Thursday 17 May 2018

A Hard Day

Today has been a hard day.   This morning was the AGM of our local U3A.   Our ukulele group were playing to start the proceedings so had to be there just after nine thirty.    I got back home at mid-day and had to be out again at 1-15pm.   I had taken Tess for a walk early in the morning and, luckily, it is a Pet Pals day so Jean took her at lunch time.

All afternoon friend W and I have been playing ukuleles for the local Alzheimer's and Dementia Group.   Sufferers and their carers come along and we hand out song books holding a collection of the songs they used to sing when they were young - and they sing along as we play and sing.   It is a joy to see how well they sing and to see just how much they 'perk up' during the hour and a half.

Now I am home again - and tired.   Tonight I am due to have a Chinese with my son and his wife - so I think I shall put my feet up for half an hour.

Are you intending to watch the Royal Wedding on Saturday or not?   I would be interested to know.


  1. Well, you do run rings around me Pat. I am going to have to tape it on the dvr as it starts at 4 am where I live. I can't wait to see it. All our major television networks are sending their most famous personalities, so I'd love to wake up that early, but never do before about 6am. It depends on my weenie girls as to what time they want to get up. I watched Diana's and Charles, and William and Kate's. I am sure this one will be every bit as beautiful. I do wish Meghan's extended family would disappear. They sound awful - sour grapes and such.

  2. Well done for all you do. x Enjoy your evening.

  3. Yes I'll be watching. I hope they have a wonderful day and can look back on it with happy memories and not ones tainted by her vile bile-spouting half siblings. Her father was foolish, but I do feel sorry for him, he's clearly been totally out of his depth with what seems like little help from the Royal administrators, and the stress has been very detrimental to his health. Meghan must be feeling awful.

    Enjoy your evening, Pat. You deserve it after such an industrious day.

  4. Probably not Pat.. will you? My you've been busy! I'm thankful you've taken the time to visit my little place in the World..

    I've been doing dishes and bed making and clothes washing and some painting and making sugar water for the humming birds.. ran the trash out to the curb.. consoled a friend when her pet died this morning.. I'm about ready to take myself down to the craftroom and have a play.. Enjoy your Chinese.. I could use some Chinese..... At least i have leftovers so no cooking.. :) Hugs! deb

  5. It might be fun to watch but it will be on so early here. I hope they will show the reruns.
    I want to see the outfits, hats, the wedding gown and cute children.
    Doing legal paperwork today no fun.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. I don't know how you fit it all in!
    (Is there a Royal Wedding? Funny nobody's mentioned it on the news) :)

  7. No wonder you feel tired and how nice that you will be out for supper. No preparation and no washing up.
    Yes, I will watch the Royal Wedding but not from 9.30am or whenever the coverage begins! I hope the weather is kind for them and everyone else on duty.

  8. No, I shall not be watching the royal wedding and to be honest I don't know why they are not going to a registry office, after all they are already living together which means that the wedding is just a formality;
    I would have been willing to have hand-fasted them for free in proper pagan style.

  9. I don't know what an AGM is, but your day sounds very busy - I hope the rest did you good, and you enjoyed the Chinese with your son.
    As I'll be at O.K.'s all weekend (Monday is a Bank Holiday here, Pentecost Monday), we will most likely be out and about on Saturday, either hiking or cycling or meeting friends - no time to watch the wedding :-)

  10. I will be glued to the sofa! It's high time we had something cheerful going on, and it's lovely to see Harry looking so happy. Many of us will never forget the sight of that little boy following his Mum's coffin, and being so brave, when the cameras of the world were on them.
    I'm not particularly Royalist, and I would not like their life with the constant scrutiny, but he's finally found someone who is not fazed by it. Good Luck to them!

  11. We’re away in our motor home and don’t have a TV, so we won’t be watching.

  12. Relax and enjoy your evening. You deserve to after all your day's activity.
    Instead of watching it live, I'm looking forward to watching the wedding highlights on TV in the evening with a glass of wine. It looks like it's going to be a sunny day so we'll be spending it at the beach. X

  13. I shall try to watch bits of it, I'm not a royalist but I do love a wedding.

  14. An AGM is the Annual General Meeting held by businesses, clubs, etc for the presentation of final accounts and the year's business to its members for approval, Librarian.
    I like the Royal Family and I will watch to see the fashions and the guests arrive and what happens live.

  15. Sounds like you have had a very busy but also a very enjoyable day. Yes, I will be watching the wedding but will have to get up very early in order to see it. As we are so many hours behind British time, the television coverage begins here in Canada at 4:00 am!! So I think I will plan on an early bedtime Friday night. Cheers, Nanny Anny in Canada.

  16. We no longer have TV, but I'm sure there will be plenty of streaming available. So yes, I will watch what I can.

  17. No, I most definitely will not be watching it, couldn't bear to see so much public money being spent on them having an enjoyable wedding, much of it at our expense. But that's the Royal Family through and through, grab what they can.

  18. I shall be out playing cricket, luckily. Much prefer being outside.

  19. I shall most definitely be watching. I love a royal wedding. Love to see the guests and their outfits, etc. My own son gets married in 5 weeks time - a much smaller wedding though than Prince Harry's!

  20. I shall be watching. We have the privilege of witnessing history being made.
    Hope you have a nice weekend. Xx

  21. I'm tempted to watch in case Megan's dad pops out of the woodwork.

  22. It is so wonderful what your ukulele group does for the Alzheimer's Group. I'm sure it does really brighten up their day.

    I will be getting up early to watch the wedding as I am a romantic at heart and love a royal wedding. It will be live on TV here starting at 5:00 AM. I am curious as to if Megan's Mother will give her away and I think it would be nice if she did. There's so much talk about her Father but he had heart surgery just yesterday so you know he won't be there. There is always, unfortunately, so much gossip about these weddings but I just enjoy the beautiful, fairy tale side of it and I do hope they have a happy life.

  23. Of course! It starts at 9pm here so it will be dinner in front of the telly for the pre-wedding shows which will be tedious and strung out with all the talking heads speculating, then with luck we'll still be awake when it starts.

    We have a fabulous octogenarian friend who has just taken up the banjo - it must be having a revival! She wants to have a studio photo taken of herself and was thinking of posing hillbilly-style, but I reminded her it was the instrument of choice for Edwardian ladies and I googled some great old photos for her so she's planning something more stylish now!

  24. I watched way back when Diana married Charles, but I think I'll sit this one out. --not much of a Royalist this days, to be honest.

  25. When my late husband was in care with Alzheimer's he, and the other residents, used to love it when individuals or groups came in to entertain them. Doubt I will watch the Wedding as transmission doesn't start till just after 9 p.m. and finishes at 1 a.m. Will, no doubt, see lots of highlights the following day.

  26. The festivities start live at 5am here in the states. I will be recording it and watching it at a more civilized hour. I am very much looking forward to it. I just love your pomp and circumstance.

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  28. I shall try to watch Ms Markle walking up the aisle with her Mum, and her trying to remember Harry's full name. After that I shall leave Lady Magnon with her box of tissues, and go weed the garden!

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  30. Think I will watch the highlights the day after, too much news on it, too much talking rubbish spouted, but I wish the couple every happiness on their day. Love the horses though ;)

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  32. I'm a massive fan of the Queen, Prince Philip and their children. I'm not a fan of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge or the York princesses - I'm afraid they want the privileges and wealth but are not prepared to put the work in that the Queen and her husband have. In fact some of them are downright lazy and none of them seem to have the sense of duty that was instilled into the Queen.
    I'll watch the start of the wedding just to see what the dress is like. Hopefully she will have remembered it's her second marriage and therefore white or ivory are not suitable. I'm sorry her family is dragging the Royal family into what is fast becoming a soap opera.
    Perhaps the end of the monarchy after the current Prince of Wales.

  33. Hardly poor.
    Hopefully the last line of Fiona's comment will come true, especially if we have to put up with the awful, old-fashioned Charles for very long.

  34. The last Royal Wedding I can remember watching was one in Monaco. It was a big TV show here. Before that, Diana's. I watched her funeral too. This one - I'll read about it afterwards.

  35. Another very busy day for you by the sound of it. I would be watching the wedding but will be flying to Crete so will have to give it a miss. I like Prince Harry and hope he'll have a lovely day and be very happy.

  36. I will be watching, though not from the beginning of the TV programme. I have even delayed my camping trip by 2 days in order to watch - no TV in my tent, or even internet
    Will you be watching too?

  37. I am getting up at 4:00 a.m. and my three daughters and an odd child or two will be joining me (most of them sleeping over Friday night.) We will have champagne, scones, crumpets and strawberries and cream. As I get older, I think, “This may be the last Royal celebration I will ever see.” Not a time to knock the Royal Family. They are, as the saying goes, “What they are.” No better, no worse than most of us.

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  39. Well, I do love a wedding and will enjoy seeing the little children and everyone all dressed up!
    Poor Meghan's family are a bit embarrassing - but then all of us have odd relatives.
    As for the expense - to will easily be covered by tourist income etc - and the pleasure it will give many people.
    Hope the weather keeps fine!

  40. Interesting comments. Readers in the US seem to be keener than we do on our Royal Family.
    My view? Well - they have been around for a long time. I have yet to see anything any better. Yes, I know this wedding - as with all the others - is costing a lot. But it will bring in a lot of money to shops, businesses, hotels etc.around the Windsor area - and to the tourist industry in general. I have grown up with the Royal Family and their ways and I wouldn't like to see them disappear in my lifetime. Of the future? Who knows?

    But thanks everyone for your comments and views.

  41. Yes! Watching the wedding from the US!!
