Wednesday 16 May 2018

Winter had returned.

Walking round with Tess this morning I had on my thermal vest, jumper and fleece and was still chilly.   I met a man in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt (!) and when I remarked that he must be hardy he said he was rushing to get home before he froze to death.   Later in town I met friend W and we nipped into our local cafe for a quick cafetiere to thaw out before I went for my weekly hair do.    Yes, it is our usual contrary May weather - every day a surprise, pleasant or otherwise.


  1. Sounds like a nice though nippy beginning to your day.

  2. Ne'er cast a clout till May be out. X

  3. I wonder why that man went outside in just shorts and short sleeves in the first place - didn't he check the weather before he left? I often wonder about how unsuitable for the temperature people are dressed when I wait for my train at the station, so it seems to be a common thing NOT to check!
    We've had a very mixed bag today, rain in the morning, sun mid-morning, rain in the afternoon, and now that the biggest part of the day is over, sun again.

  4. Been just as cold here on Sheppey today, Pat. Grey skies and a cold NE wind coming in straight off the Thames Estuary. Yesterday I was walking along the seafront in shorts and T shirt in very warm and sunny conditions. Wearing shorts in cold weather is very much the preserve of postal workers these days, even in the snow last winter.

  5. Much the same here with a very chill wind. At least it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.

  6. As long as there isn't a freeze, it's good to go.

  7. We are having a cold spell also.
    Will be under 100 all week then back to 100+ temperatures !

    cheers, parsnip

  8. What i wouldn't give for a cold spell!!! Hugs! deb

  9. We certainly have to make the most of the good days when we get them. I had a nap after lunch and woke up feeling so cold I had to switch the fire on for a while. Looking forward to complaining about the heat!

  10. If only I had a way to send you some of our excessive heat...

  11. Hello there Pat! This is just a quick stop off visit to the land of blogs, to let you know I still want to stay in touch, even though I am a very, very lazy blogger.
    Off again next week down to Virginia, as my brothers and I continue our trip-partate attempts to tend to our late Mom's estate. NYC spring continues to very between chill and summer-like heat. I am still wearing socks with my Birkenstocks!

  12. Same over here Weave; back to sunshine on Friday (tomorrow).

  13. May weather is always like this. Nothing unusual.

  14. Luckily, though cold here as well, the plants and bird are still being very springlike and getting on with it...

  15. Very cold here as well. From 29°C of two days ago it has now dropped to 14°C
    Greetings Maria x

  16. Thanks for the comments everyone. Sunny but still chilly in the shade here today.
