Saturday 25 February 2017


I continue to be carried along by all your good wishes - I can't tell you how much they help.
,Just to give you an update.    The farmer has had a small hole drilled into his skull and a biopsy taken.
How long it will take for results apparently depends upon what kind of tumour it is.   In the meantime he is home, rather weak and only able to do very little.   Each day he tries to walk a little bit further with the dog and he is now feeding the hens.   He is on reducing doses of steroids and his language has stabilised to some extent so that although he forgets words he is nothing like as bad as he was.    He sends thanks to you all too.

God bless you all for thinking of us.


  1. It must be difficult for you to write at the moment, but I know that people want to hear how things are going. Take care.

    BTW, I've just read the two Yorkshire Shepherdess books. Have you read them? They paint a lovely picture of life in remote Swaledale. I imagine there will be some similarities to your lives.

  2. Thank you so much Pat for taking the time to write to us. Alvin and i are keeping you in our thoughts

  3. Glad to hear there is a little good news at any rate! Keep fighting the good fight!

  4. Thank you . We shall pray more here for better days for you and the farmer.

  5. At least the process is moving along, I knew waiting for results is so hard. I had to wait a week one time and it felt forever.
    Glad his speech and walking are coming along.
    As always I send my warm thoughts and prayers.

  6. Hoping that there will be comforting news when you have the results.Keeping you both in our thoughts.

  7. Thank you for keeping us informed. I'm so sorry that your lives now revolve around things like tests, symptoms, and medication. It must be particularly hard for your husband, someone that you've always described as a man who keeps busy, goes on walks, maintains his independence. My thoughts are with you and The Farmer. Keep Tess close by for some well-deserved "dog therapy". -Jenn

  8. Thank you for the update. I am glad to hear every bit of good news, and am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Be well! Spring is coming. I know it is difficult to wait to know what will happen.

  9. Thank you so much for the up-date, you and the farmer have been on my mind. It sounds from what you are saying the farmer is just getting on with it. That is hardly surprising, he is a farmer after all, good solid hard working stock.Just don't let him tire himself out too much. You and the farmer continue to be in my thoughts and heart.

  10. That's the ticket; feeding the chickens, walking the dog, springtime, fresh air and wonderful scenery, all good therapy!

  11. Very much appreciate the update. At a time like this it is good that the Farmer is a fighter and will try hard to overcome the obstacles he now encounters. It is hard.

    During my own difficult illness prayer is what helped me the most. It calmed me and helped me to fight on. Take care during this time.


  12. Just about ti email......thanks for the heads up dearheartx

  13. Lots of love to you and the Farmer, and many thanks for taking time to send us this update. xo

  14. You are both in my thoughts. If the Farmer is up to feeding the chickens, I just hope you aren't sharing our persistent rain here. 'tis miserable.

    Healing thoughts coming your way.

  15. It is so good of you to give us a bit of news. Praying that the results are as good as may be, treatment is prompt and effective, and The Farmer begins to feel like himself soon again. Take care of yourselves.

  16. Good to hear from you Pat. Have been thinking of you and the farmer.

  17. You and the farmer have been in my thoughts. Sending you prayers and good intentions from across the pond.

  18. Wishing for the best for the Farmer. Take care of yourself, too. You are both in my thoughts.

  19. I have been somewhat out of the loop for a while and only caught up with your news yesterday. Please know you both have my very best wishes, thoughts and prayers as you face this very worrying time. I'm glad to hear that the Farmer is showing some improvement...

  20. So many of us, thinking of you both. Take care.

  21. I only comment sporadically on other blogs but read about what had happened on John's blog.

    Sending healing thoughts and prayers


  22. So pleased to get this update. Have been thinking of you both and wondering how you were doing x

  23. I drop by only every so often so I'd not realised what's happening. Very many best wishes.

  24. I know.. it is hard time .. you'll overcome it.. big hug ... XOXO

  25. Thank You so much for update you and the Farmer are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.


  26. Thank you for the update. I echo Gwil's comment. A hug.
    Greetings Maria x

  27. Thank you for the update. I know we all think about you and the farmer every day.

  28. Thanks from me too. Hoping its good news.x

  29. Thank you for letting us know how things are going. We think about you everyday and hope for the best results. Gently does it for the Farmer and look after yourself too.
    Colin and Sue

  30. Thank you for your message ,thinking of you both every day.Hope you have a lot of help around the farm.

  31. You have both been in my thoughts and prayers a great deal of late. So glad to read an update and hear a bit of good news.
    I am glad to hear that the Farmer is able to feed the hens. That must bring some measure of comfort.
    We will continue in prayer for you both. Do take good care of yourself.

  32. Thank you for the update Pat, small steps for the farmer, hope you are coping.

  33. Thanks for the update, Pat. You will be pleased by those signs of improvement. We will all be hoping the tests result in a diagnosis that means easy treatment and comfort for you both.

  34. Thank you for this update Pat - you and the farmer have been in my thoughts every day. I am so pleased that he is able to get out in the fresh air and hope that the test results will be reassuring. Love and every good wish to you both.

  35. Just to let you know that I am thinking of you both and sending get well wishes for the farmer.

  36. Thanks for the update Mrs Weaver. We are all rooting for the farmer.

  37. Hugs to you both. Keeping fingers crossed for a good outcome.

  38. Thank you for the update. You are in my thoughts.

  39. That sounds like good positive news to me, Weave. Keep it up! Lots of love to you both. Tom (Stephen)) X

  40. Thank you for giving us this update. If we bloggies had any say in this we would make it all well. As we can't we would like to stay by your side at least . All the best to the farmer and you!

  41. Thanks for the update, keeping you and your family in my thoughts

  42. Dear dear Pat...with two busy half term weeks I haven't caught up with your I'm shocked to hear your news. I pray that you will have a sense of peace in this hard time...until the full results come through. Thankyou for your updates...lots of love...Gerry

  43. Thinking of you and the farmer. Sending good thoughts and prayers.

  44. Thank you for writing Pat. You and the Farmer are very much in my thoughts,(and my prayers) and I hope that the test results will continue to show good news....with love. Hildred

  45. Thank you for the update. Holding you both in my prayers.
    Barbara x

  46. I'm sure the farmer is very happy to be home. Best wishes to you both.


  47. Rooting (and praying) for you both

  48. Thanks Pat for updating us. Realize it's hard to actually post when your time is taken up with many more important things these days.
    Wishing both the dear Farmer and you easier days ahead. You will remain close in thought and I pray the news will be good.
    Sending love and hugs.

  49. Being at home, where he belongs, must be the best medicine. Spring isn't far off, and I'm sure he'll appreciate the change. Very best wishes to you both, Cro x

  50. Well done for keeping everybody in touch Pat, must be difficult to do so. You can't keep a good farmer down.

  51. Thank you so much for keeping us updated, dear Weaver. And please know that the Farmer has my very best wishes, as do you, of course.

  52. Positive thoughts coming your way from Oz.

  53. Love to you both from sunny Harpenden. Thinking of you and hoping the farmer gets some good news soon. Thanks for taking time to update us. XX

  54. Don't work too hard Weave. Keep it easy. And love to you both.Rachelx

  55. Thinking about you both. Take care Sheila x

  56. Been thinking of you a lot and so pleased you found time to update us all. Hope things continue to improve for you both, I will keep you in my thoughts and send good wishes across the moor.

  57. This must be such a scary time for you both. Hope you hear some positive news soon. x

  58. Caring thoughts and prayers continue to you both.

  59. I am so sorry to have read your last entries. I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

  60. You or the farmer might like to look at the Vienna Zoo's Colobus baby. No need to leave a comment. Take care, G.

  61. Thank your for the update. I think of you both every day and hope the Farmer will feel stronger with time.

  62. Thank you for the update. Hope he continues to improve and th e biopsy results give you good news.

  63. Waiting can be the hardest time when imagination runs riot. I pray you won't have to wait too long for the biopsy results.
    I hope the weather will be kind over the next week so that the farmer can continue to
    walk the fields. Unfortunately the weather forecasts seem pretty grim at the moment.
    Take care of yourselves and be strengthened by all your friends who are supporting you in prayer
    and in practical ways.
    Help is not easy to accept sometimes but if you allow yourself to be helped it blesses the helper too.

  64. Be as brave as you can and keep us informed. Friends, no matter where they are at are what you need now.
    Your Friend,

  65. I'm keeping you both in my prayers. I'm thankful he is resting at home. Warmly, Gabrielle

  66. Thank you for giving us an update. I have been thinking of the two of you and hope the farmer's dog-walking, hen-feeding therapy keeps improving his condition.

  67. Just thinking of you both and hoping you can find strength and some joy in every day.

  68. So good to see an update..thank you for that. Being at home will help no end and I do believe in the power of prayer...sending good thoughts.

  69. You both are in my thoughts and my prayers. So good to read that he's doing a bit better and I am hoping for a hopeful report from the doctor. Take care of yourself, as you care for the sweet farmer. Edward sends his biggest smile. Much love, Pamela

  70. Still in my constant thoughts, dear Farmer and Weaver.

  71. Pat, I am way behind the times but I have only just read your news - I really, really hope the Farmer comes through this safely. I know it is a big worry, but the surgeons can do miraculous things these days.
    Lots of hugs and best wishes from the other side of the world. I will make sure I look at your blog site every day now, hoping for good news.XX

  72. I am sure hundreds of people are thinking of you and the Farmer, every single day, and sending wishes and prayers for all to be well. The wishes may be silent, and may come from far away, but you are all surrounded by them. be well!

  73. It is so good to hear from you, and that the Farmer is at least keeping up with walking the dog and feeding the hens. Best wishes for a full recovery, all my love Thelma xxx

  74. Positive news! Thinking of you both and sending good wishes. x

  75. Good to get an update; we are all here waiting and wishing for an eventual wonderful recovery for your Farmer. Hope you yourself is taking good care.

  76. I read your blog but have never entered a comment. You and the Farmer will be in my prayers. Good wishes and positive thoughts are coming your way.

  77. Just calling by again to let you know that you and the Farmer remain in my thoughts.

  78. Checking in to send best wishes,prayers, and all good thoughts,

  79. Glad to hear encouraging news and good to hear the farmer is trying to get out and about. Thinking of you and the farmer and saying special prayers for continued healing. Take care of yourself as well. Hugs from Ohio

  80. It's cheering to hear of these bits of improvement. You have been much in my heart. May God bless you and the Farmer each step of the way. Prayers continue for you in Northern California.

  81. I read your blog but I'm often behind, which is why I've only just heard about your husband. Very best wishes for further improvement.

  82. I hope things are unchanged or better for the Farmer. You both remain in my thoughts.

  83. You're in our thoughts Pat. May this week be kind to you both.

  84. Checking in again to send lots of positive thoughts and prayers and really, really hoping the Farmer is being treated successfully. Best wishes to you both.

  85. You two lovely people are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things are progressing well for the Farmer, and that you can share perhaps a brief note again soon. I really care.
    Stay strong Pat -
    Mary xx

  86. Hope all is well, I have been thinking of you all day for some reason.Love to you both.

  87. Take care of yourselves. Hope the news is good. I'm thinking of you and you're in my prayers.

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  89. My heart goes out to both of you! I hope the news is good!
