Thursday 27 October 2011

A very grey day.

It is now three-thirty in the afternoon and it has not really got light yet. The farmer reminded me at lunch time that we put the clocks back this weekend, so it will be dark even earlier. Oh dear, Winter is surely on its way. I suppose I shouldn't complain; if I lived in Northern Norway it would be dark almost all day by now and I don't think I am cut out for that kind of life. Somehow I need the light to survive. But today is just one of the 'dark days before Christmas' which my mother used to complain about.

Yesterday was so different. We had our poetry meeting in a friend's conservatory - light, airy and very warm although the sun was not quite out. I can assure you that there is something very relaxing about sitting in such a place and listening to good poetry being read out and watching the world go by. A flock of Winter thrushes (fieldfare and redwing) swooped over at one point, and - dead on cue - a white pigeon flew on to the roof just as one of us was reading a lovely poem about a white fantail pigeon.

It is sad that poetry is no longer popular as it used to be. Good poetry says such truths in so few words. We had Shakespeare, Walter de la Mare, Congreve, Yeats, Auden, Pam Ayres, Carol Ann Duffy, poets from the Great war - and plenty of others. As there were only eight of us we managed to read four pieces each - and have an interesting chat about them in between. It is such a civilised afternoon and one of my favourites in the month.

Today we have a Belgian Blue heifer close to her first calving. She is pacing up and down the field and has 'bagged up well' as the farmer says. The trouble is that often this breed find first births very difficult and need vet-assistance, so we shall have to watch her carefully over the next few hours.

As it is my birthday week-end I am being taken out tomorrow by a friend to buy my present. I will post it on my blog so that you can share it on Saturday. In the meantime, if you are in this awful dismal weather - keep smiling, the sun is only just behind the clouds.


  1. Aye Pat - nights are getting darker - the hens are going to bed earlier and Ella the puss is indoors more - Winter is indeed approaching.

  2. Soon be time to hibernate - not that we can, even with just a few animals - but that is what my body would like to do during the dark months!

    I hope you don't mind me stopping by - I really wanted to thank you for the windfall apple chutney recipe - made several batches now and it is delicious.

  3. It's a lovely shade of gray over here too!

  4. Happy Birthday Pat, when it gets here.
    It's been dismal and wet all day here too, but I took pleasure from the autumn colours which are really beginning to show now and lighten the gloom a little.
    Your poetry reading sounds most interesting. I am ignorant of many fine poets and need to read more.
    Hope the heifer calves safely and that the farmer doesn't have to be up all night.

  5. I too hope that the calving will be easy. Your poetry afternoon sounds lovely, I feel though that I should nod off to the soothing sounds of verse, it doesn't take much!

    We have grey weather today too, the first for quite a few weeks and I have felt chilly as well.

    Have a very happy birthday and enjoy all the celebrations.

  6. 'Twas indeed a darksome and drear day, my friend. But at about 3:30 today I was sitting in the gloom when I noticed some small birds, probably Goldfinch, on the tree outside my window. I picked up the binoculars to watch for a few minutes - Goldfinch, yes, but also Siskins and a Redpoll. Winter is here!

  7. It has been a very dismal day; dark and grey and damp.

    Your poetry reading sounds excellent! Poetry really NEEDS to be read aloud to be fully appreciated. Take heart. It's surprising how many children enjoy poetry books :)

  8. Dark and dreary hear as well. Happy Birthday!

  9. The boys call it an "Inside break/Outside break" day - they start off break playing outside, heavy shower comes and they all dash inside, then stops and they're back out again. Ad infinitum today!

  10. gosh this post says so much about the texture of your life, and so much about life. . .

    intimate and always a very worthwhile visit with you . . .

    Very Happy Birthday!!!

    Fond Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  11. Here's an early Happy Birthday for you, Pat. I'm off for the other side of the country and a visit with my son. bliss!

  12. Enjoy a wonderful birthday, Weaver! They do seem to roll around more quickly, don't they?
