Sunday 16 October 2016

Cabin fever.

I am suffering somewhat from Cabin Fever, but really it is such horrible weather that there is no point in going anywhere.

Today we awoke to thick fog, which has at last cleared after an hour of rain.   Now, mid afternoon, the sun is trying to break through the clouds, but it is very cold.

Lamb cutlets for lunch served on a bed of spinach and with new potatoes and savoy cabbage on the side.   And for once I got the cutlets cooked just right.   Television chefs tend to cook them for about two minutes each side and then serve them really pink.   Neither the farmer nor I are keen on pink meat whatever it is - we belong to the well-cooked brigade.   Nice crispy fat on the edge also enhances them - so tasty they were indeed.

More than two days in the house and I am getting restless.   I always think that there may indeed come a time in the not too distanr future when I cannot get out, so while I can go out and about I shall continue to do so.   Back to 'normal' tomorrow.   And hopefully the weather will have improved.


  1. I'm not a big fan of pink meat, either. I sent a steak back twice at a restaurant until it stopped being red rare. Too bad about the weather, but it's all part of fall, I suppose. We are having a rainy day here, but it is still incredibly mild in temperature. -Jenn

  2. i've never eaten lamb. I think of baby lambs, but what a lunch. I like beef rare, but chicken and pork and fish, never. I love savoy cabbage; it is so light/thin as opposed to the big white hunks of regular cabbage. I don't like the white parts of lettuce either. Aren't our food preferences strange? As a child, nothing on my plate could touch or run together and I still don't eat those white hard cords in eggs. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Pat. I know exactly what you are talking of.

  3. We're having lamb today too an we do like it on the pink side.

  4. Your meal sounds scrumptious!
    While I do like my lamb a little pink...I truly adore a little crispy fat. It always surprises me how many people find it distasteful.
    Here's hoping you have better weather tomorrow.

  5. I don't eat much meat, but when I do, it has to be well cooked, too.
    We've had the most wonderful weather today; after the sun managed to burn off the dense morning fog, it was brilliant blue skies all day (still is!) with not a cloud in sight, and temperatures up to 20. What a difference to earlier this week, when I needed boots, gloves, a scarf and my padded winter coat!

    Spending a few days at home can make one restless. On the other hand, you always do so much, all those jobs around the house!

  6. I grew up in a drizzly cloudy climate (Southeast Alaska) with many rainy, soggy days - now I live in NW Washington state and we have a very similar climate - it suits me well. I'm a bit of a homebody - though I do enjoy a sunny day outing. I suppose if I didn't have a choice I might feel differently - but to me a day spent at home with dark and rainy weather is a simple delight. I like a good storm on the coast with crashing waves - and I adore sunny days with glorious bird song. I like all kinds of weather - good thing, as that is what we get here. Hope you get out and about soon for another of your fun adventures.

  7. Must be a bad day for sheep - we had lamb too today. a bright and breezy day forecast for tomorrow, so get out there before the winter gets here.

  8. Sheffield was grey and wet this morning. I thought it would last all day but by eleven thirty the sun broke through and we have enjoyed a lovely autumn afternoon. I finished cleaning the decking with a power jet - so powerful it's like an offensive weapon blasting away the muck and algae. Take that algae!

  9. Good Afternoon to you, Oh my goodness, it was cold this morning, here in Newcastle, but the sun peeked through the clouds at about two o'clock, so it doesn't feel so cold now.
    It's so nice to hear someone else loves their meat cooked right through. I really can't eat pink meat. I'm not sure why, I think it is the look of it that puts me off. My friends think I am daft because they say the meat is more tender when it is pink. Each to their own, I say.
    Best Wishes

  10. We do love lamb at our house, and not too pink, just slightly so. Your lunch sounds delicious on a cold day. I am joyful it is raining here, the first rain of the season, since we are in a drought.

  11. I love lamb or beef but I like it cooked just enough to not walk off the table.
    The lunch you made sounds wonderful.
    Sorry your weather is cold so early. We are still in the 90's but the evening and morning are cool and lovely.

    cheers, parsnip

  12. The thought of lamb cutlets is making my mouth water! Dennis does not eat the meat of mammals, so we never it at home - BUT - I usually order beef, pork, or lamb if we go out to a restaurant that I know can cook it to my liking. Unfortunately that is a rare occurrence. We are watching as a rain storm approaches us from the east; it will be here in about 5 minutes. Just did get all the east windows closed. It will blow over quickly, I think.

  13. Having just eaten my lamb steak dinner, your post immediately brought to mind the mint sauce! Yum...
    Down here on the south coast, we were once again treated to sunshine after a early rain shower - I'd send you oodles of it if I could! (Sunshine, not rain!) ♥

  14. Oh dear, nothing worse than over-cooked meat. I like my steak virtually raw and my lamb well pink, that way you can taste what it is, not some lump of leather.

  15. My mornings feature a lot of fog these days. I must drive through an area of lakes with fog that obscures the road morning and sometimes evenings. Once I had Laura with me through a fog episode and realized it must be far worse at seven on the morning. She said the school bus goes very slowly.

  16. Pat, perhaps after tonight's full moon...the Harvest Moon some call might get a spate of weather that will encourage you to get out and about. Over here, Sunday was a beautiful autumn day, and even though I had a few stay-at-home projects calling to me, I ignored them and had a wonderful walk through Central Park over to the Upper East Side. I love the exercise resulting from this walk that takes me through winding paths up and down gentle elevations.

    I left my camera at home, as I was carrying several books back to the library and knew I'd be stopping by the local Sunday farmer market on the way home. And so, I missed capturing lots of visual beauty. Well, it's in my mind's eye.

    Lamb. Your lunch sounds so delicious, I rarely eat lamb, cooked in any way, but on those infrequent occasions do perhaps appreciate it more. Somehow, reading your posts and learning so much about how a Yorkshire farm's year progresses has caused me to rethink my aversion to dining upon lamb. Yet...I do refrain from putting lamb on my shopping list.

    Promise to keep you posted on this evolving story line. I definitely love knitting with wool! xo

  17. I'm a firm believer in getting out and about while you still can get out and about. Mind you, there are other things that suffer ( which won't be discussed here) if you don't keep a rein on the out and about stuff.


  18. I prefer meat to be cooked through, though I know that there are those who like it practically raw in the middle. Lamb cutlets are so tasty.
    We have been so fortunate here in the south west and have been enjoying some beautiful days with occasional rain. I am slowly reclaiming the garden from it's months of neglect, as my energy allows and have a few more small bulbs to plant before it is all done.
    I hope your weather will improve so that you can get out and about again before ice and snow make life difficult.

  19. Nice to hear from you Daphne. And a nice surprise to hear from you Jinksy. I went to Napple Notes but you haven#t put a post on since May. So I didn't answer it.

  20. I just had a pink breakfast. Salmon slices on toast, and a few cheery cherry tomatoes!

  21. I like to get out and about even if it's just a walk down the field and back. I feel I've missed the world if I don't.

  22. If they weren't so damned expensive here, I would probably eat Lamb cutlets almost every day; slightly pink inside of course.

  23. Lovely day here.
    I rather like the sound of Gwil's breakfast.
