Sunday 10 June 2018


As I sit here typing this at a quarter to five in the afternoon, it is raining hard outside.   I don't suppose it will rain for more than a few minutes but I do know that the humid, damp air and the quick shower will do my plants more good than a can of tap water between a dozen of them.

This morning I was fascinated sitting here and looking out of the window.   On the ledge of the wall in front of my boundary hedge I have some gro bags holding courgette plants.   Behind them is a mulch of bark under the hedge.   As I watched, a very fat pigeon arrived and systematically went in and out of the hedging plants turning the bark over and eventually coming out with a suitable nesting stick in his/her beak (two sticks across and a little bit of moss as my father used to say of pigeon's nests).   This mean the each pair is about to have a second brood - no wonder there are pigeons everywhere.   But they were fascinating to watch.

Lunch out as usual and then a gentle walk with Tess on my return.   She is not at all well and we shall be going to the vets in the morning.   Oh dear.


  1. Poor Tess, I hope the vet will put things right for her.
    Very humid down here, lots of cloud but no rain. At least the sun broke through during the afternoon.

  2. I do hope Tess will be OK.
    I love to smell the humid and damp air when it rains following a dry spell. X

  3. On no....prayers for Tess.

  4. Hopefully, the vet can help. Good that your plants are getting the rain they need! We have had a thunderstorm forecast for this afternoon between 2 and 3 pm, but it is now half six and still sunny, although very warm, almost 30 C.

  5. Hope Tess is ok quickly. We just have low cloud, very gloomy, so the DP still on the watering.

  6. Lovely day. Today we saw the sun which we haven't seen for days. Just right for the farm open days that are going on around here today. Good luck with Tess.

  7. Oh No, Tess. I think of her everyday.
    We so need the rain here. We have 4 or 5 wildfires burning already.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Oh, so sorry to hear the news about Tess.No rain here,we are only a short distance away.I hope I will be able to meet up with you before we have to move back to the Midlands to be near family.

  9. Hope the vet sorts Tess out quickly.

  10. Poor Tess and poor you dear Pat... I hope she will be set right again. Animals have always fascinated me. And never have i had more opportunity to observe them than where i live now here in Arkansas... Today i have enjoyed watching a crow family.. They have decided to nest in one our huge pine trees.. And what noisy neighbors they are... But i have also been fascinated by the variety of the sounds they make... Not just the caw caw caw you think of when you think of crows.. And now the babies have left the nest (2).. and i have enjoyed watching them today at the bird bath.. The young are about half the size of the parents and Mom and Dad wait on them hand and foot! The young just follow them around with their mouth open..waiting for Mom or Dad to fill it with something.. lol We have alot of dove too.. they seem to multiply every year.. But they are so pretty and i love the sounds they make.. Hubby enjoys imitating them and they will often 'talk' with him.. :) Hugs! deb

  11. Poor Tess. I'll be thinking of you as you and the vet work to make Tess well, and comfortable, again. Our animals are such an important part of our lives, aren't they.

  12. You've reminded me that sometimes you just need to sit and watch the birds. It's good to slow down and be aware of all that happens around us. I do hope Tess can be taken care of easily, with nothing too complicated to deal with. We could use a rain here. It is very dry. -Jenn

  13. I hope the vet is able to make things better for Tess.

  14. Poor little Tess, it's so hard when they can't tell us what's wrong.
