Saturday 15 October 2016


Today has been a quiet day for me, except for a very early start as it was 'flu' jabs at the Medical Centre just after eight o'clock this morning.   They have it all so well arranged that the farmer and I were there and back in twenty minutes.   It is a bind going and I know that left to his own devices the farmer wouldn't bother, but I always make him go.   Anything is better than a dose of 'real' 'flu' - and I know the injection doesn't cover completely, but it is the best they can do and certainly more protection than nothing at all.

I can't bear to go out leaving things to be done so I had to have an early start in order to put the breakfast pots in the dishwasher, make the bed and have my shower.

My only other job of any value has been to make a large blackberry, raspberry and apple crumble to put in the freezer later today ready for our Dutch friends who will be here next week-end.   I have done this, also making three small ones for the farmer, myself and friend W - we might as well sample the mixture.

Now, at half-past two in the afternoon (by my
newly-found wrist watch!!)  I shall empty the dishwasher and then knit until tea time.   A woman's work is never done.


  1. A woman's work is never done? That's just what the Kardashian sisters always say. "Pat Kardashian" has a nice ring to it.

  2. Pat, that is getting a lot done on a Saturday. Hope you get time to enjoy a little of the fall. I bet there is beauty hiding in those hedgerows. Is that where you got the berries?

  3. That's a good reminder - I need to get in for my flu shot, too. -Jenn

  4. I take my pneumonia shot, but not the flu, just can't do it. I can't leave the house messed up either, it's all done before we walk out the door.

  5. "a woman's work is never done" - some of it is with a dish washer, mine hasn't been used for the last six years, oddly perhaps, I enjoy good old fashioned washing up at the sink. I never bother with flu jabs, it comes from the fact that no one has ever convinced me that they work and a dislike of needles.

  6. I follow Cro at Magnon's Meanderings daily and have come to recognize some of his followers as people I would like to know were I not halfway 'round the world in northern California, USA.

    You seem to be without drama (or hysterics ;-) and have a no-nonsense approach to life, while enjoying its simplicities. In a nutshell, I've added you to my list of bookmarks and will visit you regularly. You calm me. Thank you.

  7. But what useful things you have done!

  8. We always say that flu jab day is the highlight of our social calendar! We meet so many people we haven't seen since the last time. This year's batch seems to be a bit spiteful and we both felt a little off form for a while, or maybe we were just fighting something off.
    The fruit crumble sounds delicious and the afternoon knitting sounds good to me, as well.

  9. I don't like leaving things not in order when going out, either. Good job I can turn up at the office (almost) as late as I like! I usually manage to leave everything the way I want it to be, and when I have to be somewhere early, I prefer getting up an hour earlier to make sure I don't have to dash about. It's a much better start to the day when I can do everything at my own pace, calmly and thoroughly.

  10. Derek - how do you know that flu jabs don't work - maybe you have never caught a bug which would have given you fly. 'Real' flu is not to be taken lightly as one gets older - often leads to pneumonia and is awful. I hardly felt the needle go in and, as Heather says, you meet old folk you haven't seen since the last flu jab - ships that pass in the niht.

    Gail - delighted to welcome you to my blog.

    YP I think I can do without compliments like that!!!

  11. Not having a wife to organise me I usually miss out on the flu jab. Mind you, so far I've always the flu too.

  12. Snap. It was our flu jab day today though ours didn't start until 9. I never miss as I had flu about 50 years ago and wouldn't like to go through that again. It's not just the immediate pure misery but the weeks, if not months, it seems to take to recover fully.

  13. Must arrange my flu jab. Those crumbles sound good. I made blackberry and apple ones a few weeks ago, I might try adding raspberry next time - if I remember!

  14. Pat, I don't know that flu jabs don't work but then again I don't know that they do, what I mean is, how do you know it's stopping you getting flu, perhaps you weren't going to get it anyway. By the way, I did have flu about 16 years ago.

  15. I'm getting a jab through work. Hope it doesn't make me feel ill like it does my mum

  16. Can you knit me a beanie? I do need one

  17. The last time I had the flu was in 1968. I was really sick with that flu. I believe that I have gotten my flu shot every year since. Sometimes I get a sore arm, but it is only for a day. Husband and I got our "jabs" this past Wednesday, and I have been having some side effects this time. A low fever, pretty bad headache for two days solid (very unusual for me), nausea, and a very runny nose. Today the fever, headache, and runny nose is gone, but still a slight bit of nausea.

    The way I figure, there must have been some flu virus in this year's shot that I have never been exposed to before, so I would probably have felt the full force of that virus later this year had I not been vaccinated. So, even with not feeling good this week, I think the jab was worth it to me.

    I hope the jabs work for all of us who got them, and that everyone who didn't get them stays
    well, too.

  18. Hubs and i never get the flu shots and have never come down with the flu.... Or if we have had flu it wasn't very bad and didn't last long... I'am one of those few paranoid people that shy away from something they want EVERYONE to take... seriously... they have everyone so trained to just go take their flu shot that honestly they could put anything they want in that shot and not tell you and everyone will have taken it... no thanks........I do know how paranoid that may sound but i'll be sticking to my guns and no flu shot for us.....

    Your day sounds wonderful Pat... our day not so nice....Sister in law had trouble with her plumbing and took all day to get it sorted...uuugghhh... I'm tired and hubby is the one that did the work...I was there for moral support and to hand him Hugs! deb

  19. John - I willl knit a beanie but the list of things I have to knit for this coming baby is so long that you may have to wait a while - but we will see.

    Thanks everyone. The opinion on flu jabs seems to be divided - obviously we will all do what we think best. Let's just hope there is no nasty bug around this year.
    They always say that a few days really cold weather kills a lot of bugs off and we certainly have not had that for a year or two. Also the flu jab does only cover what they know might be around - there are always rogue ones in the offing (don't wish to alarm you).
