Thursday 16 February 2017

Thank you

Sincere thanks for your thoughts, prayer and good wishes.   They are helping tremendously.


  1. My thoughts with you both yesterday, and every day. You take good care. We love you.
    Greetings Maria x

  2. I suspect many of us communicate with you, Pat, more than we do with some of our own relatives. You (and the Farmer) are like a family members of the family, across the ocean. Take care of yourselves. Sending positive thoughts your way. -Jenn

  3. Even though I have never met you or the farmer in person, I am keeping my fingers permanently crossed that everything will turn out well. Regards, Neil (Yorkshire Pudding)

  4. Hello Weave. Always thinking about you both at the moment x

  5. That's the spirit. More good vibes from Vienna.

  6. I hope everything is going okay with the farmer and you. You'l always be in my heart and mind.

  7. I have you and the Farmer in my thoughts daily now and wish you both all the best and great care from your medical providers.

  8. Thinking about you both and hoping for a positive outcome. Take care. Sheila x

  9. You are in my thoughts every day, and I can only wish that you both did not have to go through this, we miss your cheerful writing every day. All the best to the Farmer and may the medical care be the best out.... Thelma x

  10. We are all thinking of you both x

  11. Dear Pat. - wishing you and the Farmer the very best outcome. You are both very much in my thoughts (and prayers).

  12. You have a world of people wishing the Farmer a good outcome. Thinking of you, Wilma

  13. Yes, the world is involved here, Pat. We think the world of the two of you.

  14. Keeping you both in my prayers... wishing for the very best outcome!

  15. Travelling through the Dales and you are both in our thoughts

  16. You are both in my thoughts. Praying for a positive outcome. Jennie xxx

  17. Each day I think of you and pray for a good resolution to the Farmer's health problem.

  18. Hope you and the farmer are getting help in your day to day life. Your bloggy friends are all rooting for a positive outcome. Best wishes to you both.

  19. Thank you for taking time to post. Yes, even in Oklahoma, there is love for you and The Farmer.

  20. Still in our thoughts and hoping for the best

  21. I'm so glad you did a quick post, I have been wondering how you're both getting on. Lots of positive thoughts heading your way from down here in Hampshire x

  22. Weaver our thoughts and prayers are for you and your Farmer

  23. Hang on in there. Tha's frum Yorkshire. xxx

  24. I wish I could be there.
    Thank You so much for taking the time to post.

    xo, gayle

  25. Dear Pat, you and the Farmer in my thoughts and prayers daily, with "a positive outcome" in the Header line. Of course you are alreally fully occupied with what each day throws at you, but I'll keep coming across to see if you have put an update on here but I'm sure we all realise that it will not be frequent.
    One of the other bloggers expressed well how much we care for you, that sense of becoming an extended family, and valuing the wisdom of the elders amongst us.

    Hugs for you, love Virginia

  26. My thoughts are with you both, so good to hear from you briefly.

  27. We shall pray for you here in Israel.

  28. We are on a similar journey with our son. I will join the Farmer to my son in my prayers.

  29. We are on a similar journey with our son. I will join the Farmer to my son in my prayers.

  30. I wish your entire family all the strength in the world to weather this storm.

  31. Been thinking of you daily since you shared the sad news. Sending continued healing thoughts and prayers from Tennessee.

  32. Thinking of you and the Farmer, and hoping that every development is positive.

  33. We were talking about you yesterday in the car. Very best wishes, Cro x

  34. I can only add my own good thoughts and words of encouragement to what the others here have already written.

  35. I have read through the comments left here and they echo my own thoughts and feelings. Love to you both.

  36. Sending you and the Farmer lots of positive thoughts and good wishes.

  37. You and the Farmer will certainly be in my prayers in Northern California. May you have much encouragement.

  38. I continue to have you all in my mind and wish and pray for all the best for you and your husband. Do things that make you feel well as much as you can! Feel all the encouragement and caring which surrounds you.

  39. Thinking of you and the farmer Weave. Lots of love from me and the young quilters.
    Gill xx

  40. So sad to hear, do take care, sending healing wishes your way.

  41. More good wishes and prayers for strength and courage,lots and lots of positive energy -

  42. Continuing to keep you and the Farmer in my thoughts Pat........Hugs! deb

  43. Best wishes from Michigan. I will keep you both in my prayers.

  44. Thought and prayers with you every day - ad hope that warmer weather brings a little relief too. Hugs,

  45. You and your beloved Farmer are still constantly in my thoughts, dear Weaver.

  46. Oh what a shock it was to read your news. Something like that is almost hard to believe so out of the blue. Hopefully there will be suitable treatments available and you can both bravely face them together. Good luck and I will be thinking about you.

  47. Oh my! I just saw the news and I'm devastated for you both.
    I truly love your posts (particularly the ones about the Farmer) and feel like you're a friend although we've never met and you're far away.
    We will be sending prayers and warm thoughts from here in the Valley.
    Much love, B

  48. Took a leave from Blogland for some time and have only now returned to reading some of my favourite blogs. So sorry to hear this about The Farmer. Will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  49. Thinking of you both daily - hope things are progressing well my dear.
    Will hope to see a little note here soon - please know we care.
    Mary xx

  50. I'm searching here for some signs of hope. I know that this takes all time and all your strenght, so save everything you have to keep up hope, spirit and patience. Many think of you and pray for you, so do I, even if we never met!! I hope the oncoming spring will give light and comfort, Pat, solid and warm!!!

  51. Thinking and praying for a positive outcome for the Farmer and strength for you both.


  52. Thinking of you both,daily. Hope all is OK.

  53. If you have time to read your comments you'll know there are many people holding you both in their minds and hearts.
    Take great care of yourself so that you can be strong for both of you.
    God bless you both. Sue

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