Friday 23 November 2018

An outside Light.

Contrarily it is the very dark nights over the past week that have shown up just how dangerous it is outside my front door.   I do already have a movement sensitive light on the corner of the bungalow and that shows up the path to the front door.   What I need now is a light on the wall by the door itself which I can switch on to order either when someone rings the doorbell or when someone is about to leave the house.   It does not need to be movement sensitive.    What it needs to do is to show up the dangers of the step down on to the path itself.

 When the electrician came to assess the work he told me that the wiring in the bungalow is really unsatisfactory.   I can't explain why = it is all too complicated but it has resulted in my asking him to check it all over, replace the fuse box and do anything necessary.   Another job needing to be done.   Each time I start a job I find that more needs to be done.  Hopefully it will be done before Christmas.

Just for fleeting moments today the sun came out 
and each time the mist miraculously melted away.  What a difference the sun makes.   It was suddenly brighter and warmer.   Then it all went again.

Is anyone else in the UK watching 'Inside the Foreign Office'?   I am and am finding it interesting but I can't help wondering  whether it is really possible to make such a programme without the characters acting rather than being their real selves when put in front of a camera.   Some of the remarks they make don't altogether ring true to me.   Maybe I am too cynical.   If you are watching it what do you think to it?


  1. Do you need to get a second opinion on the electrics? They may not be perfect but may be adequate.It has been a cold and damp day here in North Wales.Give me cold and sunny anytime.

  2. We have the old fashioned fuse box with wire. Its been referred to on a couple of occasions but it still works, never blown once. So we carry on. Unless you know your electrician I would go for a second opinion also. Weather here seems to be settling down now. But definitely winter.

  3. Pat, there are many good solar lights, bright enough to light your path and all they take is a push into the ground. I have many. Donna@gather

  4. Thanks for the advice. I know my electrician well and feel safe with his advice. Also I really need a wall light very close to my front door. My daughter in law is quite handicapped and walks with crutches. Getting over my threshold and down the step on a dark night is very difficult and so the light needs to be right there to help her. Several able-bodied friends have almost fallen - it is certainly not safe in the dark.

  5. I am glad you can rely on your electrician as rewiring any part of a house can be an expensive job. It will be reassuring to get your electrics checked and made safe if necessary. I hope he can get your outside light fixed soon especially as it gets dark so early now.

  6. So glad you are upgrading your front entrance lighting. I have gone abject coward this winter over things I have just dealt with in the past. Light up every nook and cranny of those steps!

  7. If you don't have a large home supply store near you perhaps you can shop online for what might help with lighting your front door and steps.
    They make battery operated lights,a remote control device is included with some. That way you could put the light where it will illuminate the area that concerns you, & not need wiring installed (until your electrician begins whatever other work you have planned).

  8. Be careful about home improvements on the advice of tradesmen Weave, no matter how well you know them.

  9. Do be sure this is an electrician you can trust....don't want anyone being dishonest with my friend. I have not seen the show you mentioned but there are several BBC shows I do enjoy when I can find them. I also adore the British Christmas commercials for Heathrow and Jon Lewis.

  10. Hope the lighting works out for you. I have several solar ones.
    Lighting at night is really needed.

    cneers, parsnip and badger

  11. Leaving my brother's after Thanksgiving dinner last night was a bit harrowing as the porch light was out. I had to use my mobile's light function to see. My bro told me that the landlord determined there was an electrical problem, but it doesn't need fixing. A bit miserly of the landlord I thought.

  12. No more to add to the advice you've already been given Pat. As for the sun, I could really do with a dose of it but it doesn't look likely for a few more days here, just damp and cloud.

  13. Fiat Lux! Let there be light.

  14. When I left work yesterday at 5:00 pm, it was pitch black. Occasionally, I have also had to use the torch function on my mobile phone, but it is impractical as it leaves you with only one hand free to carry something, or pull a key out etc.
    A few drops of rain fell here over night - not enough, but better than nothing! There was actually a proper rainy day foreacast for today, but unfortunately, the clouds have moved away already, and I'm afraid it will be another sunny, dry weekend. On the other hand, I have planned to clean my windows today - it might start to rain as soon as I have finished!

  15. Not watching the Foreign Office - I am sure they would hide the 'omnishambles' that no doubt exists. Lesley

  16. I think spending money on the electrician is a good idea, just for the checking. As for lights, definitely on the front porch and also the switch inside. Our light outside the front door is automatic as is the side. The other by the back door is switched on from inside, and the garage light is evil, fiercely lights up the drive. Too many lights but Paul says it is security.

  17. I think if you know and trust your electrician you can take his advice but still take it a step at a time. The priority appears to be a simple porch light which can be turned on and off just inside the door. Good lighting on steps is vital!
    I’ve been watching the foreign office documentary and it seems the civil servants work hard and with expertise while the Foreign Secretary as mouthpiece has to be kept under tight control!

  18. I have been watching the programme about the foreign office too. I have the impression that it is with civil servants, who toil away anonymously behind the scenes for years as successive governments come and go, that the real power lies. With all the chaos in our national politics at the moment I find that a very comforting thought!

  19. Best thing about The Foreign Office is Plamerston the cat who lives there

  20. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing.

  21. It is odd the electrics situation was not brought up on your home survey when you bought the house as it was not that long ago. Surely this would have been picked up at the time in the report?
    My Dh worked with Civil Servants for a number of years on jobs he has a lot of time for them - they always told him that people think that Yes Minister was a comedy program but it was actually a documentary!!

  22. Home surveys are not compulsory in the UK. It is the mortgage companies, the lenders, who demand them. Cash buyers rarely bother.

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