Friday 20 October 2017

Bit of a non eventful day

I didn't sleep well last night.   My mind was on the go all night long - I think I probably got about three hours sleep and finally got up for good at just after five o'clock this morning.  I went for my usual coffee with friends, came back, had jacket potatoes and fresh mango for lunch, sat in the chair and woke up feeling awful two hours later.
But a good long stroll down the Lane with Tess (and with Blackie the cat too unfortunately because he is such a pest weaving in and out of my legs)  and I came back feeling more like my usual self.   Five minutes now to the last of this week's Antiques Road Trip - so goodbye for today.


  1. There's a stand near the old fish market in Warrington I sometimes go to for a jacket potato smothered with baked beans. Unlike yourself I have never mastered the art of devouring more than one jacket at a sitting.

  2. I hate those nights when the mind is racing all night long, usually about some non-existent problem. I had a lot of those recently but seem to be back to my slumbering self again now.

  3. Your are bound to be out of sorts, waiting to move from a home that doesn't feel much like home any more with all the packing going on. It will be worth it of course, Thursday will soon come around meantime take care of yourself and hopefully sleep well.

  4. You were there too quick. I've now put a caption explaining what the other are. It's good news. I think you'll agree.

  5. Hope you have a better night tonight:)

  6. I have those awful restless nights, too, when anticipating big changes or events. I think you're coping magnificently!

  7. it is a bit like me getting to Gatwick in a couple of weeks time. I have to wake up early and I wonder about it. How silly I think. I would never have given it a second thought a few years ago.

  8. For me if I have something coning up my mind keeps working so I never sleep well. You have a huge move coming up.
    Once your move is over you will sleep better. I think you are doing great.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. Unfortunately, you have described the kind of night that I have endured on a regular basis for about 30 years, it's not fun. Hopefully you'll be back to normal after the move.

  10. Lunch time naps always make me feel rotten when I wake up. Phil and Roo didn't do too well on their trip this week did they? It seems to be getting harder for them to make profits at auction on their purchases.

  11. Whenever I have a bad sleepless night it is always one where I am going to work the next day and trying to concentrate on 2 hours sleep is just awful. Hope you have a better night tonight.

  12. Sometimes it is good to have an uneventful day - but not for feeling bad - glad you are feeling more yourself now. Enjoy your evening.

  13. Hope you will sleep better tonight. Sometimes our brain is just too full of things to think about!
