Thursday 23 May 2013

Horizontal sleet.

Ah the joys of the English Spring (especially with a Bank Holiday looming) - as I look out of the hall window we have horizontal sleet whizzing past and a cold North wind blowing.   Friends in Scotland on holiday must be wishing they were back home I should think.

I am having great difficulty in putting new bloggers on my side bar.
Why do they keep changing the method of doing these things I wonder - I presume it is just to confuse.  I managed to get my three new bloggers (twiglet, welsh hills again and The maple syrup mob) on to my side bar but they came up in bright red at the top.   When I put the last one on (twiglet) the other two disappeared completely.

I think the trouble with us silver surfers is that we have to keep doing things over and over again for it to be retained.   If we have a few weeks when we don't do a particular thing then when we come to do it again we have completely forgotten the routine (and no saucy comments from either John or Tom please.)

The farmer and I are both off to our Physiotherapist in a few minutes for our six-weekly going over - we come out feeling worse than when we went in but after a few days the effect is transforming.   My arthritis is getting so bad that I am looking into the possibility of getting a mobility scooter so that I can once again go down to the bottom of the lane - how I miss the wood and the fields down there.   Will the orchids be out yet?   I don't know but we shall shortly be passing in the car, so if any are out I shall get the farmer to stop and take a photograph for you.   So probably see you later. 

After lunch:   Yes the common orchids were out at the bottom of the Lane - hundreds of them.   I took this photograph from the car window.   They give me the same thrill every year.


  1. It isn't just you who has problems when they insist on changing things. My photo manager (Flickr) has just revamped everything to make it easier to use on phones and the like. I wish they'd remember we don't all surf the net that way!

    Take care with the physio. It WILL get better. But I know what it feels like after I go to the osteopath.

  2. I hate it when things change - usually when I've just got the hang of them!
    I'm seeing the chiropractor next week - he's wonderful.
    Looking forward to seeing the wild orchids. I have fond memories of bee orchids from my childhood in Bucks.

  3. I had to download a new program for my older apple lap top because firefox would stop working on it or some such nonsense, not really works now and many programs have been updated and not for the best either.
    I understand your arthritis pain. I walk with a cane but in the house I use a walker with wheels. So much easier to walk back and forth and be able to carry things.
    I have used it when daughter and I go to the farmers market. When I get tired I can sit down while we are looking around.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. It is amazing the spring changes in weather - we are in cold rain and cold temperatures - with hope of a sunny Memorial Day three day weekend here in the NW US. I sure hope so. The pretty spring flowers can give so much happiness. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I think it's thrilling seeing Orchids too. As far as losing people from the sidebar is concerned, that often happens to me and usually it's the same blogs that go. I know I've disappeared from a friend's blog a number of times too!

  6. I have given up trying to work out the changers on blogger, I don't have the time to cope with the frustration! I am off to the chiropractor today to get my aches sorted - I hope. The joys of getting older! I love the photo of the orchids. Cheers

  7. Good luck with your "going over".

  8. Blogger is being particularly obstinate at the moment, lots of people have over the last few weeks had problems, specially with photos.

    Your orchids are lovely, I wonder if ours will be out yet?
