Tuesday 3 October 2017

Is there anything better?

Does anything beat a warm toasted tea cake with butter and a cafatiere of Italian Coffee on a cold windy wet morning?   Well I am sure both John and Tom can suggest something but we won't go down that road.

This evening has been our Ukulele Social Evening at our local Golf Club who put on a first class buffet for us at a very reasonable price.   It was a hot buffet with plenty of choices - lots of salads and garlic bread - veggie dishes - curries etc.  And three excellent puds.

We played for our friends and relations and some members played special numbers they had practised.   It was all light- hearted and great fun and a lovely evening was had by all.   I am now home again at ten-thirty and sitting up a bit later to give my meal time to digest.


  1. This sounds like a lovely day from start to finish.
    Give Tess a scrunchie pet from me.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. The buffet sounds lovely.....and the evening with ukuleles .

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. A warm tea cake and a cup of tea sounds perfectly delightful, especially partaking with friends :)

  5. Sounds like such fun, a great way to spend an evening, good friends, good food, good music.

  6. I would have loved to attend.

  7. Actually, Weave, nothing better.

  8. You are a party girl! My husband sometimes asks in the evening if we should all go to sleep. I then have to point out to him that it is only 7 o'clock.

  9. Well you came across in this blog as sounding quite content and happy in yourself, you obviously had a good day.
    You mentioned two things in it that seem to be an English obsession these days, both of which I've never subscribed to, coffee and curry - which is funny because I love the smell of both of them. I have rarely drank coffee and fine it amazing that so many people are almost addicted to it, drinking constant cups of it all day. With curry, I'm always fascinated when all a group of people want to eat when they go out for a meal, especially men, is curry, especially hot ones. What is the attraction of eating something that burns your mouth and throat and renders being able to taste what meat is in it, impossible. Let's face it, curry was originally created to mask the fact that you were eating rancid meat, I wonder how many times that takes place in a lot of eating places even today.

  10. Mmmm, toasted teacakes. I am drooling. They aren't really a thing here in Australia but I do enjoy them when in England. 😁

  11. You're right, nothing much beats a toasted tea cake!

  12. It all sounds delightful and I am glad you are having so much fun with the ukulele group.

  13. Mmmm! Toasted teacakes and coffee are the best.
    It sounds like you enjoyed a lovely and joyous evening. X

  14. I would like a nice cup of green tea, no mint, no lemon, just green tea please.

  15. That sounds like a perfect evening and I'm with you regarding the teacake but with tea for me please.

  16. That sounds like a perfect evening. Good company, good food, and music that you make yourselves ... how wonderful. And yes, a teacake and coffee is just perfect :-)

  17. You need not have worried on my score, Weave. These days a hot buttered tea-cake is far more attainable than the other things. It is the one simple pleasure which outlasts your teeth.

  18. How I long for a hot buttered tea cake!

  19. ok....what is a toasted teacake? Like an English muffin??
    and what is a PUD???

  20. I had to Google toasted teacake; they look delicious!
    Greetings Maria x

  21. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a crumpet. There was a time I could eat half a dozen. Great with melted butter and honey. Sadly not available here.

  22. Gwil - my heart goes out to you - having to exist without toasted crumpets.
    Thanks everyone for your comments.

  23. Your evening out sounds wonderful, nice to have a group of friends and a good activity. I looked up tea cakes and they sound something like our pound cake, but in the US what we call tea cakes are round sugar cookies - so obviously not toasted with butter - but yours sounds better, I think I might have to try a recipe of one soon.
