Friday 18 May 2018


Today is our market day and the Gardening Chap was doing a roaring trade.   It's funny what happens this time of year when there are a few warm days (warm again today) - everyone gets the Gardening Bug; it's out with the fading bulbs and Spring bedding and in with the 'Bedding Plants' and then fingers crossed that there isn't a frost for the next week or so.   I remarked to the Gardenman that he was going to be run off his feet today and his answer was, 'well that's my plan!'

I bought antirrhinums and geraniums (violet coloured flowers - should be interesting).   Now tomorrow morning I shall empty the two beds I can reach of their Spring bulbs, which have almost finished, and put in the new plants.    I can reach these two beds easily, so I shall enjoy doing them.
So far all I have done is to put the new plants up against the wall of the bungalow and water them well.

Twice today I have scraped my leg.   This morning I opened a kitchen cabinet door on to my shin and cut the skin.   It bled profusely for about half an hour before stopping and beginning to crust over. This afternoon I scraped the back of the same leg as I stepped down the patio door step on to the patio - as I write it has not quite stopped bleeding.    I spoke to our chemist about the damage - at my age, with thin skin on my shins, there is always the possibility of leg ulcers and I don't wish to go down that road.    To that end I have rolled my jeans up to the knee.   It doesn't look very elegant but the fresh air is getting to the wounds and that way I stand the best chance of avoiding trouble.  (Can't remember who said ' I am old, I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled!') 

Friend W and I had our normal Friday lunch out today at our local Auction House restaurant.   As usual it was delicious.   My starter of Chicken liver parfait with toast and house chutney was so good - I really would almost have liked to have it again instead of my main course - lamb on a bed of baby broad beans and new potatoes, although that too was delicious.

We had a look round the items in tomorrow's Auction Sale.   I always find it rather sad - most of the items are from good house clearances and are things which I presume the owners in the past have treasured.   There were half a dozen samplers - worked by children maybe between the ages of around eight and teenage years.   All the love and work that goes into them and now they are passing into the hands of people who have never known the family at all.

Perhaps this is a good time to say that a very dear friend, who passed away some years ago, embroidered a sampler for the farmer and I.   I treasure it greatly and look at it every single day.
The friend was the mother of my God-daughter, so if A is looking at this now I do hope it reminds her of the happy times we all had in the past when her parents were still with us.

Well, the countdown to tomorrow's bit event is on. And Prince Charles will be walking the Bride down the last bit of the chapel to the High Altar.  I like Prince Charles.   I think his heart is in the right place.   After a strict upbringing at a school he didn't like, I think he has done his very best to lighten things up to the best of his ability.   And the way his two sons behave and the way they show their real affection for him is surely testament of how hard he has tried.

So, gardening, eating lunch, watch that wedding now and again to see how things are going and keeping my trouser legs rolled up to let the air get to those wounds - that is the order of the day here in my little abode.   Enjoy your day too.


  1. That is a very good sign that you remember how you got your wounds. I usually can't even remember. I got purple geraniums this year too. I usually get the normal red ones, but wanted a change and the former owner has mostly pinks and purples in the garden. I cannot wait to see the wedding. It has been on the television non-stop for days or weeks. I don't know if you realize how much us Yankees love the Monarchy. I wish I were there to see it all.

  2. I am going to try and see some of the wedding - I'm carbooting in the morning though - hoping to get rid of just SOME of the junk and books. I know my OH will take a dim view but tough!

    Sorry about you scraping your leg. I hope that it heels quickly for you. I have had sore hands from gardening recently and been using Calendula Cream which does seem to help heal the sore dry skin around my cuticles. Germoline is normally pretty efficient for cuts/scrapes. You will have to defy convention and wear your wellies!!

    I have (all over the garden) the purple Geranium phaeum (Mourning Widow). It is prolific at propogating itself but I don't mind and the bees absolutely ADORE IT.

  3. When I grow old I shall wear my trousers rolled.

    Those couple of scrapes haven't damaged your sense of humour.

    They are showing Edward 8 and Mrs Simpson on our TV. I hope Charles playing his new role doesn't put the jinx on it.
    I expect they'll muddle through.

    God save the Duke of Edinburgh. I hope it's not too much for him.

  4. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain. And get fat, and wear terrible shirts. Jenny Joseph said that in her poem about getting old.
    I would put some Savlon on the grazes and a piece of lint over them before bed. And take it easy tomorrow, feet up, and watch the wedding.

  5. Last few nights have been very chilly, and I have plants to pot!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. T.S. Elliot . Along with Jenny Joseph good poets both. Keep your eye on the scrapes. I am currently trying to keep a plaster covering a mound of antibiotic cream on until Tuesday. Not holding me breath. Your lunch had me salivating.

  8. I love the sampler your friend made for you and the farmer. What is the significance of the Greek, Canadian and US flag and the emblem in the lower right corner? I love the symbolism in pieces of art like this.

    I hope your leg wounds heal quickly with no after effects.

    Have a good weekend!

  9. I've come round to Prince Charles, too. I began paying attention, and realized he is not the buffoon much of the press presented.

  10. Well, that was a busy day. Around here it is said that it doesn't take much to keep a senior busy.

  11. Like that you are doing some gardening. I have never seen a purple geranium so I will have to look it up.
    I will watch the smaller rerun at 7pm because even if I got up at 1am I would fall asleep again.

    cheers, parsnip

  12. A friend of mine was at school with Charles, and I can confirm that he had a pretty rough time. His offer to lead Ms Sparkle up the aisle has changed what was becoming a farce into a pukka royal event again. Well done him; I like the chap.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Take Rachel's advice, feet up and watch the wedding.

  15. Do take care of yourself. Love the fact that Prince Charles is being liked here... I have always stood up for him because he wrote very good articles in my Resurgence magazine about the environment, though his princely ways need some understanding I think....

  16. We're having a run of days of two halves - blue skies and sunshine to start but cold enough early on as I walk round, to need a coat on but by lunch time very warm and needing shorts and T shirts - just 5 degrees early this morning. Surprised that Harry allowed his father to give his bride away after his treatment of his mother, but did he have any say in it.

  17. Wounds that bleed for a long time are scary, my Dad gets them, too, but then he has to take blood-thinning medication since his stroke 10 or so years ago. I hope your walking around with a sporty rolled up jeans leg did the trick!

    The sampler is wonderful! One can tell that it was made with much love, and if it were mine, I would also look at it every single day and treasure it greatly. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  18. That's a lovely sampler Pat. I was the beneficiary of a maiden aunt (she'd taken my mother and me in when I was a baby and we lived with her until I was 8, so she was more like a mother) .... anyway I used to be told the stories behind her treasures but I knew when the time came I'd forget the, so I made her let me write the story of each on small pieces of paper that could be attached to each, which directions about who was to get what. If people don't know, they are loth to say they'd like a piece. I was pleased that many of her things went o the right people because of those notes.

    We studied T S Eliot at school and that line has stayed with e "I will wear my trousers rolled and walk upon the beach" I visualise sand between the toes - which then takes me to Christopher Robin of course! Isn't poetry wonderful.

    Take care of that leg.

  19. I do hope your leg heals quickly and is not painful. I love the quotation - I hadn't heard it before.
    Your sampler is so beautiful and a wonderful gift. No wonder you treasure it.
    I am going out to collect my repeat prescription then I shall put my feet up and enjoy the wedding. Well done Charles for stepping in at the last moment.

  20. I remember my dad cutting himself and it sprayed the room, carpets and sofa. We had to hire a carpet cleaner. The problem was he hated laying down because if his breathing, so he had walked around and it just kept bleeding. Love the sampler.

  21. Did you see it? I thought her dress was beautiful!

  22. I do remember my own mom having what we described as "tissue paper thin" skin. She bruised and bled so easily (mind you she was not as active as you). Do take care! I love cross-stitched samplers. So much work goes into them. -Jenn

  23. Although noone else mentioned it i can't help but wonder Pat why you are pulling out the Spring plants.. Surely not the bulbs too... Won't they come back for you next year?

    Do take care of that leg. One day with your trouser leg rolled up and off your feet will not hurt you . :) Hugs! and enjoy the wedding.. Hugs! deb

  24. yes I too am I'm pressed you remembered where and when you cut yourself.
    I get cuts and bruises and have not the least idea where they came from.
    Yes, to thinking Prince Charles is really trying to do many things right.
    His sons are a credit to him.
    The wedding was lovely!

  25. I've been out all day, helping someone deliver parcels, but had the Wedding on in the car. The absolute highlight for me was the American "happy clappy" preacher, I think the Rev. Curry - he was awesome and I was waiting for him to ask the audience to clap their hands and shout hallelujah. Followed by the terrific gospel choir, can't wait to see the highlights and see what the Queen made of it all - well done Harry and Megan! The young celloist was also superb.

  26. Derek - I have of course heard the cellist before - he was on Young Musician of the Year a couple of weeks ago - his playing is magical.
    Bonnie - the significance of the flags - they were places the farmer and I had recently visited when our friend did the sampler.
    My shins seem to have healed. At my age and with paper thin skin these sort of grazes can easily deteriorate into leg ulcers.

    Thanks to you all for the comments.
