Friday 28 October 2011

It's a girl.

Our Belgian Blue Heifer had a heifer calf, born by Caesarean section quite late last night. Mother and baby are doing well. Sorry about the quality of the photograph but the lights were dim and left on for her all night and the farmer shone his torch which shows on her back - but thought you would like to see it nevertheless. The calf has beautiful big eyes.

She had her first feed through a tube into her first stomach, so that she got that early collostrum. Hopefully, by this morning, she will have fed normally, as she had moved when we went in last night really late, so she is obviously walking around.

I am out all day today and out to dinner tonight, so a pretty hectic day. Glorious sunshine here in North Yorkshire. I know I shall enjoy my day - enjoy yours, wherever you are.


  1. How lovely that she had a heifer and that they are both doing well, it's amazing to see them just after being born isn't it? Have a lovely day. Liz

  2. Yay for North Yorkshire in sunshine! Yay for the little girl calf too!

  3. Thankyou for showing us mother and baby - a big relief all round. It's a beautiful morning here after yesterday's dismal wet day. I am watching little clouds of steam rising off our neighbour's connifer hedge where the morning sun is hitting it. Everywhere is sparkling with sunlit raindrops. Have a lovely day and evening.

  4. Oh the joys of a new birth, Pat. And that it's a calf. You're lucky living on a farm. You must experience this many times, but equally I suppose you must also endure the pain of multiplied deaths, too.

    Let's all enjoy the sunshine of life.

  5. I've a bit of catching up to do where my visiting's concerned. More than I thought, as I scroll down to see what goodies you've been posting. Fear not. I shall get there. This one's a real gem. You shouldn't worry about the light etc. That adds to it. Makes it authentic.

  6. I wondered how she did. I like the authentic lighting picture. Hope mother and baby do well

  7. I'm glad to hear both are fine afer a Caesarean section--especially momma!

  8. What lovely news, shame that surgery was involved though. Wishing them well.

  9. It's a good thing that the vet isn't too far away. What beauties, mother and babe!

  10. Wow that took me back- So glad everyone is OK! I worry way to much over my mothers-to-be- our first Goat needed a c-section, it really
    cost a lot!

  11. So pleased that both mother and calf are well!

    Have a lovely day out in the sunshine :)

  12. That's a lovely picture. I'm so pleased that they are doing well.

  13. congratulations and well done to all concerned, especially mother and daughter, one of the delights of my annual farmhouse holiday is seeing the new born calves, and i am always amazed when the farm lady tells me she has been up in the middle of the night helping the farmer and then hands me my breakfast egg and pot of tea as if its just a normal day

  14. Oh, it all looks so Christmassy!

  15. awwwwwwwwwwww, so lovely.
    In yesterdays post you said that the first calf is is very difficult, and so it seemed this time.
    Will she always have a c-sections now or will the next calf be born without help ?

    Thank you for the up-date !

    cheers, parsnip

  16. I am so behind-the-farming-times Weaver, I had no idea they could do Caesareans on cows! Glad to hear all's going well and the picture is delightful.

  17. Congratulations to you and The Farmer.
    BTW I think you have spam Weaver, see above!

  18. thank you for sharing this joy!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  19. Nothing so wonderful as new births in the barn.....Charles and I send best wishes for a lovely birthday weekend Pat.

  20. Lovely meal out and mother and calf still doing well. Thank you for your concern and for the comments. Yes, I did have a lovely day.

  21. It has been pretty grey here for a day or two - horrid leaden skies. I love the dim and atmospheric photo - glad it went well.

    Pomona x

  22. Now that's what I call a birthday present and a half/calf.
    Happy birthday belatedly dear Pat . . . Hugs . . Arija
