Wednesday 21 November 2018


It is the sort of cold today that gets right through to your bones.   Central heating full on all day and still I am cold.   How I miss my old Aga and my wood burning stove now that I have moved into my 'modern' bungalow.   I really don't think I shall ever get used to it when really cold days descend on us.

It is the day when friend S takes Tess for her walk.   Tess so looks forward to it and goes wild with excitement when she hears S at the door.   She always comes back tired and hungry, eats her tea with gusto and settles down to sleep in her basket.

I would like to settle down to sleep early tonight in my bed because last night my God-daughter stayed and we stayed up quite late talking together and then got up at crack of dawn as she had an hour's drive to work and had to be there for eight thirty.   Luckily, as she had to drive 'over the tops'
to get here the weather was not as bad as we feared - sleet and wet snow but that's all.

A pleasant afternoon today with a couple of friends calling and an hour's chat over a cup of coffee - what could be better on a cold, miserable afternoon?


  1. Always have a rug or shawl handy to put around you, and also sit with a h.w.b. at your back, this really helps keep the chill, even in a centrally-heated house, at bay.
    Margaret P

  2. Wool tights and wool socks over the top, and slippers keep me warm. If my feet are warm then the rest of me is warm. The top half layer may also be two jumpers as well. Tonight I am in three layers. It is already a frost outside. Nothing worse than being cold, I hope you can get yourself warmer.

  3. I can remember those adverts for paraffin heaters on tv. I think it was called Aladdin. Kept us going through some bitter cold winters. We used to have one in the hall at the bottom of the stairs in cold weather. Just the job. Maybe a bit dangerous if you've got a dog or small children though. Keep warm, Pat!

  4. A visit with friends and a good natter is so warming, especially with some good laughs. Next week I must try it.

  5. Similar here. Yesterday rain and sleet with a biting Easterly. Some Sunshine today but I see the temperature outside is now rapidly approaching -1C

  6. I guess fitting a wood burner would be a lot of mess and work and then you would have to clean it out and etc etc but there is no alternative as good! Stay warm.

  7. I always feel the cold that bit more when the air is damp. Wrap up warm and cuddle up with Tess. X

  8. A hot cup of coffee sounds great!

  9. Years ago I made two patchwork lap quilts, one for my mother and the other for her sister. I'm not sure that either of them were used, but I have inherited them and find either of them just the thing on very cold days when I can't get warm. I also have a good selection of cardies and sweaters! Hope you have your own way of feeling snug.
    It felt quite raw down here this morning but then, it is supposed to at this time of year. We were spoilt with that gorgeous summer and autumn.

  10. I always feel worse in the damp cold weather - I have a thick jumper and socks on as well as the heating!

  11. I like a nice cup of hot cocoa with a shot of vodka in it to keep me warm. Works a treat.

  12. I am not sure how the wood burner/ kitchen Aga works to keep you warm in the house. only kitchen maybe ?
    How do you stand a hot kitchen in Summer ? I will have to Google this.
    I hope by the time you read this you are warmer.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  13. Hugs and holding can also be warm. Glad your friends come with their kind words.

  14. I would have expected a 'modern bungalow' to be thick with insulation. Have you checked the loft?

  15. Like you, I have difficulties getting (and keeping!) warm when it is damp cold. My flat gets nice and warm, since we had the walls well insulated 10 years ago. But I still want my favourite blanket on the settee to snuggle under in the evenings, and have an extra blanket on top of the duvet at night.
    Do you have a bath tub or only a shower? If I had a bath tub, I'd be in that nearly every night, and then straight to bed!

  16. Blimey, CH on all day, wool tights with wool socks and two or more jumpers, blankets over duvets - does make you wonder how soft we have become and how we survived through proper cold winters with just a coal fire and no CH when we were young. Personally, my CH only comes on for an hour in the morning and two hours in the evening and when I walk round the marsh early morning I wear the proper clothing, that's not to say I don't get cold.

  17. I am warm Derek, my heating has only been coming on same as yours, and then only since two weeks ago. It is easy to keep warm with the correct clothing and like you, I don't get cold. I am puzzled as to why Weave is cold. I hoped the clothing hints might help

  18. Glad to hear that Rachel, hope you stay warm, been enjoying your blogs recently. In fairness to Weave, perhaps she might be able to answer your question.

  19. It may well be something to do with my age (86) Rachel and Derek. I don't move around all that quickly. Also I think it has something to do with damp days like today when it has been wet and foggy all day as well as only one degree above freezing. My bungalow is very well insulated. The loft is floored in and there is a thick layer of insulation between the ceiling and the loft floor. Once the sun is out in the day time the whole place retains residual warmth in the evening - but no such luck today. Several layers of clothing on too - thermal vest, extra thick M and S winter sweater..fur lined boots still on. Just beginning to feel warm!

    Thanks for all you comments and tips for keeping warm.

  20. I hope you have a warm pair of sleepers and can relax Weave.

    Thank you for the reply to my comment Derek.
