Tuesday 17 October 2017


We have been very lucky here with the storm - yes it has been windy but not too bad and now - four in the afternoon - it is really no more than breezy.

I have had my Aga professionally cleaned today and I have to say that this evening it looks like a new one.   They have made a smashing job of it and I am so pleased.   Tomorrow the engineer is coming to service it and switch it back on, then I shall be back to normal. 

This afternoon I have gone about packing some of my kitchen equipment - mixer, liquidiser etc. just into an open topped box so that the removal men can do what they will with it and in the meantime I can wash out the cupboard where it has been stored. 

As with all things like this it is the last few things which take the time.   Looking at my dustpan and brush and my long handled soft brush I have decided to say goodbye to them and buy new ones when I next go into town.   Sometimes it takes something like a house move to look objectively at something one has been using for ages and see that it is worn out!

Ukuleles tonight so I shall now go and have a leisurely tea and watch Antiques Road Trip.


  1. Happy to read that the storm was not awful in your area.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. I am glad you didn't suffer from the storm Pat. We were fortunate enough not to have any damage here either. However with all the noise I didn't manage much sleep last night. X

  3. I thought the storm would be worse and am so happy it was not.

  4. Storm was pretty powerful here,glad it wasn't too bad for you.

  5. Quite windy in Notts but no storm damage. The fence lives another day! Glad it wasn't too bad in your neck of the woods.

  6. Phew! Glad to read the storm wasn't too bad in your area.
    Yes, sometimes moving house can mean more than "just" changing places.

  7. When my daughter moved she now has a Rayburn - I had to look up on the internet how you should clean one! It came up quite well for a first attempt probably not as good as the professionals though! Have a good strum tonight.

  8. Blustery but not too bad here last night, bit noisy but it meant I was able to sail into work on my bike this morning

  9. I hope the little bungalow will one day grow to be minimalist around you.

  10. How long to moving day Pat? Glad you are still strumming, I'm sure it is theraputic and lots of fun

  11. Glad the storm wasn't too bad, I'm tired of bad weather.

  12. This paints a cozy picture for me.

  13. One of the (few) advantages of wearing hearing aids is that once I have taken them out on retiring at night I can't hear a thing.
    Thanks every one for joining in.

  14. The new girl on road trip is very good

  15. When I moved I was shocked at how much I was attached to the house that I left. I had lived there 20 years, prior to this I had never lived anywhere more than 3 years at a time. It was completely unexpected. I have now lived here 2 years and am worried about putting down roots as this is not where I want to die. Such is life, you have had your share of drama in the last 12 months, so good luck!

  16. Are you moving? Where are you going? Hope it's all for good reasons. Would love an aga, we had one in (part) of a farm house we once rented. It was temperamental (the aga), the landlord farmer told us to never touch it, warned, pleaded, so we didn't. Then auntie Maura (RIP) came to visit and we warned her she could do anything, touch anything except fiddle with the aga. Of course she was like a moth to a flame, twiddled,turned, probed, thumped, nudged, noodled the poor old aga into submission. Eric (the farmer landlord) had to be summoned to resurrect the broken beauty, a stoic, kindly, religious man of few words, he swore a lot that day.
    Good luck with everything!

  17. Good idea to leave the kitchen appliances in an open box, easy to get at if you happen to want to use them before you move.


  18. We too escaped the worst of the storm. You have reminded me that I threw away my stiff bristled handbrush and must buy another.
    There will be shouted 'Hoorays' throughout Blogland when you tell us you have a moving date. It sounds as though you are on schedule for the event and I hope it all goes smoothly.

  19. You must have been relieved that the storm didn't hit you very badly in your neck of the woods and you didn't lose power or worse. Have you got a date for moving yet? Make sure that the teapot is the LAST thing you pack so it comes out of that last box first!!
