Wednesday 22 June 2016

Roll on the week-end.

By Friday morning the die will be cast, we will know the result of the Referendum and there will be no more pontificating on our television screens.   I don't know about anybody else but I am sick of the blanket coverage, sick of hearing the bigoted views of so many people that the reporters speak to on screen, in fact sick of the whole bandwagon.

Tomorrow evening the farmer and I will go round to the Polling Station in our village hall and put our cross where we wish to put it.   It is all we can do - the rest is in the lap of the gods.


  1. We are on holiday and even after registering for a postal vote (in April) we were told that the postal ballot papers would be sent out after we went on holiday (13th June) so we can't vote.

    I have no idea why we have to vote to leave or remain in Europe.

  2. With our five-hour time zone lag, it will be easy to follow the results of tomorrow's vote from over here.

    (Talking about being sick, I really am not sure I can handle over four more months of Donald v. Hillary.)

    My local House of Representatives Congressman is involved in a strange primary election on June 28. I will dutifully go to the polls. My polling place is in an elementary (primary) school, and the Parent Teachers Association usually has a bake sale on election days. I always buy something, and often encounter the Congressman also sampling some cupcakes.

    Just a little local NYC color for you. xo

  3. I am glad I don't have to make this decision, Pat.....

  4. Well I shall vote Leave today and like you, I'm really pissed off with it all, but you can guarantee that once the result is known, then we will endure more weeks of debate over that.
    Huge thunder storms and massive amounts of rain here overnight, not nice at all outside.

  5. Thank goodness it's over. But will the losers accept the result? That's going to run and run.

  6. Like Derek says, you can be sure the topic will not disappear any time soon from our screens and papers, I'm afraid! But at least we shall all know the result on Friday morning, with probably some cautious first estimates on tonight's news. Here in Germany, what happens today in the UK is closely followed by many, not just by the likes of me who have family there.
    I honestly do not envy you for having to vote, but I know without a shadow of a doubt where I'd put my cross.

  7. It will soon all be forgotten about.

  8. I've avoided most TV coverage as I think I would have smashed my TV in exasperation. I did my own looking and researching on the internet though I haven't changed my long held view as to which way we should go. No doubt we will have to suffer coverage of all the personalities casting their votes.

  9. I was unsure which way to vote a few weeks ago and didn't find any of the so-called advice very helpful. I made up my own mind and am trusting my instinct. I daresay it will all rumble on a bit after the votes are counted. I just hope it will be a decisive result.

  10. I have just been down to my cross in the out box, for our little village they have had a record turn out and its not even mid morning, I am planning on staying up to watch some of the count and will be back watching the final result roll in, I have found it all very interesting :-)

  11. I agree, the whole process has highlighted the shabbiness of many of our politicians. Lies upon lies and wild predictions. I am for out too though I doubt we ever will escape whatever the result tomorrow.

  12. I have the nastiest feeling that this is barely the beginning whatever the result ... But what a lovely day to have no discussion of it allowed while voting is in progress!

  13. Yup, a nightmare.
    A difficult choice - but such venom from so many people.
    Such hatred unleashed - you'd almost think you'd got a lunatic like Trump on the loose.
    Good arguments from both sides
    but more realistic to stay in - says me from the other side of the Atlantic and lacking an actual vote.
    Fingers crossed!

  14. Germany has said that if we remain in the EU they will acknowledge the 1966 Wembley goal and reserve sun loungers for us with their towels.

  15. Tonight there's a programme on Austrian independent TV channel Servus titled: If Britain leave will Austria be next?

    The answer must be No.

    I can't think of a time when the Austrians disobeyed their German masters. Maybe not since the Battle of Leipzig.

    Somebody with proven sense told me Denmark could be the second one out.

    Being out of Britain 15 years I have no vote. The fact that I am British, and more British than millions now living in Britain is meaningless.

    So what did my parents and grandparents fight for?
