Friday 11 November 2011

An exciting parcel.

Isn't the internet wonderful? It is particularly so for people like me who are 'getting on a bit' and who live in quite an isolated spot. Daily I have communication with twenty or thirty people, all of whom seem like old friends

A few weeks ago I was chatting to Margaret of Thousand Flower Farm. Looking at the farm on Google Earth I see that I hardly know the meaning of isolation, compared with the area where Margaret lives. And yet, like me, she tells me that she gets so much companionship from the internet.

Margaret weaves, knits, grows fruit and vegetables and flowers, makes rugs - and sells these things at local markets. One of the things she makes on her loom is potholders. I said I wished I could pop into the market to meet her and buy a potholder. And lo and behold, this morning two potholders woven in the colours of my kitchen, arrived through the post.

So this is just to say thank you so much Margaret for making my day. The potholders are absolutely lovely - sturdy,colourful and a great addition to my kitchen decor. I don't think I shall dare to use them, they are much too nice.

On a completely different note - today is Remembrance Day and at 11am this morning a group of us gathered at our little town's War Memorial to pay our respects. It was a short, solemn occasion but very moving; made moreso for me by the fact that there was a class of young people from the local Comprehensive school - not only did they behave impeccably but they were also visibly moved by the occasion. Top marks to their teacher for bringing them along and top marks to him/her too for allowing them time afterwards to nip into the sweet shop and buy something - they deserved it.


  1. What a lovely surprise for you Pat. You wouldn't have been able to buy such special potholders on the Internet.
    I had a solitary 2 minute silence at home and my husband had his in Tesco's carpark. It is good that our young people are introduced to this small act of rememberance.

  2. The words on the gravestone are also very moving for me like they are for you.You have a secial reason to observe this day.
    In the Netherlands we have a similar celebration on the 4th May and 5th May is our Liberation Day.Let's always remember these brave people who died for our freedom.

  3. We enjoy our web friends!!!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  4. Today being 11/11 I went to an exhibition at a hospital were 800 children were murdered. I was the days' first visitor and spent the first half hour alone and in silence.

  5. I was just thinking as well that some of my blogger contacts feel as if I've known them for ages!
    lovely gift Pat.

  6. ps - There's a poem on my blog Poetry Rat which has a thumbnail picture link - it's called the Brush Man - and that's also a timely memorial - but to the mentally damaged survivors of war.

  7. The pot holders are lovely--what a nice surprise!

    This year I find the remembrances for veterans to be thoughtful and respectful--
    My uncle was in the Battle of the Bulge and he survived, but never recovered from the horrors of what he had witnessed.

  8. Awww...what a nice surprise. I have been caught up today in our Veterans Day too. So many to honor and thank. I am not isolated at all but still so enjoy the posts.

  9. I'm with you on the Internet. It feeds my basic needs on a daily basis.

  10. Please use them, Pat If you wreck them I'll send you more. I like to think my things get used.

  11. What a lovely surprise and like you, I so enjoy my web friends near and far !

    cheers, parsnip

  12. There's nothing like a parcel in the mail, or the kindness of a blogger, to make one's day!

  13. Much maligned at times, at times it turns up trumps. Good to hear it for the internet!

    And a cheering 11.11 story.

  14. Our blog world is wonderful! I agree with Margaret. Your pot holders should be used. What a treat!

  15. Thank you to all of you - good friends every one.

  16. Aren't they just lovely? I have to agree with you about the Internet bringing people together. I spend quite a bit of time alone and truly feel that I have friends right in front of my fingers.

  17. Indeed a poignant time Pat! I LOVE internet shopping from the comfort of my armchair - today I have purchased wire frames for my indoor wreath class next week over in the village hall. I am putting details and pictures on my blog. Dxx
