Monday 2 October 2017

Physio .

It was my monthly visit to the Physiotherapist this morning.  I have arthritis in various joints and she just keeps me moving about.   Also, because it is now well over six months since I lost my beloved farmer and I still have not moved house, I really am beginning to feel the stress of it all.

Neighbours and friends are being absolutely wonderful - I am sure I could not have kept going without them.   But even so my shoulders have tensed up so much that they are now very painful. The Physio worked on these today - they hurt more now than they did before I went! but I know that in a day or two their condition will have improved.   There is no gain without pain.

Tess and I went for a walk on the way back but after only a hundred yards or so the wind was so strong that it almost blew me over.   I thought it best to get back in the car and come home.   I felt really mean but daren't risk it.   I then cooked myself a quick bacon, egg and tomato for lunch as it was ukulele practise this afternoon and as a treat I cooked Tess a slice of bacon (nice and crisp) - don't know whether she connected the two events but it made me feel less guilty.

The shooting in Las Vegas is so shocking - so many dead, so many injured, such a seemingly 'ordinary' man committing the crime it seems.   We will never understand these things - and I for one just can't understand the Gun Laws in a country where these things seem to happen with terrible regularity.

Then there is the collapse of Monarch Airlines and the many people it has affected.   The staff all out of work, the people on holiday abroad who have to get home (the C A A are flying all of them home at or near to their appointed end of holiday time) and then all the thousands who have booked a holiday with Monarch and now are left with no way of getting to their holiday place - and also the worry of whether or not they will get their money back.

The world suddenly seems a crazy place to me today.


  1. I was at the physio on Saturday. There are some very good ones.

    The 'seemingly ordinary man' is looking very unordinary as ISIS are claiming him as Muslim convert called Abu al-Ameriki. A terrible tragedy whatever the explanation turns out to be.

  2. Such terrible things seem to be happening in the world, I can't remember such a time like this. It makes me just want to stay at home. I hope your shoulders feel better tomorrow.

  3. Yes it does seem to have turned into a horrible day. Sleep well Weave. xx

  4. According to his family it was totally out of the blue. Isis claim every atrocity is 'thanks' to them but is very doubtful here. All terrible. The Catalonian event was even more atrocious. The world is a bad place in lots of areas. America really needs to look at their gun laws.

  5. This is a sad, sick country, glad I'm old.

  6. Sorry to hear about your shoulders but hopefully the Physio will do the trick. Bet Tess enjoyed her bacon! Poppy has discovered she quite likes eating squash skins.

  7. Next time you cook bacon, Tess will be looking up and wagging her tail. Hope all the joints are improved. Sounds like you need some of those large rubber resistant bands. Very easy to use and I think they would help you. I walk with a limp and totter around now due to arthritis. It is hard getting older.

  8. Tess will now know why, everything is better with bacon !

    cheers, parsnip

  9. The wind can be awfully powerful. I have yet to be knocked down, but I've come close. It's sometimes just best to get away from the elements.

    Another horrific shooting & a 'not the right time to talk about gun control' BS response from our very out-of-sync gov't. If it weren't horrid, then it would be laughable.

  10. That's the thing about physio - you sometimes wonder whether the pain you endure will make things better. Usually it works, thank goodness.
    Tess would have loved that bacon.


  11. Whether he's anything to do with ISIS or not, he clearly hates to see ordinary people enjoying themselves just as much as they do.

  12. What a mad mad world we live in, where ever people are gathered in large numbers they must be cautious. I now hear that the UK's trains and underground workers will strike (for health and safety reasons). Just imagine what those Unions would get up to if their chum Jeremy was in No 10. Madness is afoot.

  13. I hope the physio has helped your shoulder.
    We in Australia cannot believe the stupidity of the gun laws in the US. Thank goodness John Howard made most of those firearms illegal after the Port Arthur massacre in the late 1990s. I heard one report that every time there is a mass shooting in the US the sale of guns doubles - horrible.

    I hope you get to move pretty soon so the stress levels go down a lot. Cheers

  14. Think I can only echo what Joanne says, the world is out of balance.

  15. I am in Guernsey at present - it is so beautiful and relaxing here, and I find it almost impossible to relate the awful distressing news I hear daily with my current surroundings. It is like another world. The worst thing is the feeling of utter helplessness to do anything about any of it.
    I do feel for you and know the stress you are under. It will pass, but the last bit seems beyond endurance. It can't be much longer surely.
    Hope your physio is as good as mine is, and that you will soon feel more comfortable.

  16. I do hope your shoulders feel a lot better in a couple of days and that the wind calms down enough for Tess to get her walk (although I'm sure the bacon went down a treat.)
    The world is indeed a crazy place at the moment. It can be difficult to feel positive on days like these. X

  17. I think people should be allowed sporting guns if they really want them, but who needs a machine gun?!

  18. How do 23 firearms enter an hotel with no one noticing?!
    I wish your shoulder is much better today.
    Greetings Maria x

  19. A perfectly ordinary man who had lots of money and lived a life of his choosing plans a mass killing for no apparent reason. He had 42 guns. No one will have to answer for his most awful crime. There will be talk but no action. The US of today is not he country where I grew up.

  20. I'm glad the Physio helped you feel more comfortable Pat.

    As for the dreadful shooting in Las Vegas, I can only shake my head in despair. The only good to come from is it the heroism of the people who shielded their loved ones, helped to carry out wounded and generally put other people before themselves completely and absolutely. The greatest pity they should ever have to do that though.

    Keep safe when it is windy and have your mobile with you in case the wind does take your feet from under you.

  21. The NRA has a stranglehold on the US Congress.

  22. Thanks everyone. We all seem to be of one mind here.

  23. Even 2 girls sitting outside a railway station in Marseille need to be cautious Cro.

  24. Sorry to hear about your aches and pains, maybe when you are settled in your new home you will gradually relax and feel more comfortable. I have been very neglectful of my blog and like many people have taken to Instagram which is proving to be addictive. However I do miss my old friends from the blogosphere, especially you and Tess. Sending my best wishes to you both x
