital services face cuts from every quarter. They should all be ashamed and try to work together for the good of the country instead of squabbling among themselves.
    I hope tomorrow will be a brighter day for you and raise your spirits. To help further, my advice would be to stop watching the news and reading newspapers!

  8. I hope you get some sunshine to lift your spirits soon. Nothing to be done about the politicians, I'm afraid.

  9. He so obviously said "stupid people" it's unreal. Who cares, because either version is true. 4.2 billion wasted on no deal preparations to scare people

  10. You mentioned future generations looking back on this time in history. I have often thought about that in regards to the whole world. It seems that recent years have seen contagious cases of political stupidity or at the very least the extreme lack of common sense in many countries.

    I hope you are able to enjoy the coming days of this holiday season and stay warm!

  11. Something good will come of it, I think.

  12. 2018 will probably go down in history as one of the worst years since the war - unless it gets worse.

  13. I agree with Tom. Now I'm leaving.

  14. Well said Weave. Where's Guy Fawkes when you really need him!

  15. Cro got it right, we need another Guy Fawkes, this time successful.

  16. Sunny and mild here yesterday, high winds and thick clouds bringing more of the badly needed rain today.
    Alexander Gerst, my favourite astronaut, returned to Earth yesterday. On November 25th, he recorded an apology to his grandchildren (he does not have children yet), saying that he was sorry for the bad state in which our generation will hand this beautiful planet to the next, and expressing his hope that we'd still manage to get it right at least in part, and that the generation of his grandchildren would be wiser and treating their home planet better.
    Something all astronauts remark upon when they are asked what it is like to look at Earth from outside is the fact that you see no borders - you see just the ONE planet with its very fragile thin veil of atmosphere. From that perspective, all such things as Brexit and Syria and immigrants are even harder to understand.

  17. "We live in interesting times" Nothing like an old quote to make you sob even more ;)

    Happy Solstice Pat.X

    The light will return!!!

  18. I think all politicians should have to sit an enntrance exam to qualify especially a morality test and budgeting. All these expenses they run up - they seem to think everything is done in billions when they come into office!!
    As Librarian mentions above we should make protecting our beautiful earth our main priority otherwise no one will be living anywhere in the future - everything we have will be gone. It feels a bit like we are living in Old Testament times and destroying what has been given to us to look after through our many vices.
    Having said all that - hope you feel brighter today - don't let the news get you down - there are many unreported people doing good deeds at the same time.

  19. In answer to the Librarian, after two dry winters here and a dry one to start, we have now had all the rain we need recently, unfortunately it still keeps coming.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Not a lot could be worse than the 1914-18 war and the 1916 conscription call up. The men that were lost changed an entire generation and changed it forever.

  22. I'm sure it will all come out in the wash" as my Granny used to say! Have you been watching "The Yorkshire Farm"? It has cheered me up in these dark days before Christmas. Such a resilient and lovely family and the way Amanda copes with 9 children and all the farm work has me totally in awe of her

  23. What Tom saId. As far as keeping up with it all, it's almost become a choice between being well-informed and miserable or ignorant and happy...

  24. It could be worse, we could have Trump.

  25. Wise and varied comments here - all well worth the read. Thank you all.
