Tuesday 13 December 2016

Christmas decorations.

I don't put up all that many decorations at Christmas - just a small artificial tree and a few other things.   But I do love to see them around the town and this morning I took a few photographs for you to see.   The first two are of the two window sills in The Post Horn (the cafe where our gang meet twice a week for morning coffee):

And here are two shop windows in our gift shop - Serendipity.   Sorry about the pole down the centre of each window - but they are support poles and I can do nothing about that can I?

Such a magical time for our children isn't it?   Just so terrible that in so many places in the world there is no magic in anything at all.


  1. It is nice to see when the world has seemingly gone mad.

  2. I don't put many up either but like the shop ones.

  3. Charming and magical displays - thanks for sharing the photos. We don't do any decorating for Christmas, but I will do some baking.

  4. Christmas is the only time all year when I actually do allow more than my usually rather minimalist approach to decoration in my flat. I love it!
    I also like looking at shop windows etc., and the window sills at The Post Horn look very nice. My favourite is the deer in the woodland in your last picture. No matter how old I am, I still feel the magic and, like you, am very sorry for everyone who can not.

  5. We just have a wreath with 4 candles and a small nativity scene. They are already selling New Years fireworks in our local supermarket. It's the season to be jolly and listen to money to the jingle of plastic money.

  6. The decorations are for the children, or the child in us, and it's good that it's still done.

  7. What lovely shop windows and simply wonderful to see. When you think of what is happening in some parts of the world, sheer madness . . .

    I will be glad to be getting my decorations put up this evening, and BIG tree in place tomorrow morning.

  8. What wonderful Christmas windows! Thank you for showing them to us! Love them!
    Margaret P

  9. "Here come the gang" the shopkeeper said as the door swung open. He braced himself... Anyway as we all know do a nativity scene and lights. The shop windows look nice.

  10. Very nice.
    I love looking at the shop windows. But I don't go out to shop anymore beyond the UNICEF. I wish I lived in a village like yours.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. I love the reindeer in the long pants.


  12. I love looking at shop windows during the holidays. They make me smile and I like to see how clever the owners or staff are to get our attention.

  13. I really like the woodland themed window (the last one in your post). -Jenn

  14. I remember going to see Christmas windows in big department stores in downtown Toronto when I was a young child. Just magic.

  15. My road in Brighton (classic Victorian terrace) does an annual 'advent calendar'. We all attend a big party and are allotted a date from 1 to 25, then open our decorated front bay window on that day. It's become quite an event in Brighton, and people come especially to see all the windows. Quite a lot of competition too.

  16. Cro's idea sounds absolutely lovely - I wonder if anywhere else does it.
    Gwil's comment just about says it all really.
    I love the idea of Christmas but with the world in the state it is this year I really
    don't feel in the least inclined to decorate or celebrate, I must say.

  17. I love all those London shop windows at Christmas too.

  18. Surely you could have removed The Poles in the window? After all, the majority of our fellow citizens voted for Brexit.

  19. Not long now before the Easter eggs start to appear.

  20. I'm with you on that, we have hardly any decorations at all in the penthouse. However I do love to see what other people have done, last night we walked home at dusk and looking into other peoples light filled homes was magical.

  21. The decorations are gorgeous but surely those are the North and South Poles, haha :D
