Monday 12 December 2016


Yesterday was the most frustrating day.   I decided to make number three out of my four cakes I always make at Christmas (one for us and three as presents).   I needed to get it into the Aga early because I needed to cook the Sunday lunch in there later in the morning.   (I have an Aga cake baker, which cuts down the baking time on fruit cakes).

I went on line to see my e mails and in mid-reading of one I lost my internet connection.   I was without it all day, although the blue light was on.   It came back on at around six o'clock in the evening.

It did strike me just how much we have come to rely on the computer for so much in our lives.   Yes, I still have friends who refuse to have anything to do with it - and I personally think that is their loss, but the trouble is that when it sudddenly 'goes off' - when suddenly all connection with the outside world is lost - there is a huge sense of frustration.

It almost made me want to go back to the old method of pen and ink - almost, but not quite.


  1. That wouldbe a frightful experience Pat, blogging with pen and ink!!! Imagine how much time it would take to make comments, let alone react to them!! However, people did have quite a lot of conversations in the old days via servants and perhaps morning and afternoon mail. I suppose you would need a vast amount of servants ( or pidgeons...) to reach us all.
    Internet is what it is and it's a bit terrifying that it holds up so much of our every day life and effects us in that manner..
    I can comment on Linda now, but for quite a while I could only comment on you!!! Blogger is working on some strange alterations, what it is I don't know!!
    Hope your fruitcakes turned out nicely and that you have solved the "pigs in blanket " problem!!!!

  2. And oh oh dear me, I forgot looking in on you the other day-------I see the grandchild ha arrived!!!! Oh bliss and splendour!!!
    In Scotland eh? I do hope they are well, such a nice face!! Blessings to you and them and the Farmer !!! The knittings was ever so nicely done, Pat, you are very good at that!!

  3. It is especially upsetting when you were right in the middle of doing something on it, like paying bill, writing an email or ordering something.
    gurrrrrr as thehamish would say !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I get this a lot. Up and down and all blue lights on. I have to go to settings on the computer and reconnect internet or alternatively press reset on the router using a pin or paperclip (back right side of BT router). Lots of people are getting this but BT deny there is a problem if you speak to them. It drives me to despair.

  5. It could have been worse, Weave. Number 3 cake could have turned out to be number 2.

  6. We were talking about this instant communication phenomenon this afternoon.

  7. Oh, Pat, it is frustrating isn't it! I am younger than you by a decade or two (nearly, anyway) but I"m still a nitwit when it comes to anything going wrong. I can cope if it does what i expect, but I'm pretty useless at fixing glitches. But I love the wider view of the world I have got

  8. The latest Windows update has affected some routers causing computers to disconnect. It's happening all over the place.

  9. We had no water from 9 to 12 yesterday morning; but they did let us know in advance.

    I had some updates recently, and my machine has been slower ever since..... That's progress, I suppose.

  10. Well we gave up on BT/Open Reach and changed over to a local firm which gives a good service, I often suspect that Windows is playing around in the background as well, as my computer has been a tad slower to,but the fact that Windows can come in and change stuff around is annoying.
    Also (being paranoid) I have been deleting my browser history most days, which knocks out all my passwords each time.

  11. I think I will uninstall Windows 10 because the problems started when it automatically installed itself on my laptop.

  12. I've heard so many bad stories about Windows 10 that I have kept it at bay so far, do you have it installed Pat?

  13. It automatically installed itself on mine one day when I didn't sign out.

  14. I think Pat that if the internet were to ever disappear a whole new world might open up to us... One some of us might faintly remember... and we might be surprised at how much free time we would have on hand and oh my what we might do with it... We would eventually figure it out.... i wonder if our lives would be richer without the computer... Ofcourse being your pen pal i'am glad you still manage to put pen to paper.. :) Hugs! deb

  15. How frustrating that must of been Rachel, it's tried a couple of times on my PC but so far I've managed to block it.

  16. M and S in Northallerton was awash with pigs in blankets yesterday!

  17. No matter whether it is "the internet" or anything else, it is always frustrating when something is not doing what it should be doing.
    Much of my work would be impossible without the internet, and a lot of what happens in my private life would never happen, either. For instance, without the internet, I would not have met my late husband, or O.K. for that matter - the two people that matter to me most apart from my parents and my sister.

  18. My handwriting is slow, clumsy and terrible, that's why I've never been able to keep a handwritten journal. I did try.

  19. You are quite right Pat. We have come to rely on our Internet connection and we feel bereft when deprived of it. I say that as someone who resisted having a computer for so many years, but would feel lost without it now.

  20. Penhill. They had been awash when we went in, but they had all gone. I wish I had known you were going, you could have brought me some more - we can't live all that far apart. I wish I knew where you lived - I find the mystery intriguing.
    Si - one of the reasons I no longer enjoy writing is that I have developed a bad shake and consequently find writing very hard.
    Rachel (and Derek) - when I bought my new laptop a year ago and my computer man came to instal it for me it already had Windows 10 on it. It is the first problem I have had to contend with but when I read what you had to do Rachel, it is like reading a foreign language - I don't understand how to do any of that, so thank goodness it returned of its own accord.
    Your usual wit Tom!! Turned out well as it happens.
    Penhill - fancy meeting for coffee sometime?

  21. I couldn't agree more about the internet. I've become so close to some of my online friends and have met many in 'real life' and developed wonderful friendships. I'll be relying on it more in the future to keep in touch with the outside world :D
