Monday 14 November 2011

Busy weekends.

It has been a busy weekend, which is the kind I like best really.

We have a rather pukka local auction house and every now and then they have a Catalogue Sale of really super items. The sale is later this week and yesterday was the first viewing day. It is always nice to go and have a look at the lovely jewelry, furniture, china, clocks ( about twenty grandfather clocks, two of them I think could be called great-grandfather clocks as they were enormous) etc. We had a good wander round, admiring so much of it - particularly the silver. But when we got home we decided that there was not a single thing that we would like to own - nice to look at but that's all.

Later in the day we had various visitors to eat up the cake I had baked for the tea party. I have to say that the chocolate fudge cake was delicious, but note to self - do not make it again, it is irresistable and fattening. A bad combination.

Today I went to our Station cafe and arts complex to look at an exhibition and to book for Wuthering Heights at the cinema. The Yorkshire Post newspaper gave it one star and said it was a very poor version; the Times gave it four stars and said it was excellent. I will tell you what I think after tomorrow night.

To finish on a bright note. How can something so scary and creepy crawly that we all dislike (OK I admit I dislike) produce a web in the privet outside my kitchen window that catches the dew drops in the early morning and manages to look like diamonds?


  1. I feel the same about most cake and wonder if I should tear out all the pages of my cookery books with cake recipes on them?!
    I take little notice of critics having many times enjoyed a film or production which has received bad ratings.
    The webs of those unmentionable creatures are so beautiful in mist, rain or hoar frost.

  2. If we just save cake for celebrations we can survive them.

  3. Even spiders need a redeeming feature - that's why they spin beautiful webs! :)

  4. I love to see spider webs glistening in the dew. I'm not so keen on the days when they don't glisten and I walk through them as I go down my garden path. They build between the greenhouse and the clothes line, back and forth and back and forth and... I always forget until I have wet web wrapped all round my face!

  5. No cake at my house expect for special occasions, because I have NO willpower!

  6. Love the web photo. I feel the same as you. I really don't like spiders - but their wbs can be beautiful.

  7. I'm happy with spiders as long as they stay outside - on the right kind of damp morning the front garden looks like a fantasyland and I have to drag the boys to school!
    I watched the Review Show discussing the new 'Wuthering Heights' film, some mixed reactions expressed there too. Be interesting to hear what you make of it.

  8. Spiders' webs are wonderful when diamonded --
    after reading Charlotte's web to my children, I felt better about them in general!

  9. I'll check back for that review. With topography so crucial an element in the tale, you'll be able to provide an authoritative judgement!

  10. I'm off cake at the moment. You made my mouth water.

  11. I've lived in this flat for 18 years and in that time I have made three cakes...

    I like the web picture, I can't type the S word...

  12. Hope you enjoy the film! I know what you mean about the cake - now the boys are gone I don't make it, because I would be the one eating it. But they were back at the weekend, so I got to have chocolate brownies!

    Pomona x

  13. Aren't we all suffering from middle aged apread - none of us dare to eat much cake! I swear one slice of cake puts an inch round my middle.

    Pleased to hear everyone's attiude to spiders too. Thanks for replying.
