Wednesday 27 June 2018

Another day of heat.

It is a well-known fact the extreme heat and the over eighties are not good bed fellows.   For this reason I am doing virtually nothing and largely staying indoors now that my visitors have gone.   My arthritis is made worse by the heat, the midges seem to think I am a special feast laid on especially for their delectation and my garden stares at me demanding water.   I am just trying to stay on an even keel until the temperatures come down a little (destined to do so in the East of the country within the next day or two hopefully).

Football does not interest me, although I do like the idea of a World Cup because I think it does wonders for International relations - and so far there has been a good atmosphere in Russia so long may it continue.   Rachel's daily reports on the matches are enough to keep me up to date - so thanks for those Rachel. 

On the garden front my Marestail seems to be losing its greenness so I presume the weed killer is beginning to take effect.   Friends who took Tess for a walk this afternoon told me they had been to look at a garden at a stately home where Marestail was everywhere.   They asked how they coped with it and were told the gardeners just keep top side of it by digging it out whenever they see it.   This has cheered me up no end.

We now have a huge 4 mile wide fire raging across Saddleworth Moor above the city of Manchester. Moorland which consists of mile after mile of heather growing in peaty soil which can hold the heat and keep burning underground for months.   It obviously needs days of very heavy downpour but nothing to suggest such weather in the forecast.    Now the army has been called in to help.   Residents in the surrounding area must be very worried.   Why do periods of this kind of weather always seem to end with some kind of tragedy?


  1. Saddleworth Moore is a worry, the wildlife must be suffering terribly.

    My mum similarly watches herself in the hot weather. Although doing nothing comes very easy to her!

  2. Well as I'm only 71 next week, possibly I have ill effects from the heat yet to suffer, at the moment I suffer a lot more from cold weather and as I have always done, I enjoy the heat and the sun, perhaps it's because I was a summer baby. Could do without the cold N. wind though, people were sitting on the beach today with their coats on.
    I agree with Simon, must of been a huge loss of wildlife on the moor.
    I guess writing sports reports are another way of filling a blog.

  3. Saddleworth Moor means only one thing to me, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley and the 1960s, black and white tv, and police digging for bodies.

  4. I agree with Rachel on this one re Saddleworth Moor. But the people living near who have had to be evacuated or wear masks. Feel for them too. Skin so Soft by Avon was the insect repellent Weave.

  5. We have several wildfires now and 3 more months of hot summer monsoons with lighting started wildfires.
    Plus all the stupid man made fires.
    Hope the Saddleworth Moor fire gets under control fast. I also worry about the wildlife.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Come summer I pray for days in the low to mid 20's. This weekend we are expecting highs of 33C! I will be staying indoors with the drapes closed.

  7. Frosts and sunny days here. We should be having rain but our weather is a good month out at the moment. Fires are always a worry.

  8. Peat moors always burn for ages, the wildlife will suffer, hopefully the birds can fly away.
    The pall of smoke looks terrible for the people underneath. The temperature seems to cool down over the coming days, though no rain in the forecast, bet they will start talking of drought soon...

  9. I heard about the fire on the radio last night while I was doing the ironing.
    Germany has entered Hall of Shame instead of Hall of Fame by literally kicking themselves out of the tournament so early on for the first time in history. I can't believe I left work an hour earlier to watch the second half with my sister and a few friends! My heart is not in the whole football thing, so I am not feeling any different today than yesterday, unlike some people who walk around with faces as if they have lost their entire family in one terrible accident.

    Anyway - you do well in listening to your body when it comes to coping with hot weather. Like Derek, I enjoy heat much more than cold. We're in for a hot weekend with temperatures reaching around 30 Celsius, so I'll pack my shorts for the trip to O.K.'s.

  10. I think you're very wise to keep out of the heat. Here we're having cool cloudy early mornings before it warms up, so all the windows and doors are open to cool the house down.

  11. I didn't know that heat exacerbates arthritis Weave, but I am relatively inexperienced. That explains why my big toe hurts so much.

  12. The Saddleworth Moor fire must be terrifying for nearby residents and I hope they and the firefighters stay safe. What a dreadful job that must be in this heat.
    The other night I dreamt that I had marestail in my garden - that's a joke as I no longer have one!
    I am suffering from heat exhaustion already and have always had to keep out of strong sun. Even as schoolgirl I can remember the dread of hot summer sport afternoons when I had to play tennis and always went home with a splitting headache.
    I try to get out early for a short walk and then hibernate with blinds partially closed and all windows open. I like being warm but this is a bit much. The saying 'be careful what you wish for' comes to mind!
    Stay cool.

  13. We had a really cold breeze from the North Sea. On our mid afternoon walk I had goose bumps on my bare arms from it in spite of being in full Sun.

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