Monday 20 June 2016

Birthday present as promised.

Here is the farmer's birthday present (along with a jig-saw puzzle of our little town) - a walking stick made by a local farmer.   The stick itself is holly and the top is stag's head.


  1. An excellent and well thought out present, especially with it's local connections, well done.

  2. More like David's Meanderings these days I think Rachel.

  3. The fact that the stick was made locally makes it very special. I hope he isn't tempted to whack you with it when you burn his toast!

  4. Love all the local connections! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. FARMER! From way over here in Colorado to you across the pond!


  5. What a thoughtful present. The gift is wonderful as the though you put into it.
    Happy birthday to The Farmer.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish xo

  6. Happy Birthday to the Farmer.

    He did very well with his lunch out and your wonderful walking stick and jig-saw puzzle of your little town. If at all possible I'd love to see a snapshot of the puzzle box picture.


  7. That is a very handsome walking stick. It will no doubt be 'christened' on the next walk that the farmer takes. I too would like to see the jigsaw picture of your little town.

  8. Pat, that was the perfect gift. Did he love it?

  9. Lovely. What a great present.

  10. What a great present.I am sure he will treasure it.

  11. What a special present! I hope he loves it (and uses it).
    Happy, happy Birthday to the Farmer!
    And, well done, Pat, well done.

  12. what a clever gift! I hadn't guessed! I thought it might be something farm-related.

    Happy birthday Farmer!

  13. Super gift for a farmer who loves to get out and about in the English countryside. His walking days will certainly be more comfortable - and what a beautiful stick it is. I see it becoming quite a conversation piece.

    Happy Birthday farmer - here's to many more!
    Mary -

  14. Very nice. There's something very comforting about a good old English walking stick.

  15. Happy Birthday to the farmer! May he have years and years of enjoying his walking stick!

  16. A good idea, useful and beautiful at the same time.
    Some years ago, we gave my Dad a pair of "sporty" walking sticks (you know, the kind they use for "Nordic Walking") for either Christmas or his Birthday, I can't remember which. He has never used them, not once, although he can hardly walk some days and would much profit from them. But... it would mean acknowledging his "weakness" to the world, he feels! Daft, but that's a stubborn man for you.

  17. Useful and pretty. I have a walking stick of red willow and the head is a hand carved totem raven.

  18. Belated Birthday Greetings to the Farmer.
    I`m sure this well-crafted stick will help as he walks the Dales with friends. I hope he enjoys many good days using it!

  19. Very nice! My husband's father had a thing for walking sticks (although never needed one) and we have since inherited his collection which we keep in a blue and white tall heavy vase in the livingroom. I love that the walking stick you gave the farmer has a carved head. -Jenn

  20. That is just perfect for the Farmer! Great job Pat! Hugs! deb

  21. A lovely present for a regular walker.

  22. A perfect gift for the Farmer. I bet he was thrilled.

  23. Happy Birthday to the Farmer.

    Joel, Margaret and Siri
