Saturday 9 June 2018


After a bereavement of a loved one (very much loved at that) I think one goes on having the odd day when it catches up with one - and today promised to be one of those days.   Saturdays are not easy - usually the most difficult day of the week as families are all about doing things together.

But waking up in this  frame of mind means there is only one thing to do and that is to somehow work it out of one's system.   First of all a quick trip to the shop for the essentials like milk, bread and bananas.   Then a trip to the tip with various cardboard boxes and plastic containers (do love going to our Council Tip as the men are really so very pleasant and helpful).   A medium sized walk round the estate with Tess, then a cup of coffee and a look at Trooping the Colour on the television.  The organisation, the planning, the precision - it is awe-inspiring.   If anything does go wrong then I certainly don't notice it - the spectacle was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of it (I understand a senior army figure was taken ill at the end of the parade, so do hope he is recovering in hospital). 

After lunch Tess and I walked down what used to be 'our' lane, but well below our farm.   The neighbouring farmer was mowing his lawn and I had a lovely long chat with him - having not seen him since 'my' farmer passed away.

Now we are back home; a cup of tea and a look at the crossword later and it is time to get Tess her tea.   And -incidentally - I am much more my usual self.   The only way is to work through these things and together Tess and I did it.   And as I have said before - Tomorrow is another day - and our usual Sunday lunch out.


  1. I feel very alone today. Yes, doing something helps.

  2. And you have this sunshiney place to visit, blogland. :)

    I hope you have a good day.

  3. I'm glad you got through with the help of Tess and good walks and old neighbours.

    I washed bathroom and utility room floors, cut the grass...again, went to son's village for a quick look round a fete, came home and picked strawberries and intend to spend the evening reading and half watching some Rugby on TV. Thank goodness for the TV to keep me company

    Have a lovely meal tomorrow.

  4. Glad to hear you managed to get through the day, I know it can be very hard. Amazing to think that the Queen officiated at Trooping the Colour on the day I was born. And now here we are nearly 65 years later and she's been there every year - she should know the routine by now!

  5. I was a little joshed for it yesterday, but routine and plan are essential! Have a great Sunday, too.

  6. I know what you mean, my husband passed away just over a year ago at the age of 57 following a battle with cancer and I still have bad days. Heather

  7. So pleased you have Tess to help you work through those dark days. It has been a glorious day down here and I hope you have had similar weather.
    I always watch Trooping the Colour and remember the year when we had tickets for the dress rehearsal which is exactly like the real event but the Queen has a stand in. On that occasion our son was taking part so we were doubly excited. He was a member of The Queen's Company, Grenadier Guards.

  8. I agree with what you did today.
    I looked at photos of Scotties.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. So glad you kept sweet Tess! Happy you got out and about today and tomorrow, as you say, will be even better.

    I've only seen a photo of the ceremony - how lovely they all looked on the Buckingham Palace balcony - I must try to find a video online later.

  10. It sounds like you have done a good job of brightening up what could have been a dark day. I am happy to hear you and Tess got out for a bit. I was just looking at some pictures online of the Queen and the festivities today. Even though I don't live there I enjoy a bit of "Royal watching". I've never left the states but I've always felt a bit of a connection for your country as all of my ancestors came from there.

  11. Cricket stops me being lonely at weekends!

  12. Keeping busy is the best therapy. Rick only had a short walk today as it was so hot and humid.

  13. My friend lost his lovely wife last August and calls such awful days "sneak attacks"---just when you're patting yourself on the back thinking, "Hey, I'm doing pretty good."--grief is back on your doorstep, and you're at square one again.

    I'm glad you find ways to cope with your terrible loss and those sneak attacks.


    Listen carefully to the lyrics. A beautiful song that describes loss.

  15. I watched about two minutes of the 'Trooping' as they marched down the Mall. I could have watched it all day, but we had a rare hot sunny day here, and work beckoned!

  16. Such days where the loss of a loved one hit us especially hard are bound to occur from time to time; with the years passing, I have found they become rarer, but possibly never cease altogether. And I have also found that it can actually feel "good" to indulge in the sadness of such a day, at least for a while. We have reason for grieving, and grieve we should. But it also can be comforting to handle a sad day by being active, as you did yesterday. So glad Tess is there.

  17. My husband passed on May 16th and each day all my thoughts turn to him. After 54 years together it is difficult to imagine going about my days without him. Weekends are the worse by far.

  18. You have done a fine job of passing a difficult day. After 30 years, I still find the weekends hard but I try and fill in doing such as you did yesterday. A fine job, my friend, keep your chin up. Greetings from Canada.

  19. Nice to know that others feel the same. Today is altogether different.
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
