Sunday 10 August 2014


Today it is very, very wet indeed.   I think we are supposed to be getting the remnants of Hurricane Bertha, downgraded to a Tropical storm and now downgraded again, but nevertheless providing us with huge quantities of rain today.   We are told to expect gale force winds by bedtime, but at present it is just still and pouring with rain.

Another four pounds of mushrooms this morning.   What to do with them.   The farmer rang his sister who lives twenty five miles away - she said she would love them.   I took enough out for tea tomorrow and we took the rest over there.   The good news is that we were invited over for Sunday lunch too, so we had a jolly day out.   On my return I quickly cobbled together a blackberry and apple pie with the blackberries the farmer picked this morning - the fields are really yielding up crops for free at the moment.



Cloudia said...

What I'd give for a slice of your fresh pie!

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

When I was a child, every year we would go mushroom hunting in the woods. We used to hunt for morel mushrooms. They look like sponges on a stem, and are delicious. Every once in a while I dream I am hunting mushrooms. Haven't hunted them in reality for many years. It sounds like your had a huge mound of mushrooms. Yum!

Aimz said...

blackberries - yum! as for the rain, we've had heaps here, it's been a very wet winter.

Arija said...

Pat, you can always dry the mushrooms in the oven and soak to use in the winter or make mushroom soup and freeze it or even just fry the mushrooms and freeze. They keep very well that way.

Cro Magnon said...

Yup... blackberry and apple crumble here too (with a big dollop of Fromage Frais).

The Weaver of Grass said...

Mushrooms and also blackberry and apple pie for lunch. Lovely lunch out yesterday too. It is good when the land yields up its crops for free.

angryparsnip said...

This sounds so lovely, mushrooms and apple pie with blackberries. All from your land.
The most I can get is the prickly pear cactus fruit and make a jam from them. Plus the Mesquite trees seed pods can be ground to make a wonderful"masa type flour" to use.

cheers, parsnip