Tuesday 21 June 2016

Farm jobs.

At last a warm(ish) fine day with a light breeze and a reasonable amount of sunshine.   Yesterday started off wet, so that any grass which had been cut the previous day lay wet and soggy.

But today the grass has really dried and silaging has taken off in earnest - both forage silaging and round bale silaging are in full swing.

My hens will be delighted tomorrow when they can once more venture into the fields to scratch around for grubs.   The grass has been far too long for them and they have been confined to the yard and even going round next door to scratch around on the hard surface (our neighbours are Haulage Contractors with a fleet of lorries).   Their delight has been when a lorry returns from collecting grain at A and taking it to B - then when the driver washes out the lorry before going home for the night there is grain to pick up.   The fact that their  hut has grain scattered among the straw every morning is immaterial.   Stolen fruit is always the sweetest.


  1. Freebies/stolen is always sweeter. I wish I had land so I could have chickens. It may happen one day.

  2. We are roasting here...turning into toasted marshmallows! Tee Hee


  3. Here in Sheppey we had a similar day yesterday with around 6-7 hours driving rain. Today was lovely and very warm and sunny with a drying breeze but Thursday we are threatened with a month's rain in one day. Despite the abundance of grass this year, nobody seems to be cutting silage or hay so far, mind you, with rain almost every other day it has been difficult judging when to start.

  4. "Stolen fruit is always the sweetest" is a great saying. I will test out the theory next time I am passing the grapes in "Tesco".

  5. they have been cutting and baling round here for some weeks now, my OAP's who free range love to go round checking the feed troughs for leftovers :-)

  6. Chickens are so funny. Stolen fruit ? no no no it is a law of nature they can mooch around anywhere they can get to.
    Just as long as a dog is not involved or a badger or fox.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Oh your cute little hens with the human attitude of stolen fruit is the sweetest.

  8. Thank you, Weaver, for your kind comment over at my place.

    What a grand gift you commissioned for the Farmer's birthday. I've been making lots of gift over the past few weeks with my knitting needles (and yarn, of course) and really think that one of a kind (one off) gifts are the best.

    Your description of those chickens waiting to see what new nibbles might be coming their way has made me not only smile, but laugh.

    Let the record show that I have had a veg-filled salad for supper tonight. Egg sandwich for lunch.

    Tomorrow might bring a different selection. Still, with all the fresh veg now available, why not indulge?

  9. According to the forecast, we're in for a mini heatwave from today until the weekend, when the hot weather is supposed to break again, with probably plenty of thunderstorms and more rain - as if we had not had enough of both yet! But I'm not complaining but instead am happy to be able to wear a dress to work today without needing tights and a cardigan :-)

    Our cats were always the same - they would have regular meals at their place in the kitchen, but never passed on the opportunity to nick something from an unsuspecting neighbour who would leave food out on her kitchen counter.

  10. Glad the weather has perked up for you and the hens! It has been dull but dry for a couple of days allowing me to mow both our lawns, and just in time as today is damp and drizzly again. I daresay summer will put in an appearance sometime - hopefully before next year.

  11. How funny that the chickens associate the arrival of a huge lorry with food. I almost feel the same way when I see a Waitress delivery truck.

  12. I do miss my Chooks :-)

  13. We could do with some of Linda'a heat - although not too hot. Wouldn't you agree? Thanks for all your comments.

  14. The second haying is all in now - they escaped being rained on too, which is pretty good for NW Washington state. I love your adventurous chickens.
