Tuesday 21 February 2023

Goodbye Jack.

My friend J took a photograph 

of my "lover" (I posted about him the other day) sitting on my knee.  I have managed  to put it on here.   J  has fostered Jack (a Border Terrier) for six months while his owners were in Thailand.   They are back and are collecting him next week - I shall miss seeing him.   J is bringing him to see me once more before he goes.


  1. That's lovely! - Pam

  2. I fully understand. I've fallen for dogs that weren't mine, and never would be, twice. I still think about those dogs.

  3. Having a photo of Jack will always bring fond memories. He seems like a lovely boy.

  4. The photo is brilliant Pat, so nice to see you again.

  5. Nice to see you, Pat, and Jack is a lap-full but so cute! Hope you have the photo framed.


  6. That is a lovely photo of you both. You are looking well!

  7. Aww! I love seeing you and your friend Jack. Beautiful photo!

  8. His expression tells me why he's your lover. What a lovely personality. First time I've seen your new haircut. It looks great! Pat in Pennsylvania

  9. That is a lovely photograph, and Jack is very handsome. X

  10. Absolutely lovely photo of you & Jack!
    Thanks ever so much for sharing it, and for sharing so very much of your life & thoughts with us all.
    Stay safe & well.

  11. Lovely to see you and your lover, Pat!

  12. You look amazing and so does Jack.

  13. What a wonderful photo! You both look fabulous!

  14. You look fantastic. Maybe change your profile picture for the one with Jack.

  15. What a great portrait of lovely you and Jack! Perhaps Jack’s owners will bring him by to visit you once in awhile. I’ve often thought that a service should exist that brings well behaved small dogs or cats for visits to seniors living on their own. Similar to what they do to hospitals and care homes. 15 minutes with a dog or cat can bring many hours of joy.

  16. You both look wonderful - lovely to see you again x
    Wendy (Wales)

  17. Lovely photo. Dogs are just the bestxx

  18. That is a great photo of you and Jack. I'd consider framing it. You and Jack take a beautiful picture.

  19. You look wonderful Pat. Thanks for sharing this photo with us. Jackie from Georgia USA

  20. What a lovely photo. I hope Jacks owners bring him back to visit you from time to time.

  21. It’s a long time we’ve seen your face lovely xx

  22. How lovely to see you! A gorgeous picture of you and Jack xx

  23. Lovely picture of both of you! Love your hair!

  24. Lovely photo of you and Jack. Such a dear little dog. We have to get our doggie fixes whenever possible don't we? I shall get mine tomorrow when my daughter and son-in-law pop in with their Jack Russell.

  25. You should make that your picture on your blog! It's wonderful to see what you look like at the present time and I can see why you fell in love with Jack! ❤🐕

  26. What a great photo of you both.

  27. Lost my heart to a terrier also. What a delightful picture. Emma

  28. Thanks for the photo now we all know what you look like at the present moment, and your dog friend too !!

  29. That Jack is a beautiful boy, especially on your lap.

  30. You look terrific!
    Wonderful picture.
    Best wishes to you

  31. Sweet picture, you look so happy with your little friend. Someone find a dog visitor for Pat! You never know what's out there. My sister has volunteered as a dog walker for seniors so I feel there must be something out there for you. I know dog walking groups are a thing, maybe a query could go out to them, word of mouth. Put your thinking caps everyone.

  32. A great picture! You both look so happy, and I think you really don´t look your age. Maybe Jack can visit your friend and then you once in a while?
    The wall hanging or picture on your left behind you look so interesting. What is it?
    Hilde in Germany

  33. A nice wee hound..good to have a photo to keep

  34. Lovely boy. Dogs give us such pleasure.

  35. I'll join the chorus: It is great to see you and your "sweetheart"!
    If I remember correctly, this is the first time we see you since you changed your hairstyle a few years ago. It suits you very well.

  36. The dog is bigger than I imagined he would be. Much bigger. Your photo is very nice and you look young and like your son, or your son looks like you. Did you have a photo taken of you, your son and grandson when he came? I remember you saying how like your son your grandson is so the three of you together would surely look like triplets.

  37. You both look sweet, and you still have the rest of the dog pack on the estate to see as they potter past.

  38. You both look gorgeous. Have you thought about kidnapping?

  39. Rachel - my son took a video of my grandson and me looking at the map of China but he hasn't sent it to me yet.

    Thanks everyone. Now that I have suddenly realised I can use copy and paste I shall hopefully begin to put photos on again.

  40. What a lovely photo. That hair style really suits you and I think you look younger than on your profile photo. I echo as others have said that that would make a good replacement profile photo. I also thought that Jack was bigger than I was expecting.

  41. Thank you sharing a most delightful photo. Dogs are just the best. Thank you also for sharing bits of your many years, I look forward each morning to our visit.

  42. Absolutely lovely photo Weave. Wish I could bring my Dottie dog over to visit and sit with you. She'd be in heaven. And I spy Gayle's Scottie dog card right behind you! I too keep mine on display.
