Saturday 15 October 2022


I am so glad that I vowed a long time ago not to be political on my posts - alright I have slipped back a bit now and again but on the whole I have kept my promise haven't I? 

The other non ending debate of course is the weather.   We had a lovely day about three days ago, since when it has gone steadily downhill.  - this evening is clear-skied very chillyand frost forecast- so that is farewell to my autumn flowers.

I made myself go for a short walk = I shall keep it up as long as I can.   My son came for half an hour and filled a few more in in The Times crossword.   My paperboy is not my favourite person this morning.  When he came it was pouring with rain and he left the paper half in/half out of the letter box.   By the time my carer saw it the top half was sopping wet.   It wasn't dry until it had   been draped about until mid afternoon.   I must watch out for him in the morning.

See you tomorrow.


  1. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes tomorrow!

  2. I don't understand your heading or your first paragraph. Why mention it at all? I am sorry the paperboy made a mistake in leaving the paper half in and half out. I suspect the paper is fairly thick wadge on a Saturday morning and a little difficult to get through the letter box.

  3. After reading today‘s post‘s headline, I expected something completely different, too.
    Anyway - I like the idea of you and your son completing the crossword together.
    It has been unseasonably mild today and is supposed to be even warmer tomorrow - well above 20C.

  4. I can stand a soggy newspaper either. Naughty post boy!
    Grey and damp and almost chilly this morning but it brightened during the day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Temperatures are all over the place just now and it is difficult to judge the number of layers of clothing needed before venturing out.

  5. Weather and politics are two things we all have to kind of take into stride ... grin 😆 and bear 🐻 it!!
    Please don't be too hard on your newspaper boy ... after all, he was also out in the rain! ☔

  6. Your choice to stay silent or neutral on political topics is understandable. We had a clear blue sky and sunshine today. The leaves are falling.

  7. I try to avoid discussing another country's politics because it seems to give offense that I have opinions or maybe people think it is not my business. I do not know. I do feel my own country suffers because quite suddenly politics cannot be discussed at all.

  8. I am quite prone to discussing politics, but only when things really annoy me.

  9. We have had a paperlady for more than twenty years, she is in her sixties now. The paper is in the letter box at 5 AM each day, and she always makes sure the flap is closed again.
