Saturday 29 October 2011

My birthday treat.

My friend called at nine thirty in the morning yesterday, and we were off for our day out. The sun shone all day and still has warmth in it. We went first into Ripon so that she could buy me a lovely print of a hare - such a beautiful one, I shall show you it eventually. Then, after coffee, it was off to Fountains Abbey and Studley Park.

An hour's shop in the National Trust shop at Fountains means that I have done a good part of my Christmas Shopping and then a bowl of pumpkin soup in the restaurant finished off that part of the day.

The sweet chestnut trees in Studley Royal Park are just beginning to turn a lovely golden yellow. A lot of waterfowl have come in for the winter. There were a lot of people about (it is half term here) and everyone was enjoying the sunshine.

A short way away one of the three deer herds (sika, fallow and roe) was resting quietly. Nearer, a stag and a doe mated as we passed - quick affair - over in a minute - but I was only able to get this one shot and the herd is a long way away.

We drove back along the country lanes in the Autumn sunshine. The leaves are turning now and many are falling like copper pennies. Back in our little town my friend came with me to choose the right frame for my hare picture (two heads are better than one) - it is to be ready in two weeks and I look forward to hanging it on my wall (another hole in the wall, remarks the farmer).

Out in the evening for a meal with a group of friends finished the day off nicely. The highlight dish for me was lemon sole stuffed with scallops, garnished with smoked salmon and served in a lemon sauce. Delicious. Wish I had a birthday every week!

On second thoughts, no I don't - it is the rarity of this kind of day that makes it so special.


  1. What a lovely day out! And how wonderful to think that you have done a large part of your Christmas shopping already - well done. The colours of the leaves are beautiful - and the wonderful soft light.

    Pomona x

  2. You certainly had a lovely day and many happy returns of it I most sincerely wish you.

    It sounds as if you had a super day altogether.
    Loved the calf story below which I missed.

  4. a very special happy day to you weaver! steven

  5. A perfect way to spend a special day. I would love to have a picture of a hare in my home, they are such beautiful creatures.

    Your dinner would suit me perfectly, I adore fish and seafood.

    Happy Birthday!

  6. What a wonderful day out, how nice the weather cooperated. Sounds like a fabulous way to spend a Birthday Day, with some Christmas shopping tossed in for good measure.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Sounds like you had a lovely day! Happy Birthday!

  8. Wishing you a very happy birthday and plenty of 'em.

  9. So pleased you had such a lovely day.

  10. A lovely fall birthday! Happy Birthday!

    Can't wait to see the hare picture..

  11. Sounds like a wonderful Birthday, October seems to be a good month for birthdays.
    Brought back lovely memories of our visit to Fountains.

  12. Happy Birthday Pat - so pleased that the weather was kind for your day out - it sounded just my cup of tea and thankyou for sharing it with us. I love deer and hares, they are both such beautiful creatures. I look forward to seeing your print when it returns from the framer.

  13. Oh a hare picture Pat - how lovely! When our lounge is complete I am thinking about one - there are some excellent ones on the go at the moment.
    Your day sounds lovely indeedy - and pumpkin soup - how appropriate eh?
    Happy Birthday dear xxxxx

  14. Belated birthday Wishes to you - and grateful thanks for the present you have given us!

  15. Happy Birthday to you Pat! It sounds like a wonderful day with delicious food .... making my mouth water.

  16. Tell the farmer you can never have too many holes in the wall! I look forward to seeing the hare.

    Happy Birthday! (a bit late)

  17. Lovely day out!
    Please tell The Farmer that the level of comfort and cosiness in a house is closely linked to the number of nail holes in the wall - the more holes the more gemutlich the house.

  18. Wishing you a frightfully good birthday!! May everything good come your way this year! Love from Edward and me!

  19. Happy Birthday. And a useful extra hour on Sunday to recover!

  20. Thank you for participating in my birthday treat - and thank you for leaving a comment.
