Tuesday 26 June 2018


Tuesday afternoon and my lovely visitors have set off back to Hull to board the overnight ferry bound for Rotterdam and their home near Amsterdam.   The weather during their short stay has been wonderful - pure wall-to-wall sunshine every day.
The bedclothes are now drying on the line in the sunshine - whether I shall have the energy to iron them when I fetch them in I doubt - although maybe later tonight when it is a little cooler. 

Some visitors are a chore but F and R, dear friends of many years standing (we met on a holiday on the Hurtigruten some years ago), are a joy to be with and we have just had  a couple of very relaxing days together.   Yesterday we had a drive through Wensleydale and back through Swaledale, over the Buttertubs and with a call at the Wensleydale Creamery en route.   This morning we drove into Leyburn so that they could buy  me a shrub in memory of the farmer.   We chose  a Weigela and they bought a pot for me to put it into because it is to go in the part where the marestail is.   Eventually.

Last evening my gardener came and sprayed off the marestail.   So far there is no change in how it looks but we must keep our cool and press on.   Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that.

Midges here are torturous and my head and face are badly bitten - all along my hairline and underneath the sides of my specs.   I do hope the end of this hot spell is in sight- I hate to be 
churlish but we just don't go together.

Back to normality tomorrow whatever that is.


  1. Such a nice gesture of your guests, buying a plant in memory of the farmer.
    It's nice to have guests but with some I feel more relaxed than with others. Don't you?
    I hope the midges soon disappear.

  2. So pleased your friends' visit was such a success. I am struggling with this weather even though I long for the summer. When it comes like this my body wants to shut down! At least I haven't got midges to contend with - that must be awful.

  3. Oh dear Pat, can't believe you want to see an end to this wonderful weather after such a long, cold and wet Spring. The dryness is a pain but other than that it's fabulous. So much enjoyment from being outside and not being laden down with wearing lots of clothes, washing that dries in minutes on the line, scenery that looks fabulous all day long, light till 10.00 at night, etc. etc., so much better than going on about politics and football.

  4. I could do without Summer and be perfectly happy... I could live in perpetual Spring and Summer BUT then perhaps if we didn't have Summer and Winter we would not appreciate Spring and Fall as much.. lol I like my daytime temps in the 60's and 70's F and nights in the 40's and 50's.... thats perfect weather for me.. We have alot of humidity here in Arkansas that doesn't help matters... And the breeze seems to disappear at the worst possible times..And everything is still and dripping humidity and you feel you can barely breathe.. So i live for Fall and hope every year that it comes early.. lol The pinecones are falling out of the pine trees onto my deck.. So every few moments i hear one drop and hit.. But i won't complain as some people have oak trees around their home and i hear the acorns hit their roof and it must be so annoying to them.. I'm glad to hear you had a nice visit!!!! Hugs! deb

  5. Weave. this spring and summer are so cold. My nose never will be warm; I'll never be out of my jacket.

  6. Glad you had a good time. Some visitors as you say can be hard work. There used to be an Avon product that wasnt intended to be a midge repellent but was. I will try and remember. I think it was a sunscreen but will check. My skin is too thick!

    1. The Avon product is called Skin so Soft...we bought some before we traveled to Scotland from Florida a few years ago.

  7. I am wondering about the name of your blog. Do you really weave grass? Into what?

  8. Don't know what midges are, never had experience of them here. Hot and dry and enjoyable in Norfolk.

  9. Oh Rachel - must be the sea air that keeps midges away.
    Sandi - I used to weave stories about farm life when the farmer was alive and we lived on
    the farm - hence the name 'grass'.
    Thannks for the tip - I had forgotten Skin so Soft.
    Derek - I.m just not a hot weather person.
    It is just after ten o'clock and the sky outside my computer room window is streaked with pink and looks so beautiful.

  10. I thought Midges were a Scottish speciality. Like Rachel I've never experienced them; we have huge Hornets instead!

  11. Here on Sheppey, with the sea all round us, we still suffer from midges during the summer, nothing like Scotland but we do suffer them. We also have malarial mosquitoes and a century or so ago people living out on the marshes and suffering from malaria, used to say that they were suffering from "the ague".

  12. No midges here in Essex than heavens. I'm finding it hard enough with the high pollen count and my itchy eyes and congested nose! Hope the spray works on the mares tail. .

  13. We get the occasional mozzie but so far I have not been plagued by them at home, just got the occasional bite when out on muggy afternoons in a beer garden on weekends.
    I like all seasons and would not want to live in a place without that change; winter is my least favourite, as I am not very good with cold, wet and dark, but I like the cosiness that season offers at home.

    Your description of the time spent with your friends sounds wonderful. I am glad they had the chance to visit and you the possibility to accomodate them! A visit to the Wensleydale Creamery is always a good idea.

  14. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit. And it was a kind gesture of your friends to purchase a shrub in memory of your lovely farmer. X

  15. Hornets/Midges/ Malarial mossies/ wasps - all have wings and I try to avoid if I can.
    Thanks for your comments - nice to be back - it is early and I am trying to get all the
    moving about jobs done before it gets any hotter. Keep cool.

  16. Keep cool - not much choice here on Sheppey with grey clouds flooding in off the sea on a chilly NE wind - what heatwave.

  17. We had midges on the last day in Scotland, miserable little creatures. Guests gone, time to relax though the weather is very hot.....

  18. Wow, I seem to have solved that, sorry for using you. I have been following your exploits and disappointed not to be able to post, hopefully back to normal. Hear the extremely hot weather continues in the UK, hope you and Tess are coping.
