Thursday 19 October 2017

The only way

I have decided that the only way to get through these last few days until next Thursday and moving day is to catalogue a list of things which must be done each day and then do them - ticking each one off as I go.   Then, although the house is in chaos, at the end of each day i have a sense of satisfaction at a job done.   And so it was today as my taxi drew up to take me into town.

Nails done - tick; hair done - tick; a walk down the Market Square to the Post Office and Co-op - tick;  then snag number one as I drifted round picking up things I needed only to find that my bags were really too heavy.   I staggered down to the Electrical Shop and bought a new Tumble Drier (to be delivered when I move in) and then rang my taxi to collect me from there.

After lunch I made myself set up Direct Debits for all the Utility Services at my new property.   I didn't feel like doing it - when one is very deaf, as i am, speaking on the phone is not easy.   But everyone was most kind and helpful and before long I had them done in time to go down to see my Solicitor.   So a cup of coffee and a scone in a cafe in town then home again.

Now it is pouring with rain.   Tess will not go out although she has not been out since half past nine this morning.   Hatches are battened down and all's right with the world.   For today at any rate.



  1. Everything is under control at your end. Cross each bridge as it comes and nearly there.

  2. Geeze Louize, it's the same as full time employment. Hurry next Thursday.

  3. You are so well organised Pat. I'm sure your move will go very smoothly.

  4. It sounds like your very well organised

  5. Well done Pat. Countdown to next Thursday. I hope the weather will be fine to help things go more smoothly.

  6. If you just look at what needs to be done that day, as you have been, the move will be so much easier.
    Poor Tess, Kirby was like that she despised rain and as a Scotty that was hard. One day I carried her out in the rain stood over her with an umbrella and she just stood there in exactly the way I placed her. Stubborn !

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Nearly there. Good luck with the last few days. Best wishes

  8. Sounds like good planning to me.

  9. Yes Rachel - bridges are there to be crossed and I am trying to do just that.

  10. You have a very methodical approach to it all which seems to be serving you well. With your hair and nails done you can accomplish anything. X

  11. You have everything in hand and done to military precision - it is going to be quite a rollercoaster week for you - sending you all my best wishes for a smooth and orderly move…and good weather on moving day. Take care.

  12. One day at at time Pat.. i find thats all i can handle.. tomorrow will somehow take care of itself... Hugs! deb

  13. I love lists - they seem to help keep me a bit sane - which always helps. Seems if I don't make a list I feel overwhelmed but a list seems to settle things down a bit, and makes it look not so daunting. I'm glad you had a successful day with your list - hoping the time goes smoothly until moving day.

  14. We have phones here for the hard of hearing. The caller’s words are spelled out on a screen on the phone. Do you have something like that in UK? I can see that in the not distant future that I will need something like that.

    So glad for you that the move is just a week away.

  15. I didn't know you are "very deaf", as you put it. How do you manage with Ukulele classes and concerts? And poetry afternoons? Or do you use a hearing aid which can be problematic on the phone, as I know from other people who have one?
    Lists help, I find. Well, as a trained Librarian, doing things systematically and methodically and making lists are second nature to me :-)

  16. Ah, "pouring with rain", what a wonderful thought.

    It's strange how some dogs react to a wet garden, my dog will spend hours wondering with me across wet marshes but ask her to go out in the garden when the lawn is wet and it's a no.
    It's gonna be a long hard week Pat, I hope that you have plenty of help.

  17. At last moving day has a name - Thursday - and it is so close...
    Good luck with the real move Weaver Pat.


  18. Yes I do wear hearing aids but need to take them out when on the phone. It is not so much the volume that gets hard it is blurring and indistinct words. Thanks for visiting.

  19. Love a good list and yours sounds very organised, less than a week now.


  20. You could treat yourself to a cd - some music to greet you on arrival at your new home. Can I suggest Liszt?

  21. It sounds like you've everything well in hand. I'm so pleased you've got a moving date. Ted is just the same with rain, Pop less so.

  22. That was exactly what I did to get me through my house move. I hope you have more success than I did though, as I just ran out of time. I forgot to pack up the plates and dishes I was using and so have lost some due to throwing stuff in a box willy nilly!!!

  23. Sounds like you are on top of it, Weave. I am hopeless at all that sort of thing.

  24. I too find making lists helps when things are overwhelming. I am always surprised that I forget that this will help until things have gotten really crazy and I remember. And then I'm like oh yeah - lists!

  25. You sound like you are doing just great. Good to have a moving date. You will get through this and beyond. I'll be thinking of you all week.

  26. It sounds like you are well on your way! A move is no small thing, and has lasting effects, you have this.
    I have included your blog in a sort of Meet new Bloggers project started by Yarrow at Wild Woman Walking. If you want to participate (and have time!) you are welcome, maybe a few new friends will appear!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. bridges are there to be crossed and I am trying to do just that.

