Thursday 22 November 2018


What a busy week it has been - every day has been jam-packed - still it is better than having nothing to do isn't it?   Friend W and I had a pleasant lunch out as she is unable to go out for our usual Friday lunch tomorrow.  We each had a seafood platter -fish cake, salmon goujons and scampi with a basket of chips, and a really good salad.  We finished off with a cup of coffee each and it set us up nicely for the afternoon.   In fact at a quarter to eight I still haven\t eaten anything as I feel full.

Tess had an extra-specially long walk this afternoon with PetPals and has been asleep in her bed since coming back - her tea on the kitchen floor is uneaten as I write.

Tomorrow I have an electrician calling to discuss putting an outside light over my front door.   There is a light on the corner of the bungalow but outside my front door is quite a big step and it is not all that easy to get in and out of the front door in the dark unless you know exactly how things are.   So yet another job to be done - but necessary.



  1. Do you have a rail up the side of the steps? That can be helpful too. Our washing machine is refusing to work....Always something.

  2. Jill no rail as there is a path along under the windows but worth thinking about thank you.

  3. It's always good to have well lit steps. I find I avoid steps if possible and always like to see where I am going.
    I enjoy having a busy week but then I'll look at the calendar and see blank spaces ahead and think - Oh good. A few days to myself!

  4. After living here for 33 years I finally got my outside lights this year and it is so much better when we arrive home in the dark.

  5. Safety first, above all else, the most important! I sound just like my therapists, don't I!

  6. Winnie wishes she was there for the workman

  7. Thursday: I spent all morning changing the ballcock in the loo. Such things look so simple when you buy them, but turn out to be a nightmare. I fixed it in the end!

  8. A busy week indeed, but no "jobs" done on my side before and after work, except for a spot of ironing on Wednesday.
    Good idea to have a light above your front door. We have one, but to switch it on, you have to pass in the dark along the house in front of mine and then find the switch in the dark. Not much of a problem, as "dark" in the city is never completely dark and those who live in the house know the path very well, but it can be difficult for evening visitors who are not familiar with the layout.

  9. Make sure to have an outside light with a sensor so that it comes on when it sees you coming.

  10. Not to be left out, I bought a new light bulb for my workshop yesterday and climbed a ladder to fit it. I dropped it on the concrete floor.

  11. Thanks everyone for the safety advice. See Friday's post for more info.

  12. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing.

  13. I love reading your post.Keep on sharing.

  14. Really, it's a nice story. Keep it up.
