Sunday 31 August 2014

Virtual Friends.

I wrote a post the other day about how I valued all my blogging friends and how I would be hard-pressed to define the difference between  'real' friends and those that I blog with.  I have met quite a few of them and yesterday I met up again with Denise and her husband, John, (Mrs Nesbitt's space on my side bar) when they zoomed in on their motor bike to see us and to collect three different snippets of hardy geraniums for Denise's garden (Patricia, Johnson's Blue and Russell Pritchard).  It was lovely to see them again - this is the second time they have called.   They don't live all that far away - maybe fifty or so miles.   Blogging friends become real friends - and the whole idea of blogging justifies itself.   How the world has become so much smaller a place.   So thanks for calling in you two - and I hope the plants all grow - water them in well.


Frugal in Derbyshire said...

I have yet to meet a blogging friend.Though I have met people who have become followers after our meeting.
Glad you liked the tomato bean recipe.

Cloudia said...

And we meet those who, while simpatico, are sometimes folks we'd never cross paths with IRL ["In Real Life "]

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

Aimz said...

That's so cool. I met a blogging friend the other day at work who lives about 20 mins away who I wasn't aware of. Was quite an experience, but a good one.

Elizabeth said...

As said before, blogging friends turn out to be just as you would imagine when you meet them in real life,
I have never been the least surprised!

jinxxxygirl said...

Have never met a blogging friend...but i hope to. Mine stretch all over the world and i think that is just fabulous! Hugs! deb

Cro Magnon said...

I just go and put some petrol in the bike!

George said...

Well said, Pat. Indeed, I sometimes think that my blogging friends may be my best friends.

Joanne Noragon said...

I have met local blogging friends. I wonder if I'll ever met the ones from far away.

Heather said...

I have met one fairly local blogging friend but there are many more much further afield who I shall probably never meet.
I love hardy geraniums - even the ones that tend to escape from their alloted space!

mrsnesbitt said...

It was lovely Pat - you do make a good cup of tea. Wow did we see the pheasants and grouse the farmer was telling us about! It was like being in a David Attenborough nature programme - flying alongside the birds! We'll have to do it again - soon!

angryparsnip said...

I have met two blogger friends and it was wonderful.
I always planned a trip the the UK and possible meet some of my blog friends but sometimes life gets in the way.
Through blogs I get a chance to visit everyday places I have visited or want to visit. Lovely.

cheers, parsnip

Gwil W said...

I think their favourite colour is blue.

Gerry Snape said...

Though time and tide take me away from my blogger's always so comforting to find them still where I can find them!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I've met a few blogging friends - and they are as good as "real" friends - now they are real friends.

I had one friend tell me that blogging friends are the same as in-person friends - and she has spent the last 35 years writing letters to a pen-pal. I don't see any difference at all - a friend is a friend - where ever you find them.

Bovey Belle said...

And they are blogging friends I have met too! A few years back now, but it was lovely to see them and their lovely home.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thank you dear friends for your comments - you brighten my life.

Terry and Linda said...

I so agree with you about blogging friends! This would of internet has opened up the universe to all of us!
