Thursday 21 August 2014


Well, it was a toss-up whether the weather won or we did and in the event the three fields of silage were rowed up, baled and wrapped shortly before it began to rain quite fast.   As I write this the farmer is bring the last load into the yard to stack ready for Winter.   It is always a relief when that stage is reached.   We still have several more fields to go, but that is all for the time being.

Thursday is always 'Hair' day for me and this afternoon I went straight to see friend M for the afternoon, for a nice chat and a pleasant reminisce about the old times.   It is surprising how good it is to have an afternoon like this - complete relaxation - and renewal of the spirit.   Especially in these troubled times.

I usually take Tess with me, but today I left her at home.  I am sure she would be pleased because while I was away another friend called and took her for an extra walk.  The very word 'walk' sends her into a state of ecstasy.

The news from everywhere seems particularly appalling at present.   The question is - should we listen to it or not?   I feel that we never get a true picture from the BBC News Bulletins (but then, what is the true picture, does anyone know).  One feels so helpless against all the hatred, the killing (which sadly involves the innocent as well as those fighting on the 'other side'), and the injustice.  It is hard not to feel totally complacent, but I ask - what can we do?


Aimz said...

I don't know about you but I think the news is getting worse every day and people seem to be so desensitized to it, sad sometimes...

Heather said...

I feel exactly as you do about the news. It is all quite appalling and I find it hard to believe that Man has still not found a better way of settling his differences other than blast the daylights out of his enemies.
I suppose the least we can do is to appreciate our own circumstances and give support to those less fortunate wherever possible.

Joanne Noragon said...

Sometimes we don't seek enough afternoons of relaxation and renewal. I came back from my vacation a new person and vowed to be sure I stayed that way.

Gwil W said...

We just switched over to a cowboy film. It reminded me of the news. The injuns were getting the mucky end of the stick and the cavalry were getting the medals. I wish I was in Dixie and then the end. In German too. John Ford didn't get killed, just a slight wound. It ain't like that anymore.

angryparsnip said...

It is hard to watch the news so much hate, evil and lust for power.

cheers, parsnip

Pondside said...

I can't watch the news at night. The horror, near and far. All day long I interview in a prison - that's enough sadness and cruelty for any day.

Cro Magnon said...

The world is changing, and we are experiencing its death rattle. People have too much money, we all rely on oil, and there are still folk about who believe in gods and devils. NOT a good combination.