Saturday 25 May 2013

A Nice evening out.

Last night a friend held a private view evening of her work, to which I went.   It was held in a Gallery in our little market town.
Denise Burden (go to is a painter and print-maker and her work on view last night showed just how diverse her output is and also just how much she has achieved in the past six months or so.

There is a vivacity in her print-making; she often includes words from poems in her pictures.   One of her favourite poets is Cavafy and he features quite a lot.

It was a lively evening with a good crowd, a lot of interest in her work, and a huge amount of admiration for her output.

I couldn't resist buying a print and have left it with her for framing.
The print is called 'Octet' and shows eight musicians.   One of the things I really admire is the movement she gets into things.   These people in the picture are playing vigorously and by golly you can see that in her depiction of them.You can see that same movement in her business card which shows a guitarist - there is a sweeping
movement, a fluidity, which I admire so much.

I urge you, if you live in the area, to visit the exhibition, which is at Warlands Gallery in the Market Square.   For those further afield, do go to her website and see what she has on offer.

Thanks Denise (and Alex, her husband, who is a great support) for a most interesting eveing.

The cow photograph is a brilliant rag rug she has made which looks so good hanging on the wall.


  1. I would have bought the cow rug!!

  2. I love the cow rug too, and enjoy making rag rugs myself. What an interesting range of techniques by one artist. She is a talented lady.

  3. I had a good look through the website and saw a number of works that had me go back for a second look. What talent!

  4. Yes - My vote's for the cow rug too. K loves cows and it would be perfect here!

  5. Another vote for the cow rug but, from what I can see of the prints, they look fantastic to the web site now....

  6. Love the rag rug, and also your brilliant header, Pat. Going to look at the Website - I was at an art show today and saw some great local talent, - and some not so great...

  7. Will check out the website - obviously with the name Denise she will be talented! lol!
