Sunday 26 May 2013

A Gentle Walk.

As the ankle continues to improve, Tess and I went on a gentle walk yesterday.   Correction - I went on a gentle walk, Tess tore about the fields after sundry rabbits.

The sheep and lambs have settled in well and I think you will agree, look very pastoral in their pasture.   The sheep are losing their wool rapidly.   It hangs off them in great loops and every hedge bottom is full of 'scratchings'.   It must be so irritating for them.   The farmer was discussing it at the Auction Mart of Friday with fellow farmers and apparently it is happening everywhere round here this year.   They decided it is due to the weather.

In the well field the milking herd graze, their limit of grazing controlled by an electric fence.  If you look at the photograph you can clearly see how they have grazed the dandelions away as they move across the field. As the dandelions have not yet seeded, you would think that eating the heads off would mean far less dandelions next year - but not a bit of it.

At the far bottom of the pasture the sycamore is in full leaf.   At this time of the year it is the most beautiful tree and I love it dearly. Sadly, later in the year, sycamores always become really sticky-leaved and tatty - so I have to enjoy it while it is new.

The farmer has gone walking with his Rambling Group today (no fancy clothing, fancy hats or maps - these are Dalesmen who know exactly where they are going and certainly won't spend their hard earned money on fancy gear - they aren't Yorkshiremen for nothing.)

So Tess and I are on our own.   There are plenty of jobs to be done, but whether I get them done or not - in the lap of the gods.   The sun is shining and the forecast is awful - so the chances are not good.


  1. A most lovely time of year but sorry your forecast is bad.
    Loved seeing and hearing all your local news.
    Unseasonably cold here but am going to get my bike out for tomorrow which should be better.

  2. Oh dear, it looks like the sheep have been severely stressed to lose their wool. Also a pity for the loss of income.The sycamore also must have adverse conditions of some kind to become sticky late on. The stickiness is due to an insect attack and healthy trees don't usually get badly attacked.

    Glad you could get out for a measured walk today. Make hay while the sun shines, now as it clouds over you can have a well deserved rest.

    I reached my limits today by getting a handful of broad beans settled in the ground.

  3. We have to enjoy each lovely day while we have it. I am off to finish my gardening shortly and can play indoors tomorrow.
    Lovely photos, as ever Pat. You could do with a spinning wheel with all those trails of fleece hanging off the hedgerows.
    Glad the ankle is improving and am sure Tess enjoyed your company even if you didn't tear about with her!

  4. I so enjoy when you write about what is going on at the farm.
    Laughed at the photo of one side of the fields "mowed" down of dandelions by cows.
    When I lived in Laguna Beach, every spring we had goats come and eat all the weeds on the hillsides, before fire season. They all ate different plants and they were very good at munching.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. It all looks so beautiful. The tree is magnificent.

  6. Lovely photos as usual. Is losing wool a characteristic of that breed of sheep? I am only familiar with our merino sheep which don't ever do that. Are yours due for shearing soon? Glad you could go walking. Cheers

  7. Such a beautiful blue sky. I saw the gorgeous rapeseed in the Cotswolds last week. Truly an amazing yellow. Took my breath away. Love to Tess! Apple wishes she could be tearing around the back garden, but she as another two months to go before that. Her knee is healing perfectly though, and she's been an excellent patient! xo

  8. Your 'ordinary day' posts are among my favourites. Sometimes it's just right to have a day that unfolds as it will, and to be carried along with it.

  9. I don't think it is a characteristic of a particular kind of sheep, I think it is more to do with the weather we have had over the winter.

    Thanks for calling.

  10. Glad your ankle is feeling better. Sounds like a lovely day - just how I like them.
