Wednesday 22 February 2023


 Yesterday was a bit of a Crisis day - nothing that wasn't laughable afterwards but I kept getting a bit 'flustered' shall we say.

First of all - last week I bought two new pairs of trousers.   Most of the day I sit in my chair (with forays to keep me mobile -even into the garden weather permitting).  I don't wear my 'best trousers' - they are kept for the rare occasions when I go out.  They arrived (I ordered them on line - Special Offer from 'Chums' - and the order went through easily, the trousers arrived promptly - they were just right and easy for me to manipulate when no carer is around (believe me this is vital - wearing 'nappy' type protection is horrible without going into detail) and they fitted to perfection.   I decided to order two more pairs in a different colour.  I went on line yesterday morning and it was one of my 'shaky days' as I call them (I have Benign Essential Tremor) and on such days it is hard to hit the right key.   When I got to the check-out I was ordering 8 pairs rather than 2!  So I decided to telephone my order,  I have to say I got through to an absolutely delightful salesman.   I explained I was 90 and very deaf.   He kindly steered me through - repeating everything as often as I requested and I had confirmation they will be on their way today.  I intend to e mail Chums after this post telling them how good he was.

In the afternoon one of the two lights in my kitchen went off.  My lack of electrical knowledge means I can't explain them but they are wonderful LED lamps and there are no visible bulbs - the whole unit has to be replaced.   I rang my electrical contractor who only lives at the end of the road - he came immediately, dismantled the whole thing, read and noted the code for replacement and went off, promising to return when the right parts arrived (he ordered on line).

Ten minutes after he left my evening carer arrived - she put out the recycling bags (kept in the garage) and then came into the sitting room to report that the garage door (up and over) wouldn't close! I rang the electrician again and he came immediately - it was the batteries in the  bottom of the door.   Luckily I had two left over from last time they went off and soon that was repaired too.

It was good to sit down with my corned beef, cheese and onion spread and mayo sandwiches and a cup of tea.

Still -silly little things which I would have dealt with in my stride ten years ago.   But all's well that ends well!

Have a good day.   The lady that cleans for me is here - we have had a good chat and now I can hear the cleaner buzzing away.  After lunch I shall have a stroll into the garden if the sun is still shining.


  1. It sounds to me as though you dealt with these "crises" rather well. There can't be many 90-year-olds who would attempt to order stuff online.

  2. All things considered, your succesion of minor "cises" went to show how well you handled them - you knew how to get help each time, and each time, help arrived promptly!
    You have great people near you; friends, neighbours, carers, electricians... And it says a lot about you that you intend to write to Chums and tell them about your helpful and friendly salesman.
    Hopefully, you were able to enjoy a bit of sunshine in your garden today. We have been having a succession of beautiful sunny days, but from tomorrow onwards, some rain and much colder temperatures are forecast. It is still winter, after all, even though the sunshine, birdsong and longer daylight hours are signs of spring.

  3. You are managing very well! You have a great system set up that helps you stay in your home. I am so glad you have such caring, helpful people around to assist you.

  4. You seem to have taken it all in your stride and can obviously cope with whatever gets thrown your way.

  5. Trousers, lamps, garage door - always in threes in my house as well!

  6. For weeks everything goes swimmingly well and all of a sudden things go wrong in 3's. Really, we just have to laugh. You've managed very well and all is good. Your problem solving skills are stellar.

  7. you have me smiling here weaver....extra trousers could always come in handy....!!!

  8. I have no idea who invented the lights that have to have the whole thing replaced but they are Very Annoying . I have them here for the first time.
    The theory is that the bulbs last for ages and are low energy and save money but are they really money savers when the whole thing has to be replaced. Of course car lights are the same nowadays too.
    You have a very handily located electrician!

  9. Oh goodness me ! 🙄 Wishing you a beautiful evening 🌞 💐

  10. Methinks you managed the bothers nicely and am glad you had good help just phone calls away.
    It is no small matter that you've found slacks that fit, are comfortable, and are easy to get on! Wise of you to get two more pairs.


  11. Move over Super Woman - Pat is getting my vote! I hope 10.5 years from now when I hit 90 I can function as well as you do dear X

  12. Handy that your electrician is so handy!

  13. An eventful day..but not atall boring!!

  14. It sounds like a busy day for anyone. It's the little things, like a broken light or a garage door that won't work, that are harder to deal with sometimes than the big things. Glad it all got sorted.

  15. We used to tease my mom that she made mountains out of molehills. Now that we are old we think there are no molehills, everything is a mountain! But like you, we persevere, and are proud of ourselves for doing so!

  16. At least everything was sorted out and you knew who to contact for assistance. It's a devil trying to be independent sometimes, isn't it? Have a quiet day tomorrow - that's what I would do.

  17. Well done! It certainly helps when any necessary responses you need are prompt and polite.- Pam.

  18. I think you are quite amazing ,and kindhearted too, with the thought to reach out and thank Chums!

  19. These problems would challenge me but I wouldn't order any pants!!!

  20. It truly never ends, and consumed your day from beginning to end!

  21. What a ghastly day for you - and you coped magnificently! I am surprised you didn't go to bed and pull the covers up over your head! I would've been sorely tempted to do just that! My darling aunt had a Benign Essential Tremor too, and it used to drive her crazy, so you have my sympathy and appreciation.

    Isn't it crazy when instead of a simple one part replacement it's whole chuck it out and start again. I've a light fitting with ONE broken clip, and the whole darned thing has to be replaced. So wasteful! I've taken to writing with a permanent Marker the date I put in a new battery - some last well, and others no time at all. I've no explanation for that either. Sometimes, life is just difficult!

  22. Nothing really in the grander scale of living. A few pairs of trousers, an electrician to fix you, and a woman to clean. Life in the Dales sounds good to me.

  23. If a man does his job properly, as he should and we should be able to take this for granted as we once did, then your thanks on the line at the time are sufficient.

  24. Thanks. Lovely day here to cheer the spirit.

  25. It all seems to happen at once, eh?

  26. Impressive that you handled the ordering issue so well! And your electrician must be a real jewel. What a blessing to have him so close and available.

  27. You handled these crises in great style, from ordering online and by phone to having the electrician come over. Well done!
