Wednesday 4 October 2017

Several days rolled into one.

Today has seemed like a week of days all crammed into one day.    By tea time I was a complete nervous wreck and my shaking (Benign Essential Tremor) was so bad that I could hardly write.   My son came round between school and evening private music lessons in an effort to calm me down a bit, but really things are getting all too much for me now and I shall be relieved when the move is completed.  (Probably by the end of the month the solicitor says).

Over the past month I have had a couple of T I A's which the doctor feels should be investigated.   This morning I had to go for a series of blood tests - all went well.   Then back home for lunch and then to the hairdressers - all went well.  A friend, S, was calling while I was at the hairdressers to take Tess for a walk.   I am most grateful for her help and so is Tess of course.

I had another appointment, this time at what I thought was 4.40 to have an E C G.  At four o'clock the friend reminded me of the fact and when I looked at the calendar I had missed the appointment by an hour.   Ringing up and apologising was so embarrassing but the surgery were very good about it.

Then there was a message on my answer phone asking me to ring the hospital, which I did.   I was given an appointment to see the specialist in the morning.   I wrote it on my calendar but trying to read it back later I can't decipher the time.   When I tried to ring and ask, the desk was shut for the night.

I have now been sitting down for an hour, have had some tea, and am at last relaxing.   I really don't want many more days like today!


  1. Poor you.What a rotten day.I hope things are sorted soon.You just need this house move to happen and then things will settle down.

  2. I'm sorry that everything is so stressful for you right now, it's no wonder you're having health problems. I hope your Solicitor is right and the move happens sooner rather than later, and that everything goes smoothly.

  3. Oh Pat. Wish I could help. Those days, thankfully, are few and far between and then you can get back to normal. It does seem sometimes that it is just too much. Glad you were finally able to rest. For us across the pond, what is the solicitor and why does he control the date of moving? Maybe a thimble of brandy might help. When my husband was sick during the process of packing and moving from one house to the other, it made me physically sick. It too passed, but take care dear.

  4. Stress, stress stress what a terrible day.
    I hope your move comes soon so you can start to nestle in.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. It does seem that too often when one is barely managing several problems pile on and we are tipped into 'over-load.'
    So many things at present are out of your hands. I hope the move when it finally happens, will be a smooth transition and you can feel settled.

  6. Less coffee and a drop of the hard stuff might easily do the trick.

  7. Perhaps you could replay the message in morning. It doesn't matter if it all has to wait anyway, it won't make a jot of difference. Don't you find the older you get, the less difference it makes. A lot of things for one day but tomorrow rest a bit and is another day. xx

  8. Just try to remember that 'everything passes', this is my go to phrase when things get too much. I try to look back and see that other times like this have come and gone and all will be well for you.
    Do hope that you can get some peace soon,
    Tom has recenty been in Hospital for a week and I felt like I was in a whirl most of the time but its all over now thank goodness.

  9. Aaawww Pat i did not read anything there worth getting yourself that worked up over... You are not the first person to miss an appointment or not be able to read what you wrote on the calendar.... Hospitals deal with all that on a daily basis... Just take a deep breath and breathe... 'This too shall pass'... has gotten me through alot of trials and tribulations... and i remember being told at one point or another that'God will not give you more than you can handle'... although i'm not a religious person that is still a comforting thought... You are always in my thoughts... Hugs! deb

  10. When Col was at Addenbrookes last week the lady said they had had 13 missed appointments that day, the people who ring and apologise are in the minority and they are always grateful when people ring so don't worry about that one.
    Tomorrow will be better, have a good rest tonight.
    take care

  11. It was a fully packed day - the kind of day that would even wear out a younger person. But don't give up! Tomorrow is another day. Take your time and rest when you need it.

  12. I'm so sorry you have had such a stressful day. It is easy to forget appointments especially when you have so much on your mind. Try to rest and get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a new day and things will go much smoother for you. I am hoping you get the move settled and done soon so it can all be behind you!

    Thinking of you,

  13. And breathe... what a day . I would be exactly the same. Tomorrow it will all be sorted. Just too much for one day.x

  14. None of this is fun, is it! I hope you are in town by, say, mid month.

  15. Oh you poor love. Just too much for one day. Take deep breaths and read a lovely poem three times a day. I do hope you get some good news soon and that tomorrow will be a kinder day.

  16. What a day! Hope everything's soon sorted for you. Love and prayers,
    Barbara x

  17. A relaxing evening with a blanket and a dog on my knee and the world looks more settled tonight. Thanks for your concern.

  18. Things just seem to pile up on one, hopefully you'll get things sorted both healthwise and housewise. Sitting with your sweet dog will help.

  19. Let us take time for all things ; make us grow calm serene and gentle.

    Words from the collect of one of my women's groups. They do have a soothing effect when read slowly.

    Just take it one day at a time ~ Cathy

  20. Oh, I just hate days like that. I hope tomorrow is better for you!

  21. Oh' Pat !
    I had a bad TIA about two years ago and was immediately hospitalised. Since then I have had to change my eating habits completely. Now on lots of fish with salads and only one slice of cake per week and one square of 70% Dark Chocolate per day and one small cup of quality coffee per day and lots of water.
    I have turned my life around and all is under control. So what I am saying is that you need to get people to help you with the move and take walks with plenty of rest in between.

  22. Being " in limbo" regarding the move is stressful. As my friend's nanna always used to say "Brighter dsys ahead, darling. Brighter days ahead." 🙂

  23. Glad you are feeling better after you have had a chance to get some rest.
    I don't know what a TIA is and hope it is nothing that can not be quickly dealt with at the hospital.

  24. Arrrgghhh! Poor Pat! I'm glad your son could come around and give you some reassurance. I wonder if the precious day's late night might have contributed - or was it just the whole darn lot falling on top of you!

    You're not the only one getting things wrong though Pat. I'm on heavy Prednisone (that's my excuse!) and I turned up for an optometrist's appointment a day early!! Then, they fitted me into a slot for yesterday, and I had to ring in when I got home again, to check the appointment time, as I'd not put it into my phone properly and couldn't remember what time I was due I felt a complete twat! .... I'll probably find it in the diary for 2027 some time !!

    I do hope you feel more settled tomorrow. Prayers and good wishes are with you.

  25. I hope a good nights rest as helped your stress levels and you feel in more of an even keel today. Just a thought - have you got a voice record on your mobile? Why not use that to make a note of appointments? You could transfer to paper later when there's no stress. Hope today is a good day. Hugs from Lincolnshire.

  26. O dear, what a day, York hospital and the doctors always send a text with the appointment date and time. I found out what TIA's are, all of this is a bit scary but take comfort in the fact that you are being looked after by all these people. Hugs xxx

  27. This all sounds ghastly and utterly upsetting.
    Do hope things resolve themselves.
    Sending lots of love.

  28. A good night's sleep cures many ills. Maybe it's the moon.

  29. Here is to wishing you a better day ahead and hopefully the tia's are quickly resolved. Sending virtual hugs from sunny California!

  30. Oh dear Pat, I haven't had your stress over the past months, and don't have such a big change hanging over my head, and still I do the same things you've described. Age doesn't treat us kindly, but thank goodness folks in doctors' offices are almost always understanding and forgiving. We just can't seem to forgive ourselves. You aren't alone! I hope a good night's rest will lead you to a brighter day!! And may you be granted good health, most important of all.

  31. Oh, what a stressful day!
    I do hope a quiet restful evening made things better.
    Sending wishes that your moved will get sorted out and you can regain your health as things calm down.

  32. I hope that the solicitor is right and you WILL be on your way to your new home within a month. It's gone on long enough. I am sorry that you had such a horrid day, but tomorrow will be better, I am sure. You will get the appts sorted out and be able to rest up.

    Stress has such a beastly affect on our bodies. Thank heavens your son lives locally to come up and see you and offer support.

    Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

  33. Hope you have had a better day. I seem to lurch between one day up and then one day down. Lets have a few ups. ok?x
