Wednesday 18 October 2017

The last dregs

I suppose, like the last straw, the last remnants of packing to move house are the worst.  Wednesday is an afternoon when a friend S often takes Tess for a long walk.   I dare not mention the name all morning because Tess goes mad in anticipation.  As she has done often over the past few weeks, S arrived just before two o'clock and took Tess on what she hoped would be a new route she has carefully marked out on her map.

I decided I would start at the far bedroom and make sure that everything in each room was intended to go to my new home.   All items I don't need will be put into the office and the door closed; that way nothing will go by mistake.

I worked my way through two bedrooms, a boxroom, a sitting room and a living room.  Now we are down to the hall where my computer lives (plus a plethora of things under the stairs!) and the large kitchen.   It all looks much more manageable now and I feel two things - satisfied with my afternoon's work and dog-tired.

So it is time to sit down with a cup of tea and read my book for a couple of hours.   It is not a particularly good book but it is relaxation and occupies the mind.


  1. Sounds like you did quite a bit today. What's the name of your book? If it hasn't caught your fancy put it down and get a new one. Life's too short to read a book that is just OK.

  2. Busy day but so nice to be done.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I can close my eyes and relive it. Hope the end is in sight.

  4. Sounds like you are getting really organised and ready. Have a good rest tonight

  5. Somebody gave me a book to read yesterday and I polished off 40 pages before bed. It's the Salman Rushdie book 'they' don't like people to mention. I need my computer next to me when I read this one because he uses words I've never heard, maybe one per page, lots f Indian and Arabic words, and I have to google them. Only another 506 pages to go.

    I wish I could tidy this place. It always defeats me. Two days afterwards it's just like before and I wonder why I bothered. I admire your discipline and shoulder to the wheel attitude I must say,

  6. I have never had a move like this, because most of my things are rubbish all the time so get left behind or put in a skip when I move. Your experience of packing makes me feel relieved that I still live this way. I have gradually been putting things out in the rubbish every week or giving them to the charity shop because having possessions scares me. I like to travel light. Enjoy your evening of rest.

  7. You're going to have a lot of boxes to unpack after you've moved!

  8. I think what you have achieved is momentous. I dread moving house as we still have two houses in one and our loft is heaving. Perhaps it's time to make a start, I just need to summon up the blood!

  9. Sorting is hard but boy dies it feel good once it's all done x

  10. So long as everything is labelled you will be fine. And so will the removal people. Although on our last move we discovered stuff we hadnt labelled as in leave it where it is was still moved. Anyone want a load of chicken wire?

  11. You're definitely heading into the home stretch. I know what a relief it will be when you finally get moved.

  12. You're doing great. I hope Tess enjoyed her walk while you were busy and that you've both enjoyed a relaxing evening. X

  13. I wish I could throw everything in my flat away

  14. I think that some folk are minimalist like Rachel, some like to live in a cluttered state and others maybe fall in between. The thing is we have to choose our own style of living and that which we find the most relaxing. I did have a lot which needed sorting out and of course I live in a big farm house and am moving into much smaller bungalow - so needs must. Thanks everyone.

  15. Ugh, I hate moving so much. It's just awful, but think how happy you'll be once you're done and settled. I hope Tess had a great walk! :)

  16. Books are great for just escaping, eh Weave? Soon you will be settled and we will get more stories from you, I would say that I cannot wait, but of course I can!

  17. I once did furniture removals as a student summer job. I feel for you!

  18. One good thing about moving is the fact that it makes you realise just how much unused clutter that you have, stuff filling cupboards and wardrobes that you "might need one day" but in reality, won't. Moving is the time when you have to become properly hard hearted and rid yourself of a lot of it, a large farmhouse won't fit into a small bungalow, and presumably you are still sorting through stuff that two people collected.

  19. Doesn't it make you feel virtuous to accomplish such a lot, and in such an orderly fashion!!!

  20. Well done!! I am curious now as to what is the difference between a living room and a sitting room. Until now, I always thought they are two words for the same type of room. My sister-in-law calls hers the "lounge", my mother-in-law speaks of her "front room". I wonder what I have!

  21. I've just finished clearing 50 years of accumulated stuff from my mother's house so you have my sympathy and admiration.

  22. The Librarian asks a valid question because I've thought that a living room and a sitting room were one and the same thing.
    Presumably your bungalow will be like many of ours and simply have a lounge.

  23. Moving house twice over the last 10 years means that a lot of furniture has gone elsewhere and it makes me feel 'light' and not wanting to accrue any more 'stuff'. There must be a flurry of excitement in your stomach as the anticipated move gets nearer. Good luck with it x

  24. It sounds as if you are well on course for the anticipated moving day. I think you should award yourself a gold star!
