Saturday 23 June 2018


Very hot weather is forecast for the coming week and warm sun for today, but here in my part of North Yorkshire the sun has never really appeared.   It has been hazy and not all that warm all day.   The temperature never rose above nineteen.

This is the last post I shall be doing for a day or two.   As I type this friends from The Netherlands will be setting off from Rotterdam for Hull on the overnight ferry with their car.   They will drive up and hope to be with me by mid morning.   As my computer room and my guest bedroom are one and the same - the next time I write a post will be the middle of next week - so happy blogging everyone.   See you again soon.


  1. Have a wonderful time with your visitors. The weather should be good for lots of sight seeing.

  2. Have a wonderful visit, and I hope the sun shines, beautifully. And Warmly.

  3. Keep them awake and blog Weave!

  4. Have a wonderful visit.
    You always have something interesting to write about when they come.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Having friends to stay is always fun, but don't let them stay in bed too long. Kick them out at 5 am, and re-claim your laptop.

  6. Have a good time with your visitors. That is what is important.

  7. Enjoy your visitors. Yesterday's little tale reminded me of a friend whose phone started ringing and he couldn't stop it until I pointed out that the peeps were coming from a nearby bush where there was a bird.

  8. I hope the weather perks up for you and your visitors. Enjoy their company and tell us all about the weekend next week.

  9. Thank you for letting us know, so that we do not start to worry if we do not read from you for a few days.

  10. Have a good time with your visitors. I must admit I don't worry when you don't post anything - I always assume it's a computer glitch.

  11. Enjoy your guests. Will you do some sight-seeing? -Jenn

  12. Enjoy your friends, though the weather looks like it is going to be hot!

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