Sunday 1 October 2017

Lovely Sunday

Today has been what has become a normal Sunday - four of us going out for Sunday lunch.   We have now gone to the Golf Club for so long that we know a lot of people and there are always folk to chat to.   Also today, after a bit of a misunderstanding over a Parking problem we made friends with another group of four people and had a good laugh with them.    When you live alone this chunk of almost four hours out of the middle of the day helps enormously.  (half an hour in the bar sipping our pre-lunch drink, an hour eating our lunch, then the rest of the time back in the bar with a tray of tea and coffee just chatting).
I always come straight in and take Tess for her walk so that is done for the day.

Today's lunch for me was a Vegetarian Lasagne with garlic bread and salad.   It was delicious and I shall attempt to make it myself.

The ' season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' (ha-ha - you know who you are) has really hit with a bang today.   It is damp and cool and the breeze is beginning to get to 'wind' force.   The leaves are falling from the beech trees in showers.

Friend W has just rung to tell me there is a programme on the poet Charles Causley on BBC4 tonight - Auden last night and Causley tonight - two of my favourites - what a treat.

Time for Tess's tea - goodnight and sleep well.


  1. A positive day spent with good friends and good food. It's just a shame about the weather. I hope you enjoy your TV show. X

  2. A lovely time spent with friends and making new ones - what could be better to alleviate the gloomy weather. Here in Guernsey the air is still soft and quite mild in spite of lots of rain, some very heavy, and very strong winds. It is still lovely being here again whatever the weather and I am being spoilt rotten by my daughter and son-in-law. Enjoy the TV programme.

  3. Hubby is off helping a friend with some fencing today so i'am on my own... i have spent the morning picking up and straightening the craftroom after my morning coffee of course... Watching an old show on the tv..'Dead Calm ' with Nicole Kidman... A rather good one.. i think.. suspenseful ... Later i shall put together a turkey pie for when hubby comes home..

    Last night around midnight i stepped out on our back deck... The moon was behind some pine trees but seem bright and almost full... clouds in the sky drifting past... At first i thought there was no breeze but the longer i stood still the more i felt it and noticed it moving thru the trees.. The crickets and frogs and nightsounds could be heard and then all of a sudden the coyotes in the hollow filled the air with their yip and yaps and howl and for a full minute their exuberance filled the air.... then all was quite again... they never fail to make me smile... Have a good evening Pat!Love to hear about your day.. Hugs! deb

  4. I enjoyed seeing a friend yesterday. Seeing people is now very important to me. And I enjoyed Auden last night. I will watch Causley later.

  5. I'm so glad you have found space to live in, friends, food and some time off. I really would like to know what Tess takes for tea??
    This sunday was St Michaels sunday, church filled with children and angels, sky clear blue and trees shifting in all colours.
    Take care Pat, I really want you to feel at ease and enjoy your days as they are right now,even though life is really different from before. Bless you!

  6. Weather different here. Mild, sunny day though with occasional drizzly rain showers.

  7. THere was a good programme on Gerald Manely Hopkins on R4 this afternoon. Weather today has never been as bad as I was expecting

  8. Sounds like you had a really good day, lunch sounds delightful.

  9. I am enjoying the poetic banter between you and Tom! October started out in the most beautiful way in Ontario. Sunshine and nice temperatures. -Jenn

  10. I spent the afternoon with a friend. The best recreation.

  11. What a great time with friends. Lunch out is always wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  12. A lovely day for you to look forward to. You can't have suffered a reaction to the flu jab, as today you seem to be enjoying both a normal appetite and Tess's walk? That's good!

  13. It's good to hear that you are filling your days with friendships and getting out and about, Pat. So easy to give in to loneliness if you don't keep busy, - and I find the loneliness comes in waves, sometimes overwhelming. Five years (almost) without my loved one, and still some days I am desolate without him, but I have have kept the loom dressed and now fall is here will be getting out more. Courage, dear heart!!!

  14. Just like your poetry afternoons, I like the description of your Sunday lunch meetings with your friends. How nice that are making more friends there, with a similar group!
    Vegetarian Lasagne sounds good. I am always a bit skeptical eating minced meat when I have not seen it raw, so the vegetarian option would be my choice, too.

  15. Good to hear that you are enjoying time with friends every Sunday.

    I enjoyed the Auden programme on Saturday, followed by a Poetry Event in Hull with some thought provoking readings. I shall have to catch up with the Charles Causley one. I love his work.

  16. First of all - what does Tess eat? Watch where you put your food or she will be after it - she loves to steal if she can - crisp streaky bacon is a favourite!
    No seriously - she has a plastic pouch of complete meat and vegetables in jelly each day supplemented by two scoops of complete biscuit food. Over this I sprinkle a measure of seaweed to keep tartar at bay. Iunderfeed her to stop her getting far - common in older Border Terriers.

    Do try making Veggie Lasagne - it seemed to have a mass of veg in it and it was

    It is very windy here this morning. Just off to the Physiotherapist.

  17. Sounds good that lasagne, story of my life, I have to make two lasagnes or even shepherd pies, because of the non-vegetarians! Lucy, who is rather plump, is also underfed slightly, much to her disgust. Chicken and 'lite' biscuits ;)
