Monday 17 October 2016


What a difference a bit of sunshine makes.  My visitors from The Netherlands are coming at the week-end and I am busy organising things for them coming - we are so much looking forward to seeing them.

Yesterday was fog, rain, cloud and thoroughly miserable - today (what a difference a day makes) there is a light breeze and the sun has shone all day.

This morning the farmer went to his feed merchants in Masham, about ten miles away.   I went with him for the ride (as I usually do) and I took my camera, expecting that the trees of Autumn would be spectacular.   They have hardly begun to change yet, apart from the odd beech tree here and there, so my Autumn colours of Wensleydale will have to wait a while.

The farmer has started tidying up jobs for winter.   I am trying to persuade him to hire a skip and fill it.   I am sure there is enough 'rubbish' lying about to fill a dozen skips - but my goodness me he takes some persuading.  In fact I shall not mention it again or I shall tip the scales over into nagging rather than persuading.   He does agree that there is a lot of rubbish on various benches (last year a robin built a nest on the bench in his big shed and the nest was really not visible unless you knew exactly where to look.)   Everything on the bench was the same brownish colour - tools, rusty bits of this and that, bits of old rag etc.   She laid her eggs, reared her young and off they flew and nobody disturbed her.



  1. We've had a week of wet, wet nights, misty mornings and then gloriously sunny afternoons, and yes, our trees are just starting to change colour. There are some lovely flashes of red and russet to bring the colours of Autumn to life when we look both into our woodland and over the road to the hills opposite.

    I agree with so much about the persuading veering over to perceived 'nagging' if you're not careful. There's a fine line to cross with the male of the species ;-)

  2. I think that you have had much the same sort of weather as us Pat. Ours was extremely heavy rain and strong winds over the weekend nights with foggy mornings and many of the trees are still in leaf apart from Damsons which are almost bare. Today is sunny in a very cool air. A day for the fire me thinks.

  3. "Stuff" seems to metamorphosize into "rubbish" when you're not looking. Enjoy your sunny days.

  4. The sun is shining here today, too. I'm about to head back out into it.

  5. We have now had three days of miserable rainy mornings and bright sunny afternoons -- with even a touch of warmth in the sunshine. Not much in the way of autumn colours yet, except some bright red leaves just framing the dining room window.

  6. We started to have Fall but summer is holding on. Evening and mornings are cool but still in the 90's durning the day. Lots of bright blue sky with some high clouds.
    Did you get any photos of the Robin ?

    cheers, parsnip

  7. The season must just be a little "off" everywhere. One of the weather sites I visit stated that our fall colors here in the Shenandoah Valley are running about 2 weeks late this year!

  8. It is surprising that your farmer has his own feed merchant in Masham. You have often referred to the nice meals you make for him and yet he gets extra food from a feed merchant! Greedy man! Speaking of food, Dutch people like raw herring and stamppot.

  9. The good thing about moving was that Colin really had to tidy, sell, sort and chuck his stuff and we had only been there 23 years, as The Farmer has lived there a lot longer he must have a good collection of might come in handy things!
    Rain and wind has brought down a lot of leaves today and colours are starting to look good

  10. Your fog and rain will arrive here tomorrow,
    and clear away by Saturday. Thanx :)

  11. Robins do like rust don't they? We had one nesting in an old kettle

  12. The tree in the middle of Redmire looks beautiful today - might be worth taking your camera to it Pat?

  13. WE've had wet starts, then brightening up. After a few more friendly days the wind has now veered northerly again, which means it is getting colder.

  14. We are still having summer weather and because of the heat, I haven't been out working in the gardens. Piles of things that I planned to put away are still sitting on the potting table waiting for their winter home.

  15. Pat, this post is a fine example of why I feel so fortunate that our mutual blogging friend Elizabeth let me know how to find your site.

    You write so well, and let us into a detailed view of what it truly is to experience life on your farm in the glorious dales. You draw the picture with clarity and sensitivity. Seasons arrive, linger a while and depart. Weekly schedules provide a structure, but on a farm, that structure is subject to change.

    Sone folks chirp about going with the flow. As someone who's been reading your posts for a while now, I think I have learned so very much about what that Flow really is.

    Still thinking about that crumble you've made for your guests, and so glad that you and your husband are in good health as the arrival of those guests nears.

    I will make an appointment for my flu shot! xo

  16. Very wise of you to be aware of the fine line between persuading and nagging!

    It's been sunny most of yesterday here, too, but in the evening, much-needed rain began to fall. I still heard it when I went to bed and hope it was enough to do the fields, gardens and woods some good.

  17. A bit of Sunshine really does lift the spirits.

  18. Glad you had some sunshine and I hope there will be more for your visitors at the weekend. I am waiting for the lawns to dry out so that I can cut them, but we are having sunshine and showers, so it takes ages for the grass to dry.
    What is it about husbands and 'stuff'? Mine is the same - we have a garage and two sheds full of mostly rubbish. I had hopes of turning one shed into a sort of summerhouse, but it soon filled with things 'too good to throw away', but nobody wants them!
    Have a lovely weekend, whatever the weather.

  19. Oh I wish you could see the colour of the foliage here, Pat. I think it is one of our best years! Hopefully some of that valuable rubbish will be cleared out soon. -Jenn

  20. maybe...just maybe...the rubbish should stay!...I felt that way as the potter chopped down the ivy and russian vine from the elder tree...the birds favorite to sit and sing in!!! All change!
