Saturday 12 November 2011

Sod's Law

Another shooting day on our land today and after a complete week of greyity (yes, I know - I just invented the word) the sun has shone all day, just as it did on the last shoot. Quite a lot of the pheasants have ended up under our Scots Pine trees, carefully negotiating the fairy rings of toadstools which seem to have sprung up overnight with the damp weather. Clever pheasants - I think maybe it is the law of natural selection - those who are clever enough to evade the guns by scuttling up the hedgeside will survive and breed and hopefully teach these skills to their offspring.
Maybe it is wishful thinking on my part.

I have spent the morning baking as we had friends coming for afternoon tea tomorrow. Now they have just let me know that N is not well and they can't come. The next e mail was from other friends to say can they pop in this evening and see us - so I shall not have to think what I am going to give them to eat for supper. Still, get well soon N. The trouble is that as one gets older things seem to take more of a hold, as Arija says in her comment to my last post.

I don't know who it was who said that old age is not for wimps, but by golly it is very true.


  1. I read that it was Bob Hope who said that old age is not for wimps. Certainly nothing gets easier.
    Hope your friend soon recovers - at least the other friends will save you having to (a)eat more than you intended, or (b)fill the freezer with all your baking!
    Full marks for the clever pheasants taking cover under your pine trees. I love toadstools, though my husband insists they ruin the lawn.

  2. "Greyity" - what a splendid word! Pheasants do seem to learn avoiding tactics at the sound of gunfire remarkably quickly, so maybe it's some kind of inherited instict. As for old age, it's not much fun but it beats the alternative.

  3. pheasants always strike me as being a bit daft, they never seem to really like having to fly do they?

    Thanks for your comment on my blog about the sparrowhawks, we didn't get a good enough look to be sure they were a pair, but they probably were...

  4. Well, the good thing is that you are all ready for guests - whoever they are!
    My mum says that old age isn't for sissies!

  5. Greyity is a wonderful word. I think I might steal it. :)

  6. Greyity appears a PERFECTLY apt word. Older age is certainly a challenge!

  7. weaver i like that you invent new words. why not! they tell the story very well indeed. steven

  8. "I don't know who it was who said that old age is not for wimps, but by golly it is very true."

    Love it! So true, indeed.

    cheers :)

  9. 'Greyity' is a perfect word to describe the kind of weather we have been experiencing all week.

    Clever pheasants!

  10. Greyity is a fab' word. I shall watch out for its eventual appearance in the OED.

    I don't think you are wishfully thinking. I think that a very likely mechanism.
